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import array
from comtypes import BSTR, IUnknown
from comtypes.test import is_resource_enabled, get_numpy
from comtypes.test.find_memleak import find_memleak
from ctypes import POINTER, PyDLL, byref, c_double, c_long, pointer, py_object
from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
import unittest
from comtypes.automation import (
from comtypes.automation import _midlSAFEARRAY
from comtypes.safearray import safearray_as_ndarray
from comtypes._safearray import SafeArrayGetVartype
def get_array(sa):
"""Get an array from a safe array type"""
with safearray_as_ndarray:
return sa[0]
def com_refcnt(o):
"""Return the COM refcount of an interface pointer"""
import gc
return o.Release()
class VariantTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_VARIANT_array(self):
v.value = ((1, 2, 3), ("foo", "bar", None))
self.assertEqual(v.vt, VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT)
self.assertEqual(v.value, ((1, 2, 3), ("foo", "bar", None)))
def func():
VARIANT((1, 2, 3), ("foo", "bar", None))
bytes = find_memleak(func)
self.assertFalse(bytes, "Leaks %d bytes" % bytes)
def test_double_array(self):
a = array.array("d", (3.14, 2.78))
v = VARIANT(a)
self.assertEqual(v.vt, VT_ARRAY | VT_R8)
self.assertEqual(tuple(a.tolist()), v.value)
def func():
VARIANT(array.array("d", (3.14, 2.78)))
bytes = find_memleak(func)
self.assertFalse(bytes, "Leaks %d bytes" % bytes)
def test_float_array(self):
a = array.array("f", (3.14, 2.78))
v = VARIANT(a)
self.assertEqual(v.vt, VT_ARRAY | VT_R4)
self.assertEqual(tuple(a.tolist()), v.value)
def test_2dim_array(self):
data = ((1, 2, 3, 4),
(5, 6, 7, 8),
(9, 10, 11, 12))
v = VARIANT(data)
self.assertEqual(v.value, data)
class SafeArrayTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_equality(self):
a = _midlSAFEARRAY(c_long)
b = _midlSAFEARRAY(c_long)
self.assertTrue(a is b)
self.assertTrue(c is d)
self.assertNotEqual(a, c)
# XXX remove:
self.assertEqual((a._itemtype_, a._vartype_),
(c_long, VT_I4))
self.assertEqual((c._itemtype_, c._vartype_),
def test_nested_contexts(self):
np = get_numpy()
if np is None:
sa = t.from_param(["a", "b", "c"])
first = sa[0]
with safearray_as_ndarray:
second = sa[0]
with safearray_as_ndarray:
third = sa[0]
fourth = sa[0]
fifth = sa[0]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(first, tuple))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(second, np.ndarray))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(third, np.ndarray))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(fourth, np.ndarray))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(fifth, tuple))
def test_VT_BSTR(self):
sa = t.from_param(["a", "b", "c"])
self.assertEqual(sa[0], ("a", "b", "c"))
self.assertEqual(SafeArrayGetVartype(sa), VT_BSTR)
def test_VT_BSTR_ndarray(self):
np = get_numpy()
if np is None:
sa = t.from_param(["a", "b", "c"])
arr = get_array(sa)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
self.assertEqual(np.dtype('<U1'), arr.dtype)
self.assertTrue((arr == ("a", "b", "c")).all())
self.assertEqual(SafeArrayGetVartype(sa), VT_BSTR)
def test_VT_BSTR_leaks(self):
def doit():
sb.from_param(["foo", "bar"])
bytes = find_memleak(doit)
self.assertFalse(bytes, "Leaks %d bytes" % bytes)
def test_VT_I4_leaks(self):
sa = _midlSAFEARRAY(c_long)
def doit():
sa.from_param([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
bytes = find_memleak(doit)
self.assertFalse(bytes, "Leaks %d bytes" % bytes)
def test_VT_I4(self):
t = _midlSAFEARRAY(c_long)
sa = t.from_param([11, 22, 33])
self.assertEqual(sa[0], (11, 22, 33))
self.assertEqual(SafeArrayGetVartype(sa), VT_I4)
# TypeError: len() of unsized object
self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: t.from_param(object()))
def test_VT_I4_ndarray(self):
np = get_numpy()
if np is None:
t = _midlSAFEARRAY(c_long)
inarr = np.array([11, 22, 33])
sa = t.from_param(inarr)
arr = get_array(sa)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
self.assertEqual(np.dtype(, arr.dtype)
self.assertTrue((arr == inarr).all())
self.assertEqual(SafeArrayGetVartype(sa), VT_I4)
def test_array(self):
np = get_numpy()
if np is None:
t = _midlSAFEARRAY(c_double)
pat = pointer(t())
pat[0] = np.zeros(32, dtype=np.float)
arr = get_array(pat[0])
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
self.assertEqual(np.dtype(np.double), arr.dtype)
self.assertTrue((arr == (0.0,) * 32).all())
data = ((1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
(4.0, 5.0, 6.0),
(7.0, 8.0, 9.0))
a = np.array(data, dtype=np.double)
pat[0] = a
arr = get_array(pat[0])
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
self.assertEqual(np.dtype(np.double), arr.dtype)
self.assertTrue((arr == data).all())
data = ((1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0), (5.0, 6.0))
a = np.array(data,
pat[0] = a
arr = get_array(pat[0])
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
self.assertEqual(np.dtype(np.double), arr.dtype)
self.assertEqual(pat[0][0], data)
def test_VT_VARIANT(self):
now =
sa = t.from_param([11, "22", None, True, now, Decimal("3.14")])
self.assertEqual(sa[0], (11, "22", None, True, now, Decimal("3.14")))
self.assertEqual(SafeArrayGetVartype(sa), VT_VARIANT)
def test_VT_VARIANT_ndarray(self):
np = get_numpy()
if np is None:
now =
inarr = np.array(
[11, "22", "33", 44.0, None, True, now, Decimal("3.14")]
).reshape(2, 4)
sa = t.from_param(inarr)
arr = get_array(sa)
self.assertEqual(np.dtype(object), arr.dtype)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
self.assertTrue((arr == inarr).all())
self.assertEqual(SafeArrayGetVartype(sa), VT_VARIANT)
def test_VT_BOOL(self):
sa = t.from_param([True, False, True, False])
self.assertEqual(sa[0], (True, False, True, False))
def test_VT_BOOL_ndarray(self):
np = get_numpy()
if np is None:
sa = t.from_param([True, False, True, False])
arr = get_array(sa)
self.assertEqual(np.dtype(np.bool_), arr.dtype)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
self.assertTrue((arr == (True, False, True, False)).all())
def test_VT_UNKNOWN_1(self):
a = _midlSAFEARRAY(POINTER(IUnknown))
t = _midlSAFEARRAY(POINTER(IUnknown))
self.assertTrue(a is t)
from comtypes.typeinfo import CreateTypeLib
# will never be saved to disk
punk = CreateTypeLib("spam").QueryInterface(IUnknown)
# initial refcount
initial = com_refcnt(punk)
# This should increase the refcount by 1
sa = t.from_param([punk])
self.assertEqual(initial + 1, com_refcnt(punk))
# Unpacking the array must not change the refcount, and must
# return an equal object.
self.assertEqual((punk,), sa[0])
self.assertEqual(initial + 1, com_refcnt(punk))
del sa
self.assertEqual(initial, com_refcnt(punk))
sa = t.from_param([None])
self.assertEqual((POINTER(IUnknown)(),), sa[0])
def test_VT_UNKNOWN_multi(self):
a = _midlSAFEARRAY(POINTER(IUnknown))
t = _midlSAFEARRAY(POINTER(IUnknown))
self.assertTrue(a is t)
from comtypes.typeinfo import CreateTypeLib
# will never be saved to disk
punk = CreateTypeLib("spam").QueryInterface(IUnknown)
# initial refcount
initial = com_refcnt(punk)
# This should increase the refcount by 4
sa = t.from_param((punk,) * 4)
self.assertEqual(initial + 4, com_refcnt(punk))
# Unpacking the array must not change the refcount, and must
# return an equal object.
self.assertEqual((punk,)*4, sa[0])
self.assertEqual(initial + 4, com_refcnt(punk))
del sa
self.assertEqual(initial, com_refcnt(punk))
# This should increase the refcount by 2
sa = t.from_param((punk, None, punk, None))
self.assertEqual(initial + 2, com_refcnt(punk))
null = POINTER(IUnknown)()
self.assertEqual((punk, null, punk, null), sa[0])
del sa
self.assertEqual(initial, com_refcnt(punk))
# repeat same test, with 2 different com pointers
plib = CreateTypeLib("foo")
a, b = com_refcnt(plib), com_refcnt(punk)
sa = t.from_param([plib, punk, plib])
#### self.failUnlessEqual((plib, punk, plib), sa[0])
self.assertEqual((a+2, b+1), (com_refcnt(plib), com_refcnt(punk)))
del sa
self.assertEqual((a, b), (com_refcnt(plib), com_refcnt(punk)))
def test_VT_UNKNOWN_multi_ndarray(self):
np = get_numpy()
if np is None:
a = _midlSAFEARRAY(POINTER(IUnknown))
t = _midlSAFEARRAY(POINTER(IUnknown))
self.assertTrue(a is t)
from comtypes.typeinfo import CreateTypeLib
# will never be saved to disk
punk = CreateTypeLib("spam").QueryInterface(IUnknown)
# initial refcount
initial = com_refcnt(punk)
# This should increase the refcount by 4
sa = t.from_param((punk,) * 4)
self.assertEqual(initial + 4, com_refcnt(punk))
# Unpacking the array must not change the refcount, and must
# return an equal object. Creating an ndarray may change the
# refcount.
arr = get_array(sa)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
self.assertEqual(np.dtype(object), arr.dtype)
self.assertTrue((arr == (punk,)*4).all())
self.assertEqual(initial + 8, com_refcnt(punk))
del arr
self.assertEqual(initial + 4, com_refcnt(punk))
del sa
self.assertEqual(initial, com_refcnt(punk))
# This should increase the refcount by 2
sa = t.from_param((punk, None, punk, None))
self.assertEqual(initial + 2, com_refcnt(punk))
null = POINTER(IUnknown)()
arr = get_array(sa)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
self.assertEqual(np.dtype(object), arr.dtype)
self.assertTrue((arr == (punk, null, punk, null)).all())
del sa
del arr
self.assertEqual(initial, com_refcnt(punk))
def test_UDT(self):
from comtypes.gen.TestComServerLib import MYCOLOR
self.assertTrue(t is _midlSAFEARRAY(MYCOLOR))
sa = t.from_param([MYCOLOR(0, 0, 0), MYCOLOR(1, 2, 3)])
self.assertEqual([(,, for x in sa[0]],
[(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)])
def doit():
t.from_param([MYCOLOR(0, 0, 0), MYCOLOR(1, 2, 3)])
bytes = find_memleak(doit)
self.assertFalse(bytes, "Leaks %d bytes" % bytes)
def test_UDT_ndarray(self):
np = get_numpy()
if np is None:
from comtypes.gen.TestComServerLib import MYCOLOR
self.assertTrue(t is _midlSAFEARRAY(MYCOLOR))
sa = t.from_param([MYCOLOR(0, 0, 0), MYCOLOR(1, 2, 3)])
arr = get_array(sa)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(arr, np.ndarray))
# The conversion code allows numpy to choose the dtype of
# structured data. This dtype is structured under numpy 1.5, 1.7 and
# 1.8, and object in 1.6. Instead of assuming either of these, check
# the array contents based on the chosen type.
if arr.dtype is np.dtype(object):
data = [(,, for x in arr]
float_dtype = np.dtype('float64')
self.assertIs(arr.dtype[0], float_dtype)
self.assertIs(arr.dtype[1], float_dtype)
self.assertIs(arr.dtype[2], float_dtype)
data = [tuple(x) for x in arr]
self.assertEqual(data, [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)])
def test_datetime64_ndarray(self):
np = get_numpy()
if np is None:
except AttributeError:
dates = np.array([
np.datetime64("2000-01-01T05:30:00", "s"),
np.datetime64("1800-01-01T05:30:00", "ms"),
np.datetime64("2014-03-07T00:12:56", "us"),
np.datetime64("2000-01-01T12:34:56", "ns"),
sa = t.from_param(dates)
arr = get_array(sa).astype(dates.dtype)
self.assertTrue((dates == arr).all())
if is_resource_enabled("pythoncom"):
import pythoncom
except ImportError:
# pywin32 not installed...
# pywin32 is available. The pythoncom dll contains two handy
# exported functions that allow to create a VARIANT from a Python
# object, also a function that unpacks a VARIANT into a Python
# object.
# This allows us to create und unpack SAFEARRAY instances
# contained in VARIANTs, and check for consistency with the
# comtypes code.
_dll = PyDLL(pythoncom.__file__)
# c:/sf/pywin32/com/win32com/src/oleargs.cpp 213
# PyObject *PyCom_PyObjectFromVariant(const VARIANT *var)
unpack = _dll.PyCom_PyObjectFromVariant
unpack.restype = py_object
unpack.argtypes = POINTER(VARIANT),
# c:/sf/pywin32/com/win32com/src/oleargs.cpp 54
# BOOL PyCom_VariantFromPyObject(PyObject *obj, VARIANT *var)
_pack = _dll.PyCom_VariantFromPyObject
_pack.argtypes = py_object, POINTER(VARIANT)
_pack.restype = BOOL
def pack(obj):
var = VARIANT()
_pack(obj, byref(var))
return var
class PyWinTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_1dim(self):
data = (1, 2, 3)
variant = pack(data)
self.assertEqual(variant.value, data)
self.assertEqual(unpack(variant), data)
def test_2dim(self):
data = ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9))
variant = pack(data)
self.assertEqual(variant.value, data)
self.assertEqual(unpack(variant), data)
def test_3dim(self):
data = ( ( (1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6) ),
( (7, 8), (9, 10), (11, 12) ) )
variant = pack(data)
self.assertEqual(variant.value, data)
self.assertEqual(unpack(variant), data)
def test_4dim(self):
data = ( ( ( ( 1, 2), ( 3, 4) ),
( ( 5, 6), ( 7, 8) ) ),
( ( ( 9, 10), (11, 12) ),
( (13, 14), (15, 16) ) ) )
variant = pack(data)
self.assertEqual(variant.value, data)
self.assertEqual(unpack(variant), data)
if __name__ == "__main__":