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import pickle
import pickletools
from test import support
from test.pickletester import AbstractPickleTests
import doctest
import unittest
class OptimizedPickleTests(AbstractPickleTests, unittest.TestCase):
def dumps(self, arg, proto=None, **kwargs):
return pickletools.optimize(pickle.dumps(arg, proto, **kwargs))
def loads(self, buf, **kwds):
return pickle.loads(buf, **kwds)
# Test relies on precise output of dumps()
test_pickle_to_2x = None
# Test relies on writing by chunks into a file object.
test_framed_write_sizes_with_delayed_writer = None
def test_optimize_long_binget(self):
data = [str(i) for i in range(257)]
for proto in range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
pickled = pickle.dumps(data, proto)
unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
self.assertEqual(unpickled, data)
self.assertIs(unpickled[-1], unpickled[-2])
pickled2 = pickletools.optimize(pickled)
unpickled2 = pickle.loads(pickled2)
self.assertEqual(unpickled2, data)
self.assertIs(unpickled2[-1], unpickled2[-2])
self.assertNotIn(pickle.LONG_BINGET, pickled2)
self.assertNotIn(pickle.LONG_BINPUT, pickled2)
def test_optimize_binput_and_memoize(self):
pickled = (b'\x80\x04\x95\x15\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
# 0: \x80 PROTO 4
# 2: \x95 FRAME 21
# 11: ] EMPTY_LIST
# 12: \x94 MEMOIZE
# 13: ( MARK
# 14: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'spam'
# 20: q BINPUT 1
# 22: \x8c SHORT_BINUNICODE 'ham'
# 27: \x94 MEMOIZE
# 28: h BINGET 2
# 30: e APPENDS (MARK at 13)
# 31: . STOP
self.assertIn(pickle.BINPUT, pickled)
unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
self.assertEqual(unpickled, ['spam', 'ham', 'ham'])
self.assertIs(unpickled[1], unpickled[2])
pickled2 = pickletools.optimize(pickled)
unpickled2 = pickle.loads(pickled2)
self.assertEqual(unpickled2, ['spam', 'ham', 'ham'])
self.assertIs(unpickled2[1], unpickled2[2])
self.assertNotIn(pickle.BINPUT, pickled2)
class MiscTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test__all__(self):
not_exported = {
'TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT8U', 'ArgumentDescriptor',
'read_uint1', 'read_uint2', 'read_int4', 'read_uint4',
'read_uint8', 'read_stringnl', 'read_stringnl_noescape',
'read_stringnl_noescape_pair', 'read_string1',
'read_string4', 'read_bytes1', 'read_bytes4',
'read_bytes8', 'read_bytearray8', 'read_unicodestringnl',
'read_unicodestring1', 'read_unicodestring4',
'read_unicodestring8', 'read_decimalnl_short',
'read_decimalnl_long', 'read_floatnl', 'read_float8',
'read_long1', 'read_long4',
'uint1', 'uint2', 'int4', 'uint4', 'uint8', 'stringnl',
'stringnl_noescape', 'stringnl_noescape_pair', 'string1',
'string4', 'bytes1', 'bytes4', 'bytes8', 'bytearray8',
'unicodestringnl', 'unicodestring1', 'unicodestring4',
'unicodestring8', 'decimalnl_short', 'decimalnl_long',
'floatnl', 'float8', 'long1', 'long4',
'pyint', 'pylong', 'pyinteger_or_bool', 'pybool', 'pyfloat',
'pybytes_or_str', 'pystring', 'pybytes', 'pybytearray',
'pyunicode', 'pynone', 'pytuple', 'pylist', 'pydict',
'pyset', 'pyfrozenset', 'pybuffer', 'anyobject',
'markobject', 'stackslice', 'OpcodeInfo', 'opcodes',
support.check__all__(self, pickletools, not_exported=not_exported)
def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
return tests
if __name__ == "__main__":