350 lines
12 KiB
350 lines
12 KiB
import http.cookies
import json
import os
import stat
import sys
import typing
from email.utils import formatdate
from functools import partial
from mimetypes import guess_type as mimetypes_guess_type
from urllib.parse import quote
import anyio
from starlette._compat import md5_hexdigest
from starlette.background import BackgroundTask
from starlette.concurrency import iterate_in_threadpool
from starlette.datastructures import URL, MutableHeaders
from starlette.types import Receive, Scope, Send
# Workaround for adding samesite support to pre 3.8 python
http.cookies.Morsel._reserved["samesite"] = "SameSite" # type: ignore
# Compatibility wrapper for `mimetypes.guess_type` to support `os.PathLike` on <py3.8
def guess_type(
url: typing.Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"], strict: bool = True
) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[str], typing.Optional[str]]:
if sys.version_info < (3, 8): # pragma: no cover
url = os.fspath(url)
return mimetypes_guess_type(url, strict)
class Response:
media_type = None
charset = "utf-8"
def __init__(
content: typing.Any = None,
status_code: int = 200,
headers: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, str]] = None,
media_type: typing.Optional[str] = None,
background: typing.Optional[BackgroundTask] = None,
) -> None:
self.status_code = status_code
if media_type is not None:
self.media_type = media_type
self.background = background
self.body = self.render(content)
def render(self, content: typing.Any) -> bytes:
if content is None:
return b""
if isinstance(content, bytes):
return content
return content.encode(self.charset)
def init_headers(
self, headers: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, str]] = None
) -> None:
if headers is None:
raw_headers: typing.List[typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = []
populate_content_length = True
populate_content_type = True
raw_headers = [
(k.lower().encode("latin-1"), v.encode("latin-1"))
for k, v in headers.items()
keys = [h[0] for h in raw_headers]
populate_content_length = b"content-length" not in keys
populate_content_type = b"content-type" not in keys
body = getattr(self, "body", None)
if (
body is not None
and populate_content_length
and not (self.status_code < 200 or self.status_code in (204, 304))
content_length = str(len(body))
raw_headers.append((b"content-length", content_length.encode("latin-1")))
content_type = self.media_type
if content_type is not None and populate_content_type:
if content_type.startswith("text/"):
content_type += "; charset=" + self.charset
raw_headers.append((b"content-type", content_type.encode("latin-1")))
self.raw_headers = raw_headers
def headers(self) -> MutableHeaders:
if not hasattr(self, "_headers"):
self._headers = MutableHeaders(raw=self.raw_headers)
return self._headers
def set_cookie(
key: str,
value: str = "",
max_age: typing.Optional[int] = None,
expires: typing.Optional[int] = None,
path: str = "/",
domain: typing.Optional[str] = None,
secure: bool = False,
httponly: bool = False,
samesite: str = "lax",
) -> None:
cookie: http.cookies.BaseCookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie()
cookie[key] = value
if max_age is not None:
cookie[key]["max-age"] = max_age
if expires is not None:
cookie[key]["expires"] = expires
if path is not None:
cookie[key]["path"] = path
if domain is not None:
cookie[key]["domain"] = domain
if secure:
cookie[key]["secure"] = True
if httponly:
cookie[key]["httponly"] = True
if samesite is not None:
assert samesite.lower() in [
], "samesite must be either 'strict', 'lax' or 'none'"
cookie[key]["samesite"] = samesite
cookie_val = cookie.output(header="").strip()
self.raw_headers.append((b"set-cookie", cookie_val.encode("latin-1")))
def delete_cookie(
key: str,
path: str = "/",
domain: typing.Optional[str] = None,
secure: bool = False,
httponly: bool = False,
samesite: str = "lax",
) -> None:
async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
await send(
"type": "http.response.start",
"status": self.status_code,
"headers": self.raw_headers,
await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": self.body})
if self.background is not None:
await self.background()
class HTMLResponse(Response):
media_type = "text/html"
class PlainTextResponse(Response):
media_type = "text/plain"
class JSONResponse(Response):
media_type = "application/json"
def __init__(
content: typing.Any,
status_code: int = 200,
headers: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
media_type: typing.Optional[str] = None,
background: typing.Optional[BackgroundTask] = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(content, status_code, headers, media_type, background)
def render(self, content: typing.Any) -> bytes:
return json.dumps(
separators=(",", ":"),
class RedirectResponse(Response):
def __init__(
url: typing.Union[str, URL],
status_code: int = 307,
headers: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, str]] = None,
background: typing.Optional[BackgroundTask] = None,
) -> None:
content=b"", status_code=status_code, headers=headers, background=background
self.headers["location"] = quote(str(url), safe=":/%#?=@[]!$&'()*+,;")
class StreamingResponse(Response):
def __init__(
content: typing.Any,
status_code: int = 200,
headers: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, str]] = None,
media_type: typing.Optional[str] = None,
background: typing.Optional[BackgroundTask] = None,
) -> None:
if isinstance(content, typing.AsyncIterable):
self.body_iterator = content
self.body_iterator = iterate_in_threadpool(content)
self.status_code = status_code
self.media_type = self.media_type if media_type is None else media_type
self.background = background
async def listen_for_disconnect(self, receive: Receive) -> None:
while True:
message = await receive()
if message["type"] == "http.disconnect":
async def stream_response(self, send: Send) -> None:
await send(
"type": "http.response.start",
"status": self.status_code,
"headers": self.raw_headers,
async for chunk in self.body_iterator:
if not isinstance(chunk, bytes):
chunk = chunk.encode(self.charset)
await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": chunk, "more_body": True})
await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": b"", "more_body": False})
async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
async with anyio.create_task_group() as task_group:
async def wrap(func: typing.Callable[[], typing.Coroutine]) -> None:
await func()
task_group.start_soon(wrap, partial(self.stream_response, send))
await wrap(partial(self.listen_for_disconnect, receive))
if self.background is not None:
await self.background()
class FileResponse(Response):
chunk_size = 64 * 1024
def __init__(
path: typing.Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"],
status_code: int = 200,
headers: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, str]] = None,
media_type: typing.Optional[str] = None,
background: typing.Optional[BackgroundTask] = None,
filename: typing.Optional[str] = None,
stat_result: typing.Optional[os.stat_result] = None,
method: typing.Optional[str] = None,
content_disposition_type: str = "attachment",
) -> None:
self.path = path
self.status_code = status_code
self.filename = filename
self.send_header_only = method is not None and method.upper() == "HEAD"
if media_type is None:
media_type = guess_type(filename or path)[0] or "text/plain"
self.media_type = media_type
self.background = background
if self.filename is not None:
content_disposition_filename = quote(self.filename)
if content_disposition_filename != self.filename:
content_disposition = "{}; filename*=utf-8''{}".format(
content_disposition_type, content_disposition_filename
content_disposition = '{}; filename="{}"'.format(
content_disposition_type, self.filename
self.headers.setdefault("content-disposition", content_disposition)
self.stat_result = stat_result
if stat_result is not None:
def set_stat_headers(self, stat_result: os.stat_result) -> None:
content_length = str(stat_result.st_size)
last_modified = formatdate(stat_result.st_mtime, usegmt=True)
etag_base = str(stat_result.st_mtime) + "-" + str(stat_result.st_size)
etag = md5_hexdigest(etag_base.encode(), usedforsecurity=False)
self.headers.setdefault("content-length", content_length)
self.headers.setdefault("last-modified", last_modified)
self.headers.setdefault("etag", etag)
async def __call__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
if self.stat_result is None:
stat_result = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(os.stat, self.path)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise RuntimeError(f"File at path {self.path} does not exist.")
mode = stat_result.st_mode
if not stat.S_ISREG(mode):
raise RuntimeError(f"File at path {self.path} is not a file.")
await send(
"type": "http.response.start",
"status": self.status_code,
"headers": self.raw_headers,
if self.send_header_only:
await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": b"", "more_body": False})
async with await anyio.open_file(self.path, mode="rb") as file:
more_body = True
while more_body:
chunk = await file.read(self.chunk_size)
more_body = len(chunk) == self.chunk_size
await send(
"type": "http.response.body",
"body": chunk,
"more_body": more_body,
if self.background is not None:
await self.background()