You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

306 lines
11 KiB

import re
from parso.python import tree
from jedi._compatibility import zip_longest
from jedi import debug
from jedi.evaluate import analysis
from jedi.evaluate.lazy_context import LazyKnownContext, LazyKnownContexts, \
LazyTreeContext, get_merged_lazy_context
from jedi.evaluate.filters import ParamName
from jedi.evaluate.base_context import NO_CONTEXTS
from jedi.evaluate.context import iterable
from jedi.evaluate.param import get_executed_params, ExecutedParam
def try_iter_content(types, depth=0):
"""Helper method for static analysis."""
if depth > 10:
# It's possible that a loop has references on itself (especially with
# CompiledObject). Therefore don't loop infinitely.
for typ in types:
f = typ.py__iter__
except AttributeError:
for lazy_context in f():
try_iter_content(lazy_context.infer(), depth + 1)
def repack_with_argument_clinic(string, keep_arguments_param=False):
Transforms a function or method with arguments to the signature that is
given as an argument clinic notation.
Argument clinic is part of CPython and used for all the functions that are
implemented in C (Python 3.7):
# Results in: '($self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1)'
clinic_args = list(_parse_argument_clinic(string))
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if keep_arguments_param:
arguments = kwargs['arguments']
arguments = kwargs.pop('arguments')
args += tuple(_iterate_argument_clinic(arguments, clinic_args))
except ValueError:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
def _iterate_argument_clinic(arguments, parameters):
"""Uses a list with argument clinic information (see PEP 436)."""
iterator = arguments.unpack()
for i, (name, optional, allow_kwargs) in enumerate(parameters):
key, argument = next(iterator, (None, None))
if key is not None:
debug.warning('Keyword arguments in argument clinic are currently not supported.')
raise ValueError
if argument is None and not optional:
debug.warning('TypeError: %s expected at least %s arguments, got %s',
name, len(parameters), i)
raise ValueError
context_set = NO_CONTEXTS if argument is None else argument.infer()
if not context_set and not optional:
# For the stdlib we always want values. If we don't get them,
# that's ok, maybe something is too hard to resolve, however,
# we will not proceed with the evaluation of that function.
debug.warning('argument_clinic "%s" not resolvable.', name)
raise ValueError
yield context_set
def _parse_argument_clinic(string):
allow_kwargs = False
optional = False
while string:
# Optional arguments have to begin with a bracket. And should always be
# at the end of the arguments. This is therefore not a proper argument
# clinic implementation. `range()` for exmple allows an optional start
# value at the beginning.
match = re.match('(?:(?:(\[),? ?|, ?|)(\w+)|, ?/)\]*', string)
string = string[len(]
if not # A slash -> allow named arguments
allow_kwargs = True
optional = optional or bool(
word =
yield (word, optional, allow_kwargs)
class AbstractArguments(object):
context = None
argument_node = None
trailer = None
def eval_all(self, funcdef=None):
Evaluates all arguments as a support for static analysis
(normally Jedi).
for key, lazy_context in self.unpack():
types = lazy_context.infer()
def get_calling_nodes(self):
return []
def unpack(self, funcdef=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_executed_params(self, execution_context):
return get_executed_params(execution_context, self)
class AnonymousArguments(AbstractArguments):
def get_executed_params(self, execution_context):
from jedi.evaluate.dynamic import search_params
return search_params(
def __repr__(self):
return '%s()' % self.__class__.__name__
class TreeArguments(AbstractArguments):
def __init__(self, evaluator, context, argument_node, trailer=None):
The argument_node is either a parser node or a list of evaluated
objects. Those evaluated objects may be lists of evaluated objects
themselves (one list for the first argument, one for the second, etc).
:param argument_node: May be an argument_node or a list of nodes.
self.argument_node = argument_node
self.context = context
self._evaluator = evaluator
self.trailer = trailer # Can be None, e.g. in a class definition.
def _split(self):
if self.argument_node is None:
# Allow testlist here as well for Python2's class inheritance
# definitions.
if not (self.argument_node.type in ('arglist', 'testlist') or (
# in python 3.5 **arg is an argument, not arglist
(self.argument_node.type == 'argument') and
self.argument_node.children[0] in ('*', '**'))):
yield 0, self.argument_node
iterator = iter(self.argument_node.children)
for child in iterator:
if child == ',':
elif child in ('*', '**'):
yield len(child.value), next(iterator)
elif child.type == 'argument' and \
child.children[0] in ('*', '**'):
assert len(child.children) == 2
yield len(child.children[0].value), child.children[1]
yield 0, child
def unpack(self, funcdef=None):
named_args = []
for star_count, el in self._split():
if star_count == 1:
arrays = self.context.eval_node(el)
iterators = [_iterate_star_args(self.context, a, el, funcdef)
for a in arrays]
for values in list(zip_longest(*iterators)):
# TODO zip_longest yields None, that means this would raise
# an exception?
yield None, get_merged_lazy_context(
[v for v in values if v is not None]
elif star_count == 2:
arrays = self.context.eval_node(el)
for dct in arrays:
for key, values in _star_star_dict(self.context, dct, el, funcdef):
yield key, values
if el.type == 'argument':
c = el.children
if len(c) == 3: # Keyword argument.
named_args.append((c[0].value, LazyTreeContext(self.context, c[2]),))
else: # Generator comprehension.
# Include the brackets with the parent.
comp = iterable.GeneratorComprehension(
self._evaluator, self.context, self.argument_node.parent)
yield None, LazyKnownContext(comp)
yield None, LazyTreeContext(self.context, el)
# Reordering var_args is necessary, because star args sometimes appear
# after named argument, but in the actual order it's prepended.
for named_arg in named_args:
yield named_arg
def as_tree_tuple_objects(self):
for star_count, argument in self._split():
if argument.type == 'argument':
argument, default = argument.children[::2]
default = None
yield argument, default, star_count
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.argument_node)
def get_calling_nodes(self):
from jedi.evaluate.dynamic import DynamicExecutedParams
old_arguments_list = []
arguments = self
while arguments not in old_arguments_list:
if not isinstance(arguments, TreeArguments):
for name, default, star_count in reversed(list(arguments.as_tree_tuple_objects())):
if not star_count or not isinstance(name, tree.Name):
names = self._evaluator.goto(arguments.context, name)
if len(names) != 1:
if not isinstance(names[0], ParamName):
param = names[0].get_param()
if isinstance(param, DynamicExecutedParams):
# For dynamic searches we don't even want to see errors.
return []
if not isinstance(param, ExecutedParam):
if param.var_args is None:
arguments = param.var_args
if arguments.argument_node is not None:
return [arguments.argument_node]
if arguments.trailer is not None:
return [arguments.trailer]
return []
class ValuesArguments(AbstractArguments):
def __init__(self, values_list):
self._values_list = values_list
def unpack(self, funcdef=None):
for values in self._values_list:
yield None, LazyKnownContexts(values)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._values_list)
def _iterate_star_args(context, array, input_node, funcdef=None):
iter_ = array.py__iter__
except AttributeError:
if funcdef is not None:
# TODO this funcdef should not be needed.
m = "TypeError: %s() argument after * must be a sequence, not %s" \
% (, array)
analysis.add(context, 'type-error-star', input_node, message=m)
for lazy_context in iter_():
yield lazy_context
def _star_star_dict(context, array, input_node, funcdef):
from jedi.evaluate.context.instance import CompiledInstance
if isinstance(array, CompiledInstance) and == 'dict':
# For now ignore this case. In the future add proper iterators and just
# make one call without crazy isinstance checks.
return {}
elif isinstance(array, iterable.Sequence) and array.array_type == 'dict':
return array.exact_key_items()
if funcdef is not None:
m = "TypeError: %s argument after ** must be a mapping, not %s" \
% (, array)
analysis.add(context, 'type-error-star-star', input_node, message=m)
return {}