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import atexit, os, unittest
##import comtypes
import comtypes.typeinfo, comtypes.client
class TypeLib(object):
"""This class collects IDL code fragments and eventually writes
them into a .IDL file. The compile() method compiles the IDL file
into a typelibrary and registers it. A function is also
registered with atexit that will unregister the typelib at program
def __init__(self, lib):
self.lib = lib
self.interfaces = []
self.coclasses = []
def interface(self, header):
itf = Interface(header)
return itf
def coclass(self, definition):
def __str__(self):
header = '''import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";
%s {''' % self.lib
body = "\n".join([str(itf) for itf in self.interfaces])
footer = "\n".join(self.coclasses) + "}"
return "\n".join((header, body, footer))
def compile(self):
"""Compile and register the typelib"""
code = str(self)
curdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
idl_path = os.path.join(curdir, "mylib.idl")
tlb_path = os.path.join(curdir, "mylib.tlb")
if not os.path.isfile(idl_path) or open(idl_path, "r").read() != code:
open(idl_path, "w").write(code)
os.system(r'call "%%VS71COMNTOOLS%%vsvars32.bat" && '
r'midl /nologo %s /tlb %s' % (idl_path, tlb_path))
# Register the typelib...
tlib = comtypes.typeinfo.LoadTypeLib(tlb_path)
# create the wrapper module...
# Unregister the typelib at interpreter exit...
attr = tlib.GetLibAttr()
guid, major, minor = attr.guid, attr.wMajorVerNum, attr.wMinorVerNum
## atexit.register(comtypes.typeinfo.UnRegisterTypeLib,
## guid, major, minor)
return tlb_path
class Interface(object):
def __init__(self, header):
self.header = header
self.code = ""
def add(self, text):
self.code += text + "\n"
return self
def __str__(self):
return self.header + " {\n" + self.code + "}\n"
import comtypes
from comtypes.client import wrap
tlb = TypeLib("[uuid(f4f74946-4546-44bd-a073-9ea6f9fe78cb)] library TestLib")
itf = tlb.interface("""[object,
interface IMyInterface : IDispatch""")
outgoing = tlb.interface("""[object,
interface IMyEventInterface : IDispatch""")
coclass MyServer {
[default] interface IMyInterface;
[default, source] interface IMyEventInterface;
# The purpose of the MyServer class is to locate three separate code
# section snippets closely together:
# 1. The IDL method definition for a COM interface method
# 2. The Python implementation of the COM method
# 3. The unittest(s) for the COM method.
from comtypes.server.connectionpoints import ConnectableObjectMixin
class MyServer(comtypes.CoClass, ConnectableObjectMixin):
_reg_typelib_ = ('{f4f74946-4546-44bd-a073-9ea6f9fe78cb}', 0, 0)
_reg_clsid_ = comtypes.GUID('{fa9de8f4-20de-45fc-b079-648572428817}')
# definition
itf.add("""[id(100), propget] HRESULT Name([out, retval] BSTR *pname);
[id(100), propput] HRESULT Name([in] BSTR name);""")
# implementation
Name = "foo"
# test
def test_Name(self):
p = wrap(self.create())
self.assertEqual((p.Name,, p.nAME), ("foo",) * 3)
p.NAME = "spam"
self.assertEqual((p.Name,, p.nAME), ("spam",) * 3)
# definition
itf.add("[id(101)] HRESULT MixedInOut([in] int a, [out] int *b, [in] int c, [out] int *d);")
# implementation
def MixedInOut(self, a, c):
return a+1, c+1
def test_MixedInOut(self):
p = wrap(self.create())
self.assertEqual(p.MixedInOut(1, 2), (2, 3))
# definition
itf.add("[id(102)] HRESULT MultiInOutArgs([in, out] int *pa, [in, out] int *pb);")
# implementation
def MultiInOutArgs(self, pa, pb):
return pa[0] * 3, pb[0] * 4
# test
def test_MultiInOutArgs(self):
p = wrap(self.create())
self.assertEqual(p.MultiInOutArgs(1, 2), (3, 8))
# definition
itf.add("HRESULT MultiInOutArgs2([in, out] int *pa, [out] int *pb);")
## # implementation
## def MultiInOutArgs2(self, pa):
## return pa[0] * 3, pa[0] * 4
## # test
## def test_MultiInOutArgs2(self):
## p = wrap(self.create())
## self.assertEqual(p.MultiInOutArgs2(42), (126, 168))
# definition
itf.add("HRESULT MultiInOutArgs3([out] int *pa, [out] int *pb);")
# implementation
def MultiInOutArgs3(self):
return 42, 43
# test
def test_MultiInOutArgs3(self):
p = wrap(self.create())
self.assertEqual(p.MultiInOutArgs3(), (42, 43))
# definition
itf.add("HRESULT MultiInOutArgs4([out] int *pa, [in, out] int *pb);")
# implementation
def MultiInOutArgs4(self, pb):
return pb[0] + 3, pb[0] + 4
# test
def test_MultiInOutArgs4(self):
p = wrap(self.create())
res = p.MultiInOutArgs4(pb=32)
## print "MultiInOutArgs4", res
itf.add("""HRESULT GetStackTrace([in] ULONG FrameOffset,
[in, out] INT *Frames,
[in] ULONG FramesSize,
[out, optional] ULONG *FramesFilled);""")
def GetStackTrace(self, this, *args):
## print "GetStackTrace", args
return 0
def test_GetStackTrace(self):
p = wrap(self.create())
from ctypes import c_int, POINTER, pointer
frames = (c_int * 5)()
res = p.GetStackTrace(42, frames, 5)
## print "RES_1", res
frames = pointer(c_int(5))
res = p.GetStackTrace(42, frames, 0)
## print "RES_2", res
# It is unlear to me if this is allowed or not. Apparently there
# are typelibs that define such an argument type, but it may be
# that these are buggy.
# Point is that SafeArrayCreateEx(VT_VARIANT|VT_BYREF, ..) fails.
# The MSDN docs for SafeArrayCreate() have a notice that neither
# VT_ARRAY not VT_BYREF may be set, this notice is missing however
# for SafeArrayCreateEx().
# We have this code here to make sure that comtypes can import
# such a typelib, although calling ths method will fail because
# such an array cannot be created.
itf.add("""HRESULT dummy([in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT *) foo);""")
# Test events.
itf.add("""HRESULT DoSomething();""")
outgoing.add("""[id(103)] HRESULT OnSomething();""")
# implementation
def DoSomething(self):
"Implement the DoSomething method"
self.Fire_Event(0, "OnSomething")
# test
def test_events(self):
p = wrap(self.create())
class Handler(object):
called = 0
def OnSomething(self, this):
"Handles the OnSomething event"
self.called += 1
handler = Handler()
ev = comtypes.client.GetEvents(p, handler)
self.assertEqual(handler.called, 1)
class Handler(object):
called = 0
def IMyEventInterface_OnSomething(self):
"Handles the OnSomething event"
self.called += 1
handler = Handler()
ev = comtypes.client.GetEvents(p, handler)
self.assertEqual(handler.called, 1)
# events with out-parameters (these are probably very unlikely...)
itf.add("""HRESULT DoSomethingElse();""")
outgoing.add("""[id(104)] HRESULT OnSomethingElse([out, retval] int *px);""")
def DoSomethingElse(self):
"Implement the DoSomething method"
self.Fire_Event(0, "OnSomethingElse")
def test_DoSomethingElse(self):
p = wrap(self.create())
class Handler(object):
called = 0
def OnSomethingElse(self):
"Handles the OnSomething event"
self.called += 1
return 42
handler = Handler()
ev = comtypes.client.GetEvents(p, handler)
self.assertEqual(handler.called, 1)
class Handler(object):
called = 0
def OnSomethingElse(self, this, presult):
"Handles the OnSomething event"
self.called += 1
presult[0] = 42
handler = Handler()
ev = comtypes.client.GetEvents(p, handler)
self.assertEqual(handler.called, 1)
path = tlb.compile()
from comtypes.gen import TestLib
from comtypes.typeinfo import IProvideClassInfo, IProvideClassInfo2
from comtypes.connectionpoints import IConnectionPointContainer
MyServer._com_interfaces_ = [TestLib.IMyInterface,
MyServer._outgoing_interfaces_ = [TestLib.IMyEventInterface]
class Test(unittest.TestCase, MyServer):
def __init__(self, *args):
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args)
def create(self):
obj = MyServer()
return obj.QueryInterface(comtypes.IUnknown)
if __name__ == "__main__":