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'''comtypes.client - High level client level COM support package.
# - refactor some code into modules
import sys, os
import ctypes
import comtypes
from comtypes.hresult import *
import comtypes.automation
import comtypes.typeinfo
import comtypes.client.dynamic
from comtypes.client._events import GetEvents, ShowEvents, PumpEvents
from comtypes.client._generate import GetModule
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ["CreateObject", "GetActiveObject", "CoGetObject",
"GetEvents", "ShowEvents", "PumpEvents", "GetModule",
from comtypes.client._code_cache import _find_gen_dir
gen_dir = _find_gen_dir()
import comtypes.gen
### for testing
##gen_dir = None
def wrap_outparam(punk):
logger.debug("wrap_outparam(%s)", punk)
if not punk:
return None
if punk.__com_interface__ == comtypes.automation.IDispatch:
return GetBestInterface(punk)
return punk
def GetBestInterface(punk):
"""Try to QueryInterface a COM pointer to the 'most useful'
Get type information for the provided object, either via
IDispatch.GetTypeInfo(), or via IProvideClassInfo.GetClassInfo().
Generate a wrapper module for the typelib, and QI for the
interface found.
if not punk: # NULL COM pointer
return punk # or should we return None?
# find the typelib and the interface name
logger.debug("GetBestInterface(%s)", punk)
pci = punk.QueryInterface(comtypes.typeinfo.IProvideClassInfo)
logger.debug("Does implement IProvideClassInfo")
except comtypes.COMError:
# Some COM objects support IProvideClassInfo2, but not IProvideClassInfo.
# These objects are broken, but we support them anyway.
logger.debug("Does NOT implement IProvideClassInfo, trying IProvideClassInfo2")
pci = punk.QueryInterface(comtypes.typeinfo.IProvideClassInfo2)
logger.debug("Does implement IProvideClassInfo2")
tinfo = pci.GetClassInfo() # TypeInfo for the CoClass
# find the interface marked as default
ta = tinfo.GetTypeAttr()
for index in range(ta.cImplTypes):
if tinfo.GetImplTypeFlags(index) == 1:
if ta.cImplTypes != 1:
# Hm, should we use dynamic now?
raise TypeError("No default interface found")
# Only one interface implemented, use that (even if
# not marked as default).
index = 0
href = tinfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(index)
tinfo = tinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(href)
except comtypes.COMError:
logger.debug("Does NOT implement IProvideClassInfo/IProvideClassInfo2")
pdisp = punk.QueryInterface(comtypes.automation.IDispatch)
except comtypes.COMError:
logger.debug("No Dispatch interface: %s", punk)
return punk
tinfo = pdisp.GetTypeInfo(0)
except comtypes.COMError:
pdisp = comtypes.client.dynamic.Dispatch(pdisp)
logger.debug("IDispatch.GetTypeInfo(0) failed: %s" % pdisp)
return pdisp
typeattr = tinfo.GetTypeAttr()
logger.debug("Default interface is %s", typeattr.guid)
punk.QueryInterface(comtypes.IUnknown, typeattr.guid)
except comtypes.COMError:
logger.debug("Does not implement default interface, returning dynamic object")
return comtypes.client.dynamic.Dispatch(punk)
itf_name = tinfo.GetDocumentation(-1)[0] # interface name
tlib = tinfo.GetContainingTypeLib()[0] # typelib
# import the wrapper, generating it on demand
mod = GetModule(tlib)
# Python interface class
interface = getattr(mod, itf_name)
logger.debug("Implements default interface from typeinfo %s", interface)
# QI for this interface
# What to do if this fails?
# In the following example the engine.Eval() call returns
# such an object.
# engine = CreateObject("MsScriptControl.ScriptControl")
# engine.Language = "JScript"
# engine.Eval("[1, 2, 3]")
# Could the above code, as an optimization, check that QI works,
# *before* generating the wrapper module?
result = punk.QueryInterface(interface)
logger.debug("Final result is %s", result)
return result
# backwards compatibility:
wrap = GetBestInterface
# Should we do this for POINTER(IUnknown) also?
ctypes.POINTER(comtypes.automation.IDispatch).__ctypes_from_outparam__ = wrap_outparam
# Typelib constants
class Constants(object):
"""This class loads the type library from the supplied object,
then exposes constants in the type library as attributes."""
def __init__(self, obj):
obj = obj.QueryInterface(comtypes.automation.IDispatch)
tlib, index = obj.GetTypeInfo(0).GetContainingTypeLib()
self.tcomp = tlib.GetTypeComp()
def __getattr__(self, name):
kind, desc = self.tcomp.Bind(name)
except (WindowsError, comtypes.COMError):
raise AttributeError(name)
if kind != "variable":
raise AttributeError(name)
return desc._.lpvarValue[0].value
def _bind_type(self, name):
return self.tcomp.BindType(name)
# Object creation
def GetActiveObject(progid, interface=None, dynamic=False):
"""Return a pointer to a running COM object that has been
registered with COM.
'progid' may be a string like "Excel.Application",
a string specifying a clsid, a GUID instance, or an object with
a _clsid_ attribute which should be any of the above.
'interface' allows to force a certain interface.
'dynamic=True' will return a dynamic dispatch object.
clsid = comtypes.GUID.from_progid(progid)
if dynamic:
if interface is not None:
raise ValueError("interface and dynamic are mutually exclusive")
interface = comtypes.automation.IDispatch
elif interface is None:
interface = getattr(progid, "_com_interfaces_", [None])[0]
obj = comtypes.GetActiveObject(clsid, interface=interface)
if dynamic:
return comtypes.client.dynamic.Dispatch(obj)
return _manage(obj, clsid, interface=interface)
def _manage(obj, clsid, interface):
obj.__dict__['__clsid'] = str(clsid)
if interface is None:
obj = GetBestInterface(obj)
return obj
def GetClassObject(progid,
"""Create and return the class factory for a COM object.
'clsctx' specifies how to create the object, use the CLSCTX_... constants.
'pServerInfo', if used, must be a pointer to a comtypes.COSERVERINFO instance
'interface' may be used to request an interface other than IClassFactory
clsid = comtypes.GUID.from_progid(progid)
return comtypes.CoGetClassObject(clsid,
clsctx, pServerInfo, interface)
def CreateObject(progid, # which object to create
clsctx=None, # how to create the object
machine=None, # where to create the object
interface=None, # the interface we want
dynamic=False, # use dynamic dispatch
pServerInfo=None): # server info struct for remoting
"""Create a COM object from 'progid', and try to QueryInterface()
it to the most useful interface, generating typelib support on
demand. A pointer to this interface is returned.
'progid' may be a string like "InternetExplorer.Application",
a string specifying a clsid, a GUID instance, or an object with
a _clsid_ attribute which should be any of the above.
'clsctx' specifies how to create the object, use the CLSCTX_... constants.
'machine' allows to specify a remote machine to create the object on.
'interface' allows to force a certain interface
'dynamic=True' will return a dynamic dispatch object
'pServerInfo', if used, must be a pointer to a comtypes.COSERVERINFO instance
This supercedes 'machine'.
You can also later request to receive events with GetEvents().
clsid = comtypes.GUID.from_progid(progid)
logger.debug("%s -> %s", progid, clsid)
if dynamic:
if interface:
raise ValueError("interface and dynamic are mutually exclusive")
interface = comtypes.automation.IDispatch
elif interface is None:
interface = getattr(progid, "_com_interfaces_", [None])[0]
if machine is None and pServerInfo is None:
logger.debug("CoCreateInstance(%s, clsctx=%s, interface=%s)",
clsid, clsctx, interface)
obj = comtypes.CoCreateInstance(clsid, clsctx=clsctx, interface=interface)
logger.debug("CoCreateInstanceEx(%s, clsctx=%s, interface=%s, machine=%s,\
clsid, clsctx, interface, machine, pServerInfo)
if machine is not None and pServerInfo is not None:
msg = "You can notset both the machine name and server info."
raise ValueError(msg)
obj = comtypes.CoCreateInstanceEx(clsid, clsctx=clsctx,
interface=interface, machine=machine, pServerInfo=pServerInfo)
if dynamic:
return comtypes.client.dynamic.Dispatch(obj)
return _manage(obj, clsid, interface=interface)
def CoGetObject(displayname, interface=None, dynamic=False):
"""Create an object by calling CoGetObject(displayname).
Additional parameters have the same meaning as in CreateObject().
if dynamic:
if interface is not None:
raise ValueError("interface and dynamic are mutually exclusive")
interface = comtypes.automation.IDispatch
punk = comtypes.CoGetObject(displayname, interface)
if dynamic:
return comtypes.client.dynamic.Dispatch(punk)
return _manage(punk,