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import math
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Optional, Type
from warnings import warn
from import TaskGroup, TaskStatus
from ._compat import (
from ._eventloop import get_asynclib
class _IgnoredTaskStatus(TaskStatus):
def started(self, value: object = None) -> None:
TASK_STATUS_IGNORED = _IgnoredTaskStatus()
class CancelScope(DeprecatedAsyncContextManager["CancelScope"]):
Wraps a unit of work that can be made separately cancellable.
:param deadline: The time (clock value) when this scope is cancelled automatically
:param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation
def __new__(
cls, *, deadline: float = math.inf, shield: bool = False
) -> "CancelScope":
return get_asynclib().CancelScope(shield=shield, deadline=deadline)
def cancel(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
"""Cancel this scope immediately."""
raise NotImplementedError
def deadline(self) -> float:
The time (clock value) when this scope is cancelled automatically.
Will be ``float('inf')`` if no timeout has been set.
raise NotImplementedError
def deadline(self, value: float) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def cancel_called(self) -> bool:
"""``True`` if :meth:`cancel` has been called."""
raise NotImplementedError
def shield(self) -> bool:
``True`` if this scope is shielded from external cancellation.
While a scope is shielded, it will not receive cancellations from outside.
raise NotImplementedError
def shield(self, value: bool) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def __enter__(self) -> "CancelScope":
raise NotImplementedError
def __exit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
raise NotImplementedError
def open_cancel_scope(*, shield: bool = False) -> CancelScope:
Open a cancel scope.
:param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation
:return: a cancel scope
.. deprecated:: 3.0
Use :class:`~CancelScope` directly.
"open_cancel_scope() is deprecated -- use CancelScope() directly",
return get_asynclib().CancelScope(shield=shield)
class FailAfterContextManager(DeprecatedAsyncContextManager[CancelScope]):
def __init__(self, cancel_scope: CancelScope):
self._cancel_scope = cancel_scope
def __enter__(self) -> CancelScope:
return self._cancel_scope.__enter__()
def __exit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
retval = self._cancel_scope.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
if self._cancel_scope.cancel_called:
raise TimeoutError
return retval
def fail_after(delay: Optional[float], shield: bool = False) -> FailAfterContextManager:
Create a context manager which raises a :class:`TimeoutError` if does not finish in time.
:param delay: maximum allowed time (in seconds) before raising the exception, or ``None`` to
disable the timeout
:param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation
:return: a context manager that yields a cancel scope
:rtype: :class:`~typing.ContextManager`\\[:class:``\\]
deadline = (
(get_asynclib().current_time() + delay) if delay is not None else math.inf
cancel_scope = get_asynclib().CancelScope(deadline=deadline, shield=shield)
return FailAfterContextManager(cancel_scope)
def move_on_after(delay: Optional[float], shield: bool = False) -> CancelScope:
Create a cancel scope with a deadline that expires after the given delay.
:param delay: maximum allowed time (in seconds) before exiting the context block, or ``None``
to disable the timeout
:param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation
:return: a cancel scope
deadline = (
(get_asynclib().current_time() + delay) if delay is not None else math.inf
return get_asynclib().CancelScope(deadline=deadline, shield=shield)
def current_effective_deadline() -> DeprecatedAwaitableFloat:
Return the nearest deadline among all the cancel scopes effective for the current task.
:return: a clock value from the event loop's internal clock (``float('inf')`` if there is no
deadline in effect)
:rtype: float
return DeprecatedAwaitableFloat(
get_asynclib().current_effective_deadline(), current_effective_deadline
def create_task_group() -> "TaskGroup":
Create a task group.
:return: a task group
return get_asynclib().TaskGroup()