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import pytest
import types
import sys
from functools import wraps
import gc
from .conftest import mock_sleep
from .. import (
# like list(it) but works on async iterators
async def collect(ait):
items = []
async for value in ait:
return items
# Basic test
async def async_range(count):
for i in range(count):
print("Calling yield_({})".format(i))
await yield_(i)
async def double(ait):
async for value in ait:
await yield_(value * 2)
await mock_sleep()
class HasAsyncGenMethod:
def __init__(self, factor):
self._factor = factor
async def async_multiplied(self, ait):
async for value in ait:
await yield_(value * self._factor)
async def test_async_generator():
assert await collect(async_range(10)) == list(range(10))
assert (await collect(double(async_range(5))) == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
tripler = HasAsyncGenMethod(3)
assert (
collect(tripler.async_multiplied(async_range(5))) == [0, 3, 6, 9, 12]
async def agen_yield_no_arg():
await yield_()
async def test_yield_no_arg():
assert await collect(agen_yield_no_arg()) == [None]
# async_generators return value
async def async_gen_with_non_None_return():
await yield_(1)
await yield_(2)
return "hi"
async def test_bad_return_value():
gen = async_gen_with_non_None_return()
async for item in gen: # pragma: no branch
assert item == 1
async for item in gen: # pragma: no branch
assert item == 2
await gen.__anext__()
except StopAsyncIteration as e:
assert e.args[0] == "hi"
# Exhausitve tests of the different ways to re-enter a coroutine.
# It used to be that re-entering via send/__next__ would work, but throw()
# immediately followed by an await yield_(...) wouldn't work, and the
# YieldWrapper object would propagate back out to the coroutine runner.
# Before I fixed this, the 'assert value is None' check below would fail
# (because of the YieldWrapper leaking out), and if you removed that
# assertion, then the code would appear to run successfully but the final list
# would just be [1, 3] instead of [1, 2, 3].
class MyTestError(Exception):
# This unconditionally raises a MyTestError exception, so from the outside
# it's equivalent to a simple 'raise MyTestError`. But, for this test to check
# the thing we want it to check, the point is that the exception must be
# thrown in from the coroutine runner -- this simulates something like an
# 'await sock.recv(...) -> TimeoutError'.
def hit_me():
yield "hit me"
def number_me():
assert (yield "number me") == 1
def next_me():
assert (yield "next me") is None
async def yield_after_different_entries():
await yield_(1)
await hit_me()
except MyTestError:
await yield_(2)
await number_me()
await yield_(3)
await next_me()
await yield_(4)
def hostile_coroutine_runner(coro):
coro_iter = coro.__await__()
value = None
while True:
if value == "hit me":
value = coro_iter.throw(MyTestError())
elif value == "number me":
value = coro_iter.send(1)
assert value in (None, "next me")
value = coro_iter.__next__()
except StopIteration as exc:
return exc.value
def test_yield_different_entries():
coro = collect(yield_after_different_entries())
yielded = hostile_coroutine_runner(coro)
assert yielded == [1, 2, 3, 4]
async def test_reentrance_forbidden():
async def recurse():
async for obj in agen: # pragma: no branch
await yield_(obj) # pragma: no cover
agen = recurse()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
async for _ in agen: # pragma: no branch
pass # pragma: no cover
async def test_reentrance_forbidden_simultaneous_asends():
async def f():
await mock_sleep()
ag = f()
sender1 = ag.asend(None)
sender2 = ag.asend(None)
assert sender1.send(None) == "mock_sleep"
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration):
await ag.aclose()
async def test_reentrance_forbidden_while_suspended_in_coroutine_runner():
async def f():
await mock_sleep()
await yield_("final yield")
ag = f()
asend_coro = ag.asend(None)
fut = asend_coro.send(None)
assert fut == "mock_sleep"
# Now the async generator's frame is not executing, but a call to asend()
# *is* executing. Make sure that in this case, ag_running is True, and we
# can't start up another call to asend().
assert ag.ag_running
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await ag.asend(None)
# Clean up
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration):
# asend
async def asend_me():
assert (await yield_(1)) == 2
assert (await yield_(3)) == 4
async def test_asend():
aiter = asend_me()
assert (await aiter.__anext__()) == 1
assert (await aiter.asend(2)) == 3
with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration):
await aiter.asend(4)
# athrow
async def athrow_me():
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
await yield_(1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await yield_(2)
await yield_(3)
async def test_athrow():
aiter = athrow_me()
assert (await aiter.__anext__()) == 1
assert (await aiter.athrow(KeyError("oops"))) == 2
assert (await aiter.athrow(ValueError("oops"))) == 3
with pytest.raises(OSError):
await aiter.athrow(OSError("oops"))
# aclose
async def close_me_aiter(track):
await yield_(1)
except GeneratorExit:
track[0] = "closed"
else: # pragma: no cover
track[0] = "wtf"
async def test_aclose():
track = [None]
aiter = close_me_aiter(track)
async for obj in aiter: # pragma: no branch
assert obj == 1
assert track[0] is None
await aiter.aclose()
assert track[0] == "closed"
async def test_aclose_on_unstarted_generator():
aiter = close_me_aiter([None])
await aiter.aclose()
async for obj in aiter:
assert False # pragma: no cover
async def test_aclose_on_finished_generator():
aiter = async_range(3)
async for obj in aiter:
pass # pragma: no cover
await aiter.aclose()
async def sync_yield_during_aclose():
await yield_(1)
await mock_sleep()
async def async_yield_during_aclose():
await yield_(1)
await yield_(2)
async def test_aclose_yielding():
aiter = sync_yield_during_aclose()
assert (await aiter.__anext__()) == 1
# Doesn't raise:
await aiter.aclose()
aiter = async_yield_during_aclose()
assert (await aiter.__anext__()) == 1
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
await aiter.aclose()
# yield from
async def async_range_twice(count):
await yield_from_(async_range(count))
await yield_(None)
await yield_from_(async_range(count))
if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
async def native_async_range(count):
for i in range(count):
yield i
# XX uncomment if/when we re-enable the ctypes hacks:
# async def native_async_range_twice(count):
# # make sure yield_from_ works inside a native async generator
# await yield_from_(async_range(count))
# yield None
# # make sure we can yield_from_ a native async generator
# await yield_from_(native_async_range(count))
async def test_async_yield_from_():
assert await collect(async_range_twice(3)) == [
if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
# Make sure we can yield_from_ a native generator
async def yield_from_native():
await yield_from_(native_async_range(3))
assert await collect(yield_from_native()) == [0, 1, 2]
# XX uncomment if/when we re-enable the ctypes hacks:
# if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
# assert await collect(native_async_range_twice(3)) == [
# 0, 1, 2, None, 0, 1, 2,
# ]
async def doubles_sends(value):
while True:
value = await yield_(2 * value)
async def wraps_doubles_sends(value):
await yield_from_(doubles_sends(value))
async def test_async_yield_from_asend():
gen = wraps_doubles_sends(10)
await gen.__anext__() == 20
assert (await gen.asend(2)) == 4
assert (await gen.asend(5)) == 10
assert (await gen.asend(0)) == 0
await gen.aclose()
async def test_async_yield_from_athrow():
gen = async_range_twice(2)
assert (await gen.__anext__()) == 0
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
await gen.athrow(ValueError)
async def returns_1():
await yield_(0)
return 1
async def yields_from_returns_1():
await yield_(await yield_from_(returns_1()))
async def test_async_yield_from_return_value():
assert await collect(yields_from_returns_1()) == [0, 1]
# Special cases to get coverage
async def test_yield_from_empty():
async def empty():
return "done"
async def yield_from_empty():
assert (await yield_from_(empty())) == "done"
assert await collect(yield_from_empty()) == []
async def test_yield_from_non_generator():
class Countdown:
def __init__(self, count):
self.count = count
self.closed = False
if sys.version_info < (3, 5, 2):
async def __aiter__(self):
return self
def __aiter__(self):
return self
async def __anext__(self):
self.count -= 1
if self.count < 0:
raise StopAsyncIteration("boom")
return self.count
async def aclose(self):
self.closed = True
async def yield_from_countdown(count, happenings):
c = Countdown(count)
assert (await yield_from_(c)) == "boom"
except BaseException as e:
if c.closed:
happenings.append("countdown closed")
return e
h = []
assert await collect(yield_from_countdown(3, h)) == [2, 1, 0]
assert h == []
# Throwing into a yield_from_(object with no athrow) just raises the
# exception in the generator.
h = []
agen = yield_from_countdown(3, h)
assert await agen.__anext__() == 2
exc = ValueError("x")
await agen.athrow(exc)
except StopAsyncIteration as e:
assert e.args[0] is exc
assert h == ["raise"]
# Calling aclose on the generator calls aclose on the iterator
h = []
agen = yield_from_countdown(3, h)
assert await agen.__anext__() == 2
await agen.aclose()
assert h == ["countdown closed", "raise"]
# Throwing GeneratorExit into the generator calls *aclose* on the iterator
# (!)
h = []
agen = yield_from_countdown(3, h)
assert await agen.__anext__() == 2
exc = GeneratorExit()
with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration):
await agen.athrow(exc)
assert h == ["countdown closed", "raise"]
async def test_yield_from_non_generator_with_no_aclose():
class Countdown:
def __init__(self, count):
self.count = count
self.closed = False
if sys.version_info < (3, 5, 2):
async def __aiter__(self):
return self
def __aiter__(self):
return self
async def __anext__(self):
self.count -= 1
if self.count < 0:
raise StopAsyncIteration("boom")
return self.count
async def yield_from_countdown(count):
return await yield_from_(Countdown(count))
assert await collect(yield_from_countdown(3)) == [2, 1, 0]
agen = yield_from_countdown(3)
assert await agen.__anext__() == 2
assert await agen.__anext__() == 1
# It's OK that Countdown has no aclose
await agen.aclose()
async def test_yield_from_with_old_style_aiter():
# old-style 'async def __aiter__' should still work even on newer pythons
class Countdown:
def __init__(self, count):
self.count = count
self.closed = False
# This is wrong, that's the point
async def __aiter__(self):
return self
async def __anext__(self):
self.count -= 1
if self.count < 0:
raise StopAsyncIteration("boom")
return self.count
async def yield_from_countdown(count):
return await yield_from_(Countdown(count))
assert await collect(yield_from_countdown(3)) == [2, 1, 0]
async def test_yield_from_athrow_raises_StopAsyncIteration():
async def catch():
while True:
await yield_("hi")
except Exception as exc:
return ("bye", exc)
async def yield_from_catch():
return await yield_from_(catch())
agen = yield_from_catch()
assert await agen.__anext__() == "hi"
assert await agen.__anext__() == "hi"
thrown = ValueError("oops")
print(await agen.athrow(thrown))
except StopAsyncIteration as caught:
assert caught.args == (("bye", thrown),)
raise AssertionError # pragma: no cover
# __del__
async def test___del__(capfd):
completions = 0
async def awaits_when_unwinding():
await yield_(0)
await yield_(1)
await mock_sleep()
await yield_(2)
nonlocal completions
completions += 1
gen = awaits_when_unwinding()
# Hasn't started yet, so no problem
gen = awaits_when_unwinding()
assert await collect(gen) == [0, 1, 2]
# Exhausted, so no problem
for stop_after_turn in (1, 2, 3):
gen = awaits_when_unwinding()
for turn in range(stop_after_turn):
assert await gen.__anext__() == turn
await gen.aclose()
# Closed, so no problem
for stop_after_turn in (1, 2, 3):
gen = awaits_when_unwinding()
for turn in range(stop_after_turn):
assert await gen.__anext__() == turn
if stop_after_turn == 2:
# Stopped in the middle of a try/finally that awaits in the finally,
# so __del__ can't cleanup.
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as info:
assert "awaited during finalization; install a finalization hook" in str(
# Can clean up without awaiting, so __del__ is fine
assert completions == 3
async def yields_when_unwinding():
await yield_(1)
await yield_(2)
gen = yields_when_unwinding()
assert await gen.__anext__() == 1
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as info:
# introspection
def test_isasyncgen():
assert not isasyncgen(async_range)
assert isasyncgen(async_range(10))
if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
assert not isasyncgen(native_async_range)
assert isasyncgen(native_async_range(10))
def test_isasyncgenfunction():
assert isasyncgenfunction(async_range)
assert not isasyncgenfunction(list)
assert not isasyncgenfunction(async_range(10))
if sys.version_info >= (3, 6):
assert isasyncgenfunction(native_async_range)
assert not isasyncgenfunction(native_async_range(10))
# Very subtle bug: functools.wraps copies across the entire contents of the
# wrapped function's __dict__. We used to use a simple _is_async_gen=True
# attribute to mark async generators. But if we do that, then simple wrappers
# like async_range_wrapper *do* return True for isasyncgenfunction. But that's
# not how inspect.isasyncgenfunction works, and it also caused problems for
# sphinxcontrib-trio, because given a function like:
# @acontextmanager
# @async_generator
# async def async_cm():
# ...
# then we end up with async_cm introspecting as both an async context manager
# and an async generator, and it doesn't know who to believe. With the
# correct, inspect.isasyncgenfunction-compliant behavior, we have async_cm
# introspecting as an async context manager, and async_cm.__wrapped__
# introspecting as an async generator.
def test_isasyncgenfunction_is_not_inherited_by_wrappers():
def async_range_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
return async_range(*args, **kwargs)
assert not isasyncgenfunction(async_range_wrapper)
assert isasyncgenfunction(async_range_wrapper.__wrapped__)
def test_collections_abc_AsyncGenerator():
if hasattr(, "AsyncGenerator"):
assert isinstance(async_range(10),
async def test_ag_attributes():
async def f():
x = 1
await yield_()
agen = f()
assert agen.ag_code.co_name == "f"
async for _ in agen: # pragma: no branch
assert agen.ag_frame.f_locals["x"] == 1
# Finicky tests to check that the overly clever ctype stuff has plausible
# refcounting
from .. import _impl
@pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(sys, "getrefcount"), reason="CPython only")
def test_refcnt():
x = object()
base_count = sys.getrefcount(x)
l = [_impl._wrap(x) for _ in range(100)]
assert sys.getrefcount(x) >= base_count + 100
l2 = [_impl._unwrap(box) for box in l]
assert sys.getrefcount(x) >= base_count + 200
del l
del l2
assert sys.getrefcount(x) == base_count
# Edge cases
# PEP 479: StopIteration or StopAsyncIteration exiting from inside an async
# generator should produce a RuntimeError with the __cause__ set to the
# original exception. Note that contextlib.asynccontextmanager depends on this
# behavior.
async def lets_exception_out():
await yield_()
async def test_throw_StopIteration_or_StopAsyncIteration():
for cls in [StopIteration, StopAsyncIteration]:
agen = lets_exception_out()
await agen.asend(None)
exc = cls()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
await agen.athrow(exc)
assert excinfo.type is RuntimeError
assert excinfo.value.__cause__ is exc
# No "coroutine was never awaited" warnings for async generators that are not
# iterated
async def test_no_spurious_unawaited_coroutine_warning(recwarn):
agen = async_range(10)
del agen
# Run collection a few times to make sure any
# loops/resurrection/etc. stuff gets fully handled (necessary on pypy)
for _ in range(4):
# I've seen DeprecationWarnings here triggered by pytest-asyncio, so let's
# filter for RuntimeWarning. But if there are no warnings at all, then
# that's OK too, so tell coverage not to worry about it.
for msg in recwarn: # pragma: no cover
assert not issubclass(msg.category, RuntimeWarning)
# GC hooks
def local_asyncgen_hooks():
old_hooks = get_asyncgen_hooks()
def test_gc_hooks_interface(local_asyncgen_hooks):
def one(agen): # pragma: no cover
def two(agen): # pragma: no cover
set_asyncgen_hooks(None, None)
assert get_asyncgen_hooks() == (None, None)
assert get_asyncgen_hooks() == (None, two)
assert get_asyncgen_hooks() == (one, two)
set_asyncgen_hooks(finalizer=None, firstiter=two)
assert get_asyncgen_hooks() == (two, None)
set_asyncgen_hooks(None, one)
assert get_asyncgen_hooks() == (None, one)
tup = (one, two)
assert get_asyncgen_hooks() == tup
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def in_thread(results):
set_asyncgen_hooks(two, one)
from threading import Thread
results = []
thread = Thread(target=in_thread, args=(results,))
assert results == [(None, None), (two, one)]
assert get_asyncgen_hooks() == (one, two)
async def test_gc_hooks_behavior(local_asyncgen_hooks):
events = []
to_finalize = []
def firstiter(agen):
events.append("firstiter {}".format(agen.ag_frame.f_locals["ident"]))
def finalizer(agen):
events.append("finalizer {}".format(agen.ag_frame.f_locals["ident"]))
async def agen(ident):
events.append("yield 1 {}".format(ident))
await yield_(1)
events.append("yield 2 {}".format(ident))
await yield_(2)
events.append("after yield 2 {}".format(ident))
events.append("mock_sleep {}".format(ident))
await mock_sleep()
events.append("yield 3 {}".format(ident))
await yield_(3)
events.append("unwind 3 {}".format(ident))
# this one is included to make sure we _don't_ execute it
events.append("done {}".format(ident)) # pragma: no cover
async def anext_verbosely(iter, ident):
events.append("before asend {}".format(ident))
sender = iter.asend(None)
events.append("before send {}".format(ident))
await sender
events.append("after asend {}".format(ident))
# Ensure that firstiter is called immediately on asend(),
# before the first turn of the coroutine that asend() returns,
# to match the behavior of native generators.
# Ensure that the firstiter that gets used is the one in effect
# at the time of that first call, rather than at the time of iteration.
iterA = agen("A")
iterB = agen("B")
await anext_verbosely(iterA, "A")
set_asyncgen_hooks(firstiter, finalizer)
await anext_verbosely(iterB, "B")
iterC = agen("C")
await anext_verbosely(iterC, "C")
assert events == [
"before asend A", "before send A", "yield 1 A", "after asend A",
"before asend B", "firstiter B", "before send B", "yield 1 B",
"after asend B", "before asend C", "firstiter C", "before send C",
"yield 1 C", "after asend C"
del events[:]
# Ensure that firstiter is only called once, even if we create
# two asend() coroutines before iterating either of them.
iterX = agen("X")
sender1 = iterX.asend(None)
sender2 = iterX.asend(None)
events.append("before close")
await iterX.aclose()
assert events == ["firstiter X", "before close"]
del events[:]
from weakref import ref
refA, refB, refC = map(ref, (iterA, iterB, iterC))
# iterA uses the finalizer that was in effect when it started, i.e. no finalizer
await iterA.__anext__()
await iterA.__anext__()
del iterA
# Do multiple GC passes since we're deliberately shielding the
# coroutine objects from the first pass due to PyPy issue 2786.
for _ in range(4):
assert refA() is None
assert events == [
"yield 2 A", "after yield 2 A", "mock_sleep A", "yield 3 A",
"unwind 3 A"
assert not to_finalize
del events[:]
# iterB and iterC do use our finalizer
await iterC.__anext__()
await iterB.__anext__()
await iterC.__anext__()
idB, idC = id(iterB), id(iterC)
del iterB
for _ in range(4):
del iterC
for _ in range(4):
assert events == [
"yield 2 C", "yield 2 B", "after yield 2 C", "mock_sleep C",
"yield 3 C", "finalizer B", "finalizer C"
del events[:]
# finalizer invokes aclose() is not called again once the revived reference drops
assert list(map(id, to_finalize)) == [idB, idC]
events.append("before aclose B")
await to_finalize[0].aclose()
events.append("before aclose C")
await to_finalize[1].aclose()
events.append("after aclose both")
del to_finalize[:]
for _ in range(4):
assert refB() is None and refC() is None
assert events == [
"before aclose B", "mock_sleep B", "before aclose C", "unwind 3 C",
"after aclose both"