213 lines
12 KiB

# ATTENTION! HERE IS NO Relative import because it will be imported dynamically
# All function check the flag SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool == True else no cammand is processed
# All functions can return None, Bool or Dict { "IsSuccessful": True }
from . import CMDStr # Create CMD Strings
from . import Connector # RDP API
from . import ConnectorExceptions # Exceptions
import time # sleep function
import psutil
gSettings = None # Gsettings will be initialized after the import module
# Create new RDPSession in RobotRDPActive
def RDPSessionConnect(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inHostStr, inPortStr, inLoginStr, inPasswordStr, inRedirectClipboardBool = True):
global gSettings
# ATTENTION - dont connect if RDP session is exist
if inRDPSessionKeyStr not in gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"]:
lRDPConfigurationItem = { # Init the configuration item
"Host": inHostStr, # Host address, example ""
"Port": inPortStr, # RDP Port, example "3389"
"Login": inLoginStr, # Login, example "test"
"Password": inPasswordStr, # Password, example "test"
"Screen": {
"Width": 1680, # Width of the remote desktop in pixels, example 1680
"Height": 1050, # Height of the remote desktop in pixels, example 1050
# "640x480" or "1680x1050" or "FullScreen". If Resolution not exists set full screen, example
"FlagUseAllMonitors": False, # True or False, example False
"DepthBit": "32" # "32" or "24" or "16" or "15", example "32"
"SharedDriveList": ["c"], # List of the Root sesion hard drives, example ["c"]
"RedirectClipboardBool": inRedirectClipboardBool, # True - share clipboard to RDP; False - else
###### Will updated in program ############
"SessionHex": "77777sdfsdf77777dsfdfsf77777777", # Hex is created when robot runs, example ""
"SessionIsWindowExistBool": False, # Flag if the RDP window is exist, old name "FlagSessionIsActive". Check every n seconds , example False
"SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool": False, # Flag if RDP window is responsible (recieve commands). Check every nn seconds. If window is Responsible - window is Exist too , example False
"SessionIsIgnoredBool": False # Flag to ignore RDP window False - dont ignore, True - ignore, example False
gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr] = lRDPConfigurationItem # Add item in RDPList
Connector.Session(lRDPConfigurationItem) # Create the RDP session
Connector.SystemRDPWarningClickOk() # Click all warning messages
return True
# Disconnect the RDP session
def RDPSessionDisconnect(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inBreakTriggerProcessWOExeList = []):
global gSettings
lSessionHex = gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None)
if lSessionHex:
lProcessListResult = {"ProcessWOExeList":[],"ProcessDetailList":[]}
if len(inBreakTriggerProcessWOExeList) > 0:
lProcessListResult = ProcessListGet(inProcessNameWOExeList=inBreakTriggerProcessWOExeList) # Run the task manager monitor
if len(lProcessListResult["ProcessWOExeList"]) == 0: # Start disconnect if no process exist
Connector.SystemRDPWarningClickOk() # Click all warning messages
return True
# RDP Session reconnect
def RDPSessionReconnect(inRDPSessionKeyStr):
global gSettings
lRDPConfigurationItem = gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr]
RDPSessionDisconnect(inRDPSessionKeyStr=inRDPSessionKeyStr) # Disconnect the RDP
# Add item in RDPList
gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr] = lRDPConfigurationItem
# Create the RDP session
return True
# Stop track the RDP session. Current def dont kill RDP session - only stop to track it (it can give )
def RDPSessionMonitorStop(inRDPSessionKeyStr):
global gSettings
lResult = True
gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].pop(inRDPSessionKeyStr,None) # Remove item from RDPList
return lResult
# Logoff the RDP session
def RDPSessionLogoff(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inBreakTriggerProcessWOExeList = []):
global gSettings
lResult = True
lCMDStr = "shutdown -L" # CMD logoff command
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None)
if lSessionHex:
lProcessListResult = {"ProcessWOExeList":[],"ProcessDetailList":[]}
if len(inBreakTriggerProcessWOExeList) > 0:
lProcessListResult = ProcessListGet(inProcessNameWOExeList=inBreakTriggerProcessWOExeList) # Run the task manager monitor
if len(lProcessListResult["ProcessWOExeList"]) == 0: # Start logoff if no process exist
# Run CMD - dont crosscheck because CMD dont return value to the clipboard when logoff
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="RUN", inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr])
gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].pop(inRDPSessionKeyStr,None) # Remove item from RDPList
return lResult
# Check RDP Session responsibility TODO NEED DEV + TEST
def RDPSessionResponsibilityCheck(inRDPSessionKeyStr):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lRDPConfigurationItem = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr] # Get the alias
# set the fullscreen
# ATTENTION!!! Session hex can be updated!!!
Connector.SessionScreenFull(inSessionHex=lRDPConfigurationItem["SessionHex"], inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr])
# Check RDP responsibility
lDoCheckResponsibilityBool = True
lDoCheckResponsibilityCountMax = 20
lDoCheckResponsibilityCountCurrent = 0
while lDoCheckResponsibilityBool:
# Check if counter is exceed - raise exception
if lDoCheckResponsibilityCountCurrent >= lDoCheckResponsibilityCountMax:
#raise ConnectorExceptions.SessionWindowNotResponsibleError("Error when initialize the RDP session - RDP window is not responding!")
# Check responding
lDoCheckResponsibilityBool = not Connector.SystemRDPIsResponsible(inSessionHexStr = lRDPConfigurationItem["SessionHex"])
# Wait if is not responding
if lDoCheckResponsibilityBool:
# increase the couter
return True
# Start process if it is not running
def RDPSessionProcessStartIfNotRunning(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inProcessNameWEXEStr, inFilePathStr, inFlagGetAbsPathBool=True):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lResult = True
lCMDStr = CMDStr.ProcessStartIfNotRunning(inProcessNameWEXEStr, inFilePathStr, inFlagGetAbsPath= inFlagGetAbsPathBool)
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None)
# Run CMD
if lSessionHex:
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="CROSSCHECK", inLogger=gSettings["Logger"],
return lResult
def RDPSessionCMDRun(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inCMDStr, inModeStr="CROSSCHECK"):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lResult = True
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None)
# Run CMD
if lSessionHex:
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=inCMDStr, inModeStr=inModeStr, inLogger=gSettings["Logger"],
return lResult
# Create CMD str to stop process
def RDPSessionProcessStop(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inProcessNameWEXEStr, inFlagForceCloseBool):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lResult = True
lCMDStr = f'taskkill /im "{inProcessNameWEXEStr}" /fi "username eq %USERNAME%"'
if inFlagForceCloseBool:
lCMDStr+= " /F"
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None)
# Run CMD
if lSessionHex:
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="CROSSCHECK", inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr])
return lResult
# Send file from Host to Session RDP using shared drive in RDP
def RDPSessionFileStoredSend(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inHostFilePathStr, inRDPFilePathStr):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lResult = True
lCMDStr = CMDStr.FileStoredSend(inHostFilePath = inHostFilePathStr, inRDPFilePath = inRDPFilePathStr)
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr, {}).get("SessionHex", None)
#lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr]["SessionHex"]
# Run CMD
if lSessionHex:
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="LISTEN", inClipboardTimeoutSec = 120, inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr])
return lResult
# Recieve file from Session RDP to Host using shared drive in RDP
def RDPSessionFileStoredRecieve(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inRDPFilePathStr, inHostFilePathStr):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lResult = True
lCMDStr = CMDStr.FileStoredRecieve(inRDPFilePath = inRDPFilePathStr, inHostFilePath = inHostFilePathStr)
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None)
# Run CMD
if lSessionHex:
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="LISTEN", inClipboardTimeoutSec = 120, inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr])
return lResult
# # # # # # # Technical defs # # # # # # # # # # # #
#Check activity of the list of processes
def ProcessListGet(inProcessNameWOExeList=[]):
'''Get list of running process sorted by Memory Usage and filtered by inProcessNameWOExeList'''
lMapUPPERInput = {} # Mapping for processes WO exe
lResult = {"ProcessWOExeList":[],"ProcessDetailList":[]}
# Create updated list for quick check
lProcessNameWOExeList = []
for lItem in inProcessNameWOExeList:
if lItem is not None:
lMapUPPERInput[f"{lItem.upper()}.EXE"]= lItem
# #
# Iterate over the list
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
# Fetch process details as dict
pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'name', 'username'])
pinfo['vms'] = proc.memory_info().vms / (1024 * 1024)
pinfo['NameWOExeUpperStr'] = pinfo['name'][:-4].upper()
# Add if empty inProcessNameWOExeList or if process in inProcessNameWOExeList
if len(lProcessNameWOExeList)==0 or pinfo['name'].upper() in lProcessNameWOExeList:
pinfo['NameWOExeStr'] = lMapUPPERInput[pinfo['name'].upper()]
lResult["ProcessDetailList"].append(pinfo) # Append dict to list
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):
return lResult