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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from itertools import product
from numbers import Integral
from operator import getitem
import numpy as np
from .core import (normalize_chunks, Array, slices_from_chunks, asarray,
broadcast_shapes, broadcast_to)
from ..base import tokenize
from ..highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph
from ..utils import ignoring, random_state_data, skip_doctest
def doc_wraps(func):
""" Copy docstring from one function to another """
def _(func2):
if func.__doc__ is not None:
func2.__doc__ = skip_doctest(func.__doc__)
return func2
return _
class RandomState(object):
Mersenne Twister pseudo-random number generator
This object contains state to deterministically generate pseudo-random
numbers from a variety of probability distributions. It is identical to
``np.random.RandomState`` except that all functions also take a ``chunks=``
keyword argument.
seed: Number
Object to pass to RandomState to serve as deterministic seed
RandomState: Callable[seed] -> RandomState
A callable that, when provided with a ``seed`` keyword provides an
object that operates identically to ``np.random.RandomState`` (the
default). This might also be a function that returns a
``randomgen.RandomState``, ``mkl_random``, or
``cupy.random.RandomState`` object.
>>> import dask.array as da
>>> state = da.random.RandomState(1234) # a seed
>>> x = state.normal(10, 0.1, size=3, chunks=(2,))
>>> x.compute()
array([10.01867852, 10.04812289, 9.89649746])
See Also
def __init__(self, seed=None, RandomState=None):
self._numpy_state = np.random.RandomState(seed)
self._RandomState = RandomState
def seed(self, seed=None):
def _wrap(self, funcname, *args, **kwargs):
""" Wrap numpy random function to produce dask.array random function
extra_chunks should be a chunks tuple to append to the end of chunks
size = kwargs.pop('size', None)
chunks = kwargs.pop('chunks', 'auto')
extra_chunks = kwargs.pop('extra_chunks', ())
if size is not None and not isinstance(size, (tuple, list)):
size = (size,)
args_shapes = {ar.shape for ar in args
if isinstance(ar, (Array, np.ndarray))}
args_shapes.union({ar.shape for ar in kwargs.values()
if isinstance(ar, (Array, np.ndarray))})
shapes = list(args_shapes)
if size is not None:
shapes += [size]
# broadcast to the final size(shape)
size = broadcast_shapes(*shapes)
chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, size, # ideally would use dtype here
dtype=kwargs.get('dtype', np.float64))
slices = slices_from_chunks(chunks)
def _broadcast_any(ar, shape, chunks):
if isinstance(ar, Array):
return broadcast_to(ar, shape).rechunk(chunks)
if isinstance(ar, np.ndarray):
return np.ascontiguousarray(np.broadcast_to(ar, shape))
# Broadcast all arguments, get tiny versions as well
# Start adding the relevant bits to the graph
dsk = {}
dsks = []
lookup = {}
small_args = []
dependencies = []
for i, ar in enumerate(args):
if isinstance(ar, (np.ndarray, Array)):
res = _broadcast_any(ar, size, chunks)
if isinstance(res, Array):
lookup[i] =
elif isinstance(res, np.ndarray):
name = 'array-{}'.format(tokenize(res))
lookup[i] = name
dsk[name] = res
small_args.append(ar[tuple(0 for _ in ar.shape)])
small_kwargs = {}
for key, ar in kwargs.items():
if isinstance(ar, (np.ndarray, Array)):
res = _broadcast_any(ar, size, chunks)
if isinstance(res, Array):
lookup[key] =
elif isinstance(res, np.ndarray):
name = 'array-{}'.format(tokenize(res))
lookup[key] = name
dsk[name] = res
small_kwargs[key] = ar[tuple(0 for _ in ar.shape)]
small_kwargs[key] = ar
# Get dtype
small_kwargs['size'] = (0,)
func = getattr(np.random.RandomState(), funcname)
dtype = func(*small_args, **small_kwargs).dtype
sizes = list(product(*chunks))
seeds = random_state_data(len(sizes), self._numpy_state)
token = tokenize(seeds, size, chunks, args, kwargs)
name = '{0}-{1}'.format(funcname, token)
keys = product([name], *([range(len(bd)) for bd in chunks] +
[[0]] * len(extra_chunks)))
blocks = product(*[range(len(bd)) for bd in chunks])
vals = []
for seed, size, slc, block in zip(seeds, sizes, slices, blocks):
arg = []
for i, ar in enumerate(args):
if i not in lookup:
if isinstance(ar, Array):
arg.append((lookup[i], ) + block)
else: # np.ndarray
arg.append((getitem, lookup[i], slc))
kwrg = {}
for k, ar in kwargs.items():
if k not in lookup:
kwrg[k] = ar
if isinstance(ar, Array):
kwrg[k] = (lookup[k], ) + block
else: # np.ndarray
kwrg[k] = (getitem, lookup[k], slc)
vals.append((_apply_random, self._RandomState, funcname, seed, size, arg, kwrg))
dsk.update(dict(zip(keys, vals)))
graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(
name, dsk, dependencies=dependencies,
return Array(graph, name, chunks + extra_chunks, dtype=dtype)
def beta(self, a, b, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('beta', a, b, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def binomial(self, n, p, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('binomial', n, p, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def chisquare(self, df, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('chisquare', df, size=size, chunks=chunks)
with ignoring(AttributeError):
def choice(self, a, size=None, replace=True, p=None, chunks="auto"):
dependencies = []
# Normalize and validate `a`
if isinstance(a, Integral):
# On windows the output dtype differs if p is provided or
# absent, see
dummy_p = np.array([1]) if p is not None else p
dtype = np.random.choice(1, size=(), p=dummy_p).dtype
len_a = a
if a < 0:
raise ValueError("a must be greater than 0")
a = asarray(a).rechunk(a.shape)
dtype = a.dtype
if a.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("a must be one dimensional")
len_a = len(a)
a = a.__dask_keys__()[0]
# Normalize and validate `p`
if p is not None:
if not isinstance(p, Array):
# If p is not a dask array, first check the sum is close
# to 1 before converting.
p = np.asarray(p)
if not np.isclose(p.sum(), 1, rtol=1e-7, atol=0):
raise ValueError("probabilities do not sum to 1")
p = asarray(p)
p = p.rechunk(p.shape)
if p.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("p must be one dimensional")
if len(p) != len_a:
raise ValueError("a and p must have the same size")
p = p.__dask_keys__()[0]
if size is None:
size = ()
elif not isinstance(size, (tuple, list)):
size = (size,)
chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, size, dtype=np.float64)
if not replace and len(chunks[0]) > 1:
err_msg = ('replace=False is not currently supported for '
'dask.array.choice with multi-chunk output '
raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)
sizes = list(product(*chunks))
state_data = random_state_data(len(sizes), self._numpy_state)
name = 'da.random.choice-%s' % tokenize(state_data, size, chunks,
a, replace, p)
keys = product([name], *(range(len(bd)) for bd in chunks))
dsk = {k: (_choice, state, a, size, replace, p) for
k, state, size in zip(keys, state_data, sizes)}
graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=dependencies)
return Array(graph, name, chunks, dtype=dtype)
# @doc_wraps(np.random.RandomState.dirichlet)
# def dirichlet(self, alpha, size=None, chunks="auto"):
def exponential(self, scale=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('exponential', scale, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def f(self, dfnum, dfden, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('f', dfnum, dfden, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def gamma(self, shape, scale=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('gamma', shape, scale, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def geometric(self, p, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('geometric', p, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def gumbel(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('gumbel', loc, scale, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def hypergeometric(self, ngood, nbad, nsample, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('hypergeometric', ngood, nbad, nsample,
size=size, chunks=chunks)
def laplace(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('laplace', loc, scale, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def logistic(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('logistic', loc, scale, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def lognormal(self, mean=0.0, sigma=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('lognormal', mean, sigma, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def logseries(self, p, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('logseries', p, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def multinomial(self, n, pvals, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('multinomial', n, pvals, size=size, chunks=chunks,
def negative_binomial(self, n, p, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('negative_binomial', n, p, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def noncentral_chisquare(self, df, nonc, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('noncentral_chisquare', df, nonc, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def noncentral_f(self, dfnum, dfden, nonc, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('noncentral_f', dfnum, dfden, nonc, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def normal(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('normal', loc, scale, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def pareto(self, a, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('pareto', a, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def poisson(self, lam=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('poisson', lam, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def power(self, a, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('power', a, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def randint(self, low, high=None, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('randint', low, high, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def random_integers(self, low, high=None, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('random_integers', low, high, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def random_sample(self, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('random_sample', size=size, chunks=chunks)
random = random_sample
def rayleigh(self, scale=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('rayleigh', scale, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def standard_cauchy(self, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('standard_cauchy', size=size, chunks=chunks)
def standard_exponential(self, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('standard_exponential', size=size, chunks=chunks)
def standard_gamma(self, shape, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('standard_gamma', shape, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def standard_normal(self, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('standard_normal', size=size, chunks=chunks)
def standard_t(self, df, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('standard_t', df, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def tomaxint(self, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('tomaxint', size=size, chunks=chunks)
def triangular(self, left, mode, right, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('triangular', left, mode, right, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def uniform(self, low=0.0, high=1.0, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('uniform', low, high, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def vonmises(self, mu, kappa, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('vonmises', mu, kappa, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def wald(self, mean, scale, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('wald', mean, scale, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def weibull(self, a, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('weibull', a, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def zipf(self, a, size=None, chunks="auto"):
return self._wrap('zipf', a, size=size, chunks=chunks)
def _choice(state_data, a, size, replace, p):
state = np.random.RandomState(state_data)
return state.choice(a, size=size, replace=replace, p=p)
def _apply_random(RandomState, funcname, state_data, size, args, kwargs):
"""Apply RandomState method with seed"""
if RandomState is None:
RandomState = np.random.RandomState
state = RandomState(state_data)
func = getattr(state, funcname)
return func(*args, size=size, **kwargs)
_state = RandomState()
seed = _state.seed
beta = _state.beta
binomial = _state.binomial
chisquare = _state.chisquare
if hasattr(_state, 'choice'):
choice = _state.choice
exponential = _state.exponential
f = _state.f
gamma = _state.gamma
geometric = _state.geometric
gumbel = _state.gumbel
hypergeometric = _state.hypergeometric
laplace = _state.laplace
logistic = _state.logistic
lognormal = _state.lognormal
logseries = _state.logseries
multinomial = _state.multinomial
negative_binomial = _state.negative_binomial
noncentral_chisquare = _state.noncentral_chisquare
noncentral_f = _state.noncentral_f
normal = _state.normal
pareto = _state.pareto
poisson = _state.poisson
power = _state.power
rayleigh = _state.rayleigh
random_sample = _state.random_sample
random = random_sample
randint = _state.randint
random_integers = _state.random_integers
triangular = _state.triangular
uniform = _state.uniform
vonmises = _state.vonmises
wald = _state.wald
weibull = _state.weibull
zipf = _state.zipf
Standard distributions
standard_cauchy = _state.standard_cauchy
standard_exponential = _state.standard_exponential
standard_gamma = _state.standard_gamma
standard_normal = _state.standard_normal
standard_t = _state.standard_t