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from typing import Callable, Tuple, Union, Sequence, Any, Optional
__all__ = ['StrongRandom', 'getrandbits', 'randrange', 'randint', 'choice', 'shuffle', 'sample']
class StrongRandom(object):
def __init__(self, rng: Optional[Any]=None, randfunc: Optional[Callable]=None) -> None: ... # TODO What is rng?
def getrandbits(self, k: int) -> int: ...
def randrange(self, start: int, stop: int = ..., step: int = ...) -> int: ...
def randint(self, a: int, b: int) -> int: ...
def choice(self, seq: Sequence) -> object: ...
def shuffle(self, x: Sequence) -> None: ...
def sample(self, population: Sequence, k: int) -> list: ...
_r = StrongRandom()
getrandbits = _r.getrandbits
randrange = _r.randrange
randint = _r.randint
choice = _r.choice
shuffle = _r.shuffle
sample = _r.sample