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588 lines
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import socket
import ssl
import sys
from ipaddress import IPv6Address, ip_address
from os import PathLike, chmod
from pathlib import Path
from socket import AddressFamily, SocketKind
from typing import Awaitable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast, overload
from .. import to_thread
from import (
from ..streams.stapled import MultiListener
from ..streams.tls import TLSStream
from ._eventloop import get_asynclib
from ._resources import aclose_forcefully
from ._synchronization import Event
from ._tasks import create_task_group, move_on_after
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
from typing import Literal
from typing_extensions import Literal
IPPROTO_IPV6 = getattr(socket, "IPPROTO_IPV6", 41) #
GetAddrInfoReturnType = List[
Tuple[AddressFamily, SocketKind, int, str, Tuple[str, int]]
AnyIPAddressFamily = Literal[
AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC, AddressFamily.AF_INET, AddressFamily.AF_INET6
IPAddressFamily = Literal[AddressFamily.AF_INET, AddressFamily.AF_INET6]
# tls_hostname given
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = ...,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = ...,
tls_hostname: str,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> TLSStream:
# ssl_context given
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = ...,
tls_hostname: Optional[str] = ...,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> TLSStream:
# tls=True
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
tls: Literal[True],
ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = ...,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = ...,
tls_hostname: Optional[str] = ...,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> TLSStream:
# tls=False
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
tls: Literal[False],
ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = ...,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = ...,
tls_hostname: Optional[str] = ...,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> SocketStream:
# No TLS arguments
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> SocketStream:
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = None,
tls: bool = False,
ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = None,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = True,
tls_hostname: Optional[str] = None,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = 0.25,
) -> Union[SocketStream, TLSStream]:
Connect to a host using the TCP protocol.
This function implements the stateless version of the Happy Eyeballs algorithm (RFC 6555).
If ``address`` is a host name that resolves to multiple IP addresses, each one is tried until
one connection attempt succeeds. If the first attempt does not connected within 250
milliseconds, a second attempt is started using the next address in the list, and so on.
On IPv6 enabled systems, an IPv6 address (if available) is tried first.
When the connection has been established, a TLS handshake will be done if either
``ssl_context`` or ``tls_hostname`` is not ``None``, or if ``tls`` is ``True``.
:param remote_host: the IP address or host name to connect to
:param remote_port: port on the target host to connect to
:param local_host: the interface address or name to bind the socket to before connecting
:param tls: ``True`` to do a TLS handshake with the connected stream and return a
:class:`~anyio.streams.tls.TLSStream` instead
:param ssl_context: the SSL context object to use (if omitted, a default context is created)
:param tls_standard_compatible: If ``True``, performs the TLS shutdown handshake before closing
the stream and requires that the server does this as well. Otherwise,
:exc:`~ssl.SSLEOFError` may be raised during reads from the stream.
Some protocols, such as HTTP, require this option to be ``False``.
See :meth:`~ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket` for details.
:param tls_hostname: host name to check the server certificate against (defaults to the value
of ``remote_host``)
:param happy_eyeballs_delay: delay (in seconds) before starting the next connection attempt
:return: a socket stream object if no TLS handshake was done, otherwise a TLS stream
:raises OSError: if the connection attempt fails
# Placed here due to
connected_stream: Optional[SocketStream] = None
async def try_connect(remote_host: str, event: Event) -> None:
nonlocal connected_stream
stream = await asynclib.connect_tcp(remote_host, remote_port, local_address)
except OSError as exc:
if connected_stream is None:
connected_stream = stream
await stream.aclose()
asynclib = get_asynclib()
local_address: Optional[IPSockAddrType] = None
family = socket.AF_UNSPEC
if local_host:
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(str(local_host), None)
family, *_, local_address = gai_res[0]
target_host = str(remote_host)
addr_obj = ip_address(remote_host)
except ValueError:
# getaddrinfo() will raise an exception if name resolution fails
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
target_host, remote_port, family=family, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM
# Organize the list so that the first address is an IPv6 address (if available) and the
# second one is an IPv4 addresses. The rest can be in whatever order.
v6_found = v4_found = False
target_addrs: List[Tuple[socket.AddressFamily, str]] = []
for af, *rest, sa in gai_res:
if af == socket.AF_INET6 and not v6_found:
v6_found = True
target_addrs.insert(0, (af, sa[0]))
elif af == socket.AF_INET and not v4_found and v6_found:
v4_found = True
target_addrs.insert(1, (af, sa[0]))
target_addrs.append((af, sa[0]))
if isinstance(addr_obj, IPv6Address):
target_addrs = [(socket.AF_INET6, addr_obj.compressed)]
target_addrs = [(socket.AF_INET, addr_obj.compressed)]
oserrors: List[OSError] = []
async with create_task_group() as tg:
for i, (af, addr) in enumerate(target_addrs):
event = Event()
tg.start_soon(try_connect, addr, event)
with move_on_after(happy_eyeballs_delay):
await event.wait()
if connected_stream is None:
cause = oserrors[0] if len(oserrors) == 1 else asynclib.ExceptionGroup(oserrors)
raise OSError("All connection attempts failed") from cause
if tls or tls_hostname or ssl_context:
return await TLSStream.wrap(
hostname=tls_hostname or str(remote_host),
except BaseException:
await aclose_forcefully(connected_stream)
return connected_stream
async def connect_unix(path: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"]) -> UNIXSocketStream:
Connect to the given UNIX socket.
Not available on Windows.
:param path: path to the socket
:return: a socket stream object
path = str(Path(path))
return await get_asynclib().connect_unix(path)
async def create_tcp_listener(
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = None,
local_port: int = 0,
family: AnyIPAddressFamily = socket.AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC,
backlog: int = 65536,
reuse_port: bool = False,
) -> MultiListener[SocketStream]:
Create a TCP socket listener.
:param local_port: port number to listen on
:param local_host: IP address of the interface to listen on. If omitted, listen on all IPv4
and IPv6 interfaces. To listen on all interfaces on a specific address family, use
```` for IPv4 or ``::`` for IPv6.
:param family: address family (used if ``interface`` was omitted)
:param backlog: maximum number of queued incoming connections (up to a maximum of 2**16, or
:param reuse_port: ``True`` to allow multiple sockets to bind to the same address/port
(not supported on Windows)
:return: a list of listener objects
asynclib = get_asynclib()
backlog = min(backlog, 65536)
local_host = str(local_host) if local_host is not None else None
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
local_host, # type: ignore[arg-type]
flags=socket.AI_PASSIVE | socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG,
listeners: List[SocketListener] = []
# The set() is here to work around a glibc bug:
for fam, *_, sockaddr in sorted(set(gai_res)):
raw_socket = socket.socket(fam)
# For Windows, enable exclusive address use. For others, enable address reuse.
if sys.platform == "win32":
raw_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, 1)
raw_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
if reuse_port:
raw_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1)
# If only IPv6 was requested, disable dual stack operation
if fam == socket.AF_INET6:
raw_socket.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1)
listener = asynclib.TCPSocketListener(raw_socket)
except BaseException:
for listener in listeners:
await listener.aclose()
return MultiListener(listeners)
async def create_unix_listener(
path: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"],
mode: Optional[int] = None,
backlog: int = 65536,
) -> SocketListener:
Create a UNIX socket listener.
Not available on Windows.
:param path: path of the socket
:param mode: permissions to set on the socket
:param backlog: maximum number of queued incoming connections (up to a maximum of 2**16, or
:return: a listener object
.. versionchanged:: 3.0
If a socket already exists on the file system in the given path, it will be removed first.
path_str = str(path)
path = Path(path)
if path.is_socket():
backlog = min(backlog, 65536)
raw_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX)
await to_thread.run_sync(raw_socket.bind, path_str, cancellable=True)
if mode is not None:
await to_thread.run_sync(chmod, path_str, mode, cancellable=True)
return get_asynclib().UNIXSocketListener(raw_socket)
except BaseException:
async def create_udp_socket(
family: AnyIPAddressFamily = AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = None,
local_port: int = 0,
reuse_port: bool = False,
) -> UDPSocket:
Create a UDP socket.
If ``port`` has been given, the socket will be bound to this port on the local machine,
making this socket suitable for providing UDP based services.
:param family: address family (``AF_INET`` or ``AF_INET6``) automatically determined from
``local_host`` if omitted
:param local_host: IP address or host name of the local interface to bind to
:param local_port: local port to bind to
:param reuse_port: ``True`` to allow multiple sockets to bind to the same address/port
(not supported on Windows)
:return: a UDP socket
if family is AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC and not local_host:
raise ValueError('Either "family" or "local_host" must be given')
if local_host:
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
flags=socket.AI_PASSIVE | socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG,
family = cast(AnyIPAddressFamily, gai_res[0][0])
local_address = gai_res[0][-1]
elif family is AddressFamily.AF_INET6:
local_address = ("::", 0)
local_address = ("", 0)
return await get_asynclib().create_udp_socket(
family, local_address, None, reuse_port
async def create_connected_udp_socket(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
family: AnyIPAddressFamily = AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = None,
local_port: int = 0,
reuse_port: bool = False,
) -> ConnectedUDPSocket:
Create a connected UDP socket.
Connected UDP sockets can only communicate with the specified remote host/port, and any packets
sent from other sources are dropped.
:param remote_host: remote host to set as the default target
:param remote_port: port on the remote host to set as the default target
:param family: address family (``AF_INET`` or ``AF_INET6``) automatically determined from
``local_host`` or ``remote_host`` if omitted
:param local_host: IP address or host name of the local interface to bind to
:param local_port: local port to bind to
:param reuse_port: ``True`` to allow multiple sockets to bind to the same address/port
(not supported on Windows)
:return: a connected UDP socket
local_address = None
if local_host:
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
flags=socket.AI_PASSIVE | socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG,
family = cast(AnyIPAddressFamily, gai_res[0][0])
local_address = gai_res[0][-1]
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
str(remote_host), remote_port, family=family, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM
family = cast(AnyIPAddressFamily, gai_res[0][0])
remote_address = gai_res[0][-1]
return await get_asynclib().create_udp_socket(
family, local_address, remote_address, reuse_port
async def getaddrinfo(
host: Union[bytearray, bytes, str],
port: Union[str, int, None],
family: Union[int, AddressFamily] = 0,
type: Union[int, SocketKind] = 0,
proto: int = 0,
flags: int = 0,
) -> GetAddrInfoReturnType:
Look up a numeric IP address given a host name.
Internationalized domain names are translated according to the (non-transitional) IDNA 2008
.. note:: 4-tuple IPv6 socket addresses are automatically converted to 2-tuples of
(host, port), unlike what :func:`socket.getaddrinfo` does.
:param host: host name
:param port: port number
:param family: socket family (`'AF_INET``, ...)
:param type: socket type (``SOCK_STREAM``, ...)
:param proto: protocol number
:param flags: flags to pass to upstream ``getaddrinfo()``
:return: list of tuples containing (family, type, proto, canonname, sockaddr)
.. seealso:: :func:`socket.getaddrinfo`
# Handle unicode hostnames
if isinstance(host, str):
encoded_host = host.encode("ascii")
except UnicodeEncodeError:
import idna
encoded_host = idna.encode(host, uts46=True)
encoded_host = host
gai_res = await get_asynclib().getaddrinfo(
encoded_host, port, family=family, type=type, proto=proto, flags=flags
return [
(family, type, proto, canonname, convert_ipv6_sockaddr(sockaddr))
for family, type, proto, canonname, sockaddr in gai_res
def getnameinfo(sockaddr: IPSockAddrType, flags: int = 0) -> Awaitable[Tuple[str, str]]:
Look up the host name of an IP address.
:param sockaddr: socket address (e.g. (ipaddress, port) for IPv4)
:param flags: flags to pass to upstream ``getnameinfo()``
:return: a tuple of (host name, service name)
.. seealso:: :func:`socket.getnameinfo`
return get_asynclib().getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags)
def wait_socket_readable(sock: socket.socket) -> Awaitable[None]:
Wait until the given socket has data to be read.
This does **NOT** work on Windows when using the asyncio backend with a proactor event loop
(default on py3.8+).
.. warning:: Only use this on raw sockets that have not been wrapped by any higher level
constructs like socket streams!
:param sock: a socket object
:raises ~anyio.ClosedResourceError: if the socket was closed while waiting for the
socket to become readable
:raises ~anyio.BusyResourceError: if another task is already waiting for the socket
to become readable
return get_asynclib().wait_socket_readable(sock)
def wait_socket_writable(sock: socket.socket) -> Awaitable[None]:
Wait until the given socket can be written to.
This does **NOT** work on Windows when using the asyncio backend with a proactor event loop
(default on py3.8+).
.. warning:: Only use this on raw sockets that have not been wrapped by any higher level
constructs like socket streams!
:param sock: a socket object
:raises ~anyio.ClosedResourceError: if the socket was closed while waiting for the
socket to become writable
:raises ~anyio.BusyResourceError: if another task is already waiting for the socket
to become writable
return get_asynclib().wait_socket_writable(sock)
# Private API
def convert_ipv6_sockaddr(
sockaddr: Union[Tuple[str, int, int, int], Tuple[str, int]]
) -> Tuple[str, int]:
Convert a 4-tuple IPv6 socket address to a 2-tuple (address, port) format.
If the scope ID is nonzero, it is added to the address, separated with ``%``.
Otherwise the flow id and scope id are simply cut off from the tuple.
Any other kinds of socket addresses are returned as-is.
:param sockaddr: the result of :meth:`~socket.socket.getsockname`
:return: the converted socket address
# This is more complicated than it should be because of MyPy
if isinstance(sockaddr, tuple) and len(sockaddr) == 4:
host, port, flowinfo, scope_id = cast(Tuple[str, int, int, int], sockaddr)
if scope_id:
# Add scope_id to the address
return f"{host}%{scope_id}", port
return host, port
return cast(Tuple[str, int], sockaddr)