You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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class GetoptError(Exception):
def w_getopt(args, options):
"""A getopt for Windows.
Options may start with either '-' or '/', the option names may
have more than one letter (/tlb or -RegServer), and option names
are case insensitive.
Returns two elements, just as getopt.getopt. The first is a list
of (option, value) pairs in the same way getopt.getopt does, but
there is no '-' or '/' prefix to the option name, and the option
name is always lower case. The second is the list of arguments
which do not belong to an option.
Different from getopt.getopt, a single argument not belonging to an option
does not terminate parsing.
opts = []
arguments = []
while args:
if args[0][:1] in "/-":
arg = args[0][1:] # strip the '-' or '/'
arg = arg.lower()
if arg + ':' in options:
opts.append((arg, args[1]))
except IndexError:
raise GetoptError("option '%s' requires an argument" % args[0])
args = args[1:]
elif arg in options:
opts.append((arg, ''))
raise GetoptError("invalid option '%s'" % args[0])
args = args[1:]
args = args[1:]
return opts, arguments
if __debug__:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import unittest
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_1(self):
args = "-embedding spam /RegServer foo /UnregSERVER blabla".split()
opts, args = w_getopt(args,
"regserver unregserver embedding".split())
[('embedding', ''),
('regserver', ''),
('unregserver', '')])
self.assertEqual(args, ["spam", "foo", "blabla"])
def test_2(self):
args = "/TLB Hello.Tlb HELLO.idl".split()
opts, args = w_getopt(args, ["tlb:"])
self.assertEqual(opts, [('tlb', 'Hello.Tlb')])
self.assertEqual(args, ['HELLO.idl'])
def test_3(self):
# Invalid option
self.assertRaises(GetoptError, w_getopt,
"/TLIB hello.tlb hello.idl".split(), ["tlb:"])
def test_4(self):
# Missing argument
self.assertRaises(GetoptError, w_getopt,
"/TLB".split(), ["tlb:"])