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import collections
from operator import add
import pytest
import numpy as np
import dask
import dask.array as da
from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph
from dask.blockwise import (Blockwise, rewrite_blockwise, optimize_blockwise, index_subs, blockwise)
from dask.array.utils import assert_eq
from dask.utils_test import inc, dec
a, b, c, d, e, f, g = 'abcdefg'
_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9 = ['_%d' % i for i in range(10)]
i, j, k = 'ijk'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('inputs,expected', [
# output name, output index, task, input indices
[[(b, 'i', {b: (inc, _0)}, [(a, 'i')])],
(b, 'i', {b: (inc, _0)}, [(a, 'i')])],
[[(b, 'i', {b: (inc, _0)}, [(a, 'i')]),
(c, 'i', {c: (dec, _0)}, [(a, 'i')]),
(d, 'i', {d: (add, _0, _1, _2)}, [(a, 'i'), (b, 'i'), (c, 'i')])],
(d, 'i', {b: (inc, _0), c: (dec, _0), d: (add, _0, b, c)}, [(a, 'i')])],
[[(b, 'i', {b: (inc, _0)}, [(a, 'i')]),
(c, 'j', {c: (inc, _0)}, [(b, 'j')])],
(c, 'j', {b: (inc, _0), c: (inc, b)}, [(a, 'j')])],
[[(b, 'i', {b: (sum, _0)}, [(a, 'ij')]),
(c, 'k', {c: (inc, _0)}, [(b, 'k')])],
(c, 'k', {b: (sum, _0), c: (inc, b)}, [(a, 'kA')])],
[[(c, 'i', {c: (inc, _0)}, [(a, 'i')]),
(d, 'i', {d: (inc, _0)}, [(b, 'i')]),
(g, 'ij', {g: (add, _0, _1)}, [(c, 'i'), (d, 'j')])],
(g, 'ij', {g: (add, c, d), c: (inc, _0), d: (inc, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (b, 'j')])],
[[(b, 'ji', {b: (np.transpose, _0)}, [(a, 'ij')]),
(c, 'ij', {c: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'ij'), (b, 'ij')])],
(c, 'ij', {c: (add, _0, b), b: (np.transpose, _1)}, [(a, 'ij'), (a, 'ji')])],
[[(c, 'i', {c: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (b, 'i')]),
(d, 'i', {d: (inc, _0)}, [(c, 'i')])],
(d, 'i', {d: (inc, c), c: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (b, 'i')])],
[[(b, 'ij', {b: (np.transpose, _0)}, [(a, 'ji')]),
(d, 'ij', {d: (, _0, _1)}, [(b, 'ik'), (c, 'kj')])],
(d, 'ij', {d: (, b, _0), b: (np.transpose, _1)}, [(c, 'kj'), (a, 'ki')])],
[[(c, 'i', {c: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (b, 'i')]),
(f, 'i', {f: (add, _0, _1)}, [(d, 'i'), (e, 'i')]),
(g, 'i', {g: (add, _0, _1)}, [(c, 'i'), (f, 'i')])],
(g, 'i', {g: (add, c, f), f: (add, _2, _3), c: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, i), (b, i), (d, i), (e, i)])],
[[(c, 'i', {c: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (b, 'i')]),
(f, 'i', {f: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (e, 'i')]),
(g, 'i', {g: (add, _0, _1)}, [(c, 'i'), (f, 'i')])],
(g, 'i', {g: (add, c, f), f: (add, _0, _2), c: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (b, 'i'), (e, 'i')])],
[[(b, 'i', {b: (sum, _0)}, [(a, 'ij')]),
(c, 'i', {c: (inc, _0)}, [(b, 'i')])],
(c, 'i', {c: (inc, b), b: (sum, _0)}, [(a, 'iA')])],
[[(c, 'i', {c: (inc, _0)}, [(b, 'i')]),
(d, 'i', {d: (add, _0, _1, _2)}, [(a, 'i'), (b, 'i'), (c, 'i')])],
(d, 'i', {d: (add, _0, _1, c), c: (inc, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (b, 'i')])],
# Include literals
[[(b, 'i', {b: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (123, None)])],
(b, 'i', {b: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (123, None)])],
[[(b, 'i', {b: (add, _0, _1)}, [(a, 'i'), (123, None)]),
(c, 'j', {c: (add, _0, _1)}, [(b, 'j'), (456, None)])],
(c, 'j', {b: (add, _1, _2), c: (add, b, _0)}, [(456, None), (a, 'j'), (123, None)])],
def test_rewrite(inputs, expected):
inputs = [Blockwise(*inp, numblocks={k: (1,) * len(v) for k, v in inp[-1] if v is not None})
for inp in inputs]
result = rewrite_blockwise(inputs)
result2 = (result.output,
[(name, ''.join(ind) if ind is not None else ind)
for name, ind in result.indices])
assert result2 == expected
def test_index_subs():
assert index_subs(tuple('ij'), {'i': 'j', 'j': 'i'}) == tuple('ji')
def test_optimize_blockwise():
x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,))
y = ((((x + 1) + 2) + 3) + 4)
# dsk = da.optimization.optimize_blockwise(y.dask)
dsk = da.optimization.optimize_blockwise(y.dask)
assert isinstance(dsk, HighLevelGraph)
assert len([layer for layer in dsk.dicts.values() if isinstance(layer, Blockwise)]) == 1
def test_blockwise_diamond_fusion():
x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,))
y = (((x + 1) + 2) + 3)
a = y * 2
b = y * 3
c = a + b
d = (((c + 1) + 2) + 3)
dsk = da.optimization.optimize_blockwise(d.dask)
assert isinstance(dsk, HighLevelGraph)
assert len([layer for layer in dsk.dicts.values() if isinstance(layer, Blockwise)]) == 1
def test_blockwise_non_blockwise_output():
x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,))
y = (((x + 1) + 2) + 3)
w = y.sum()
z = (((y * 2) * 3) * 4)
z_top_before = tuple(z.dask.dicts[].indices)
(zz,) = dask.optimize(z)
z_top_after = tuple(z.dask.dicts[].indices)
assert z_top_before == z_top_after, "z_top mutated"
dsk = optimize_blockwise(z.dask, keys=list(dask.core.flatten(z.__dask_keys__())))
assert isinstance(dsk, HighLevelGraph)
assert len([layer for layer in dsk.dicts.values() if isinstance(layer, Blockwise)]) == 1
dsk = optimize_blockwise(HighLevelGraph.merge(w.dask, z.dask),
keys=list(dask.core.flatten([w.__dask_keys__(), z.__dask_keys__()])))
assert isinstance(dsk, HighLevelGraph)
assert len([layer for layer in z.dask.dicts.values() if isinstance(layer, Blockwise)]) >= 1
def test_top_len():
x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,))
y = x[:, None] * x[None, :]
d = y.dask.dicts[]
assert len(d) == 4
def test_inner_compute():
x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,)) + 1 + 2 + 3
a = x.sum()
y = x * 2 * 3 * 4
b = y.sum()
z = x * 2 * 3
dask.compute(x, a, y, b, z)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('name', ['_', '_0', '_1', '.', '.0'])
def test_common_token_names_args(name):
x = np.array(['a', 'bb', 'ccc'], dtype=object)
d = da.from_array(x, chunks=2)
result = da.blockwise(add, 'i', d, 'i', name, None, dtype=object)
expected = x + name
assert_eq(result, expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('name', ['_0', '_1', '.', '.0', '_'])
def test_common_token_names_kwargs(name):
x = np.array(['a', 'bb', 'ccc'], dtype=object)
d = da.from_array(x, chunks=2)
result = da.blockwise(lambda x, y: x + y, 'i', d, 'i', y=name, dtype=object)
expected = x + name
assert_eq(result, expected)
def test_blockwise_names():
x = da.ones(5, chunks=(2,))
y = da.blockwise(add, 'i', x, 'i', dtype=x.dtype)
def test_blockwise_new_axes():
def f(x):
return x[:, None] * np.ones((1, 7))
x = da.ones(5, chunks=2)
y = da.blockwise(f, 'aq', x, 'a', new_axes={'q': 7}, concatenate=True, dtype=x.dtype)
assert y.chunks == ((2, 2, 1), (7,))
assert_eq(y, np.ones((5, 7)))
def f(x):
return x[None, :] * np.ones((7, 1))
x = da.ones(5, chunks=2)
y = da.blockwise(f, 'qa', x, 'a', new_axes={'q': 7}, concatenate=True, dtype=x.dtype)
assert y.chunks == ((7,), (2, 2, 1))
assert_eq(y, np.ones((7, 5)))
def f(x):
y = x.sum(axis=1)
return y[:, None] * np.ones((1, 5))
x = da.ones((4, 6), chunks=(2, 2))
y = da.blockwise(f, 'aq', x, 'ab', new_axes={'q': 5}, concatenate=True, dtype=x.dtype)
assert y.chunks == ((2, 2), (5,))
assert_eq(y, np.ones((4, 5)) * 6)
def test_blockwise_new_axes_2():
x = da.ones((2, 2), chunks=(1, 1))
def func(x):
return np.stack([x, -x], axis=-1)
y = da.blockwise(
('x', 'y', 'sign'),
x, ('x', 'y'),
new_axes={'sign': 2}
assert_eq(y, y)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('concatenate', [True, False])
def test_blockwise_stacked_new_axes(concatenate):
def f(x):
return x[..., None] * np.ones((1, 7))
x = da.ones(5, chunks=2)
y = da.blockwise(f, 'aq', x, 'a', new_axes={'q': 7}, concatenate=concatenate, dtype=x.dtype)
z = da.blockwise(f, 'abq', y, 'ab', new_axes={'q': 7}, concatenate=concatenate, dtype=x.dtype)
assert z.chunks == ((2, 2, 1), (7,), (7,))
assert_eq(z, np.ones((5, 7, 7)))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('concatenate', [True, False])
def test_blockwise_stacked_new_axes_front(concatenate):
def f(x):
if isinstance(x, list):
x = np.concatenate(x)
return x[None, ...] * np.ones(7)[(slice(None),) + (None,) * x.ndim]
x = da.ones(5, chunks=2)
y = da.blockwise(f, 'qa', x, 'a', new_axes={'q': 7}, concatenate=concatenate, dtype=x.dtype)
z = da.blockwise(f, 'qab', y, 'ab', new_axes={'q': 7}, concatenate=concatenate, dtype=x.dtype)
assert z.chunks == ((7,), (7,), (2, 2, 1))
assert_eq(z, np.ones((7, 7, 5)))
w = da.blockwise(lambda x: x[:, 0, 0], 'a', z, 'abc', dtype=x.dtype, concatenate=True)
assert w.chunks == ((7,),)
assert_eq(w, np.ones((7,)))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('concatenate', [True, False])
def test_blockwise_stacked_new_axes_same_dim(concatenate):
def f(x):
return x[..., None] * np.ones((1, 7))
x = da.ones(5, chunks=2)
y = da.zeros(5, chunks=2)
a = da.blockwise(f, 'aq', x, 'a', new_axes={'q': 7}, concatenate=concatenate, dtype=x.dtype)
b = da.blockwise(f, 'aq', y, 'a', new_axes={'q': 7}, concatenate=concatenate, dtype=x.dtype)
c = a + b
assert c.chunks == ((2, 2, 1), (7,))
assert_eq(c, np.ones((5, 7)))
def test_blockwise_kwargs():
def f(a, b=0):
return a + b
x = da.ones(5, chunks=(2,))
y = da.blockwise(f, 'i', x, 'i', b=10, dtype=x.dtype)
assert_eq(y, np.ones(5) + 10)
def test_blockwise_chunks():
x = da.ones((5, 5), chunks=((2, 1, 2), (3, 2)))
def double(a, axis=0):
return np.concatenate([a, a], axis=axis)
y = da.blockwise(
double, 'ij',
x, 'ij',
adjust_chunks={'i': lambda n: 2 * n},
assert y.chunks == ((4, 2, 4), (3, 2))
assert_eq(y, np.ones((10, 5)))
y = da.blockwise(
double, 'ij',
x, 'ij',
adjust_chunks={'j': lambda n: 2 * n},
assert y.chunks == ((2, 1, 2), (6, 4))
assert_eq(y, np.ones((5, 10)))
x = da.ones((10, 10), chunks=(5, 5))
y = da.blockwise(
double, 'ij',
x, 'ij',
adjust_chunks={'i': 10},
assert y.chunks == ((10, 10), (5, 5))
assert_eq(y, np.ones((20, 10)))
y = da.blockwise(
double, 'ij',
x, 'ij',
adjust_chunks={'i': (10, 10)},
assert y.chunks == ((10, 10), (5, 5))
assert_eq(y, np.ones((20, 10)))
def test_blockwise_numpy_arg():
x = da.arange(10, chunks=(5,))
y = np.arange(1000)
x = x.map_blocks(lambda x, y: x, 1.0)
x = x.map_blocks(lambda x, y: x, 'abc')
x = x.map_blocks(lambda x, y: x, y)
x = x.map_blocks(lambda x, y: x, 'abc')
x = x.map_blocks(lambda x, y: x, 1.0)
x = x.map_blocks(lambda x, y, z: x, 'abc', np.array(['a', 'b'], dtype=object))
assert_eq(x, np.arange(10))
def test_bag_array_conversion():
import dask.bag as db
b = db.range(10, npartitions=1)
x, = b.map_partitions(np.asarray).to_delayed()
x, = [da.from_delayed(a, shape=(10,), dtype=int) for a in [x]]
z = da.concatenate([x])
assert_eq(z, np.arange(10), check_graph=False)
def test_svd():
x = da.ones((1, 1), chunks=(1, 1))
y = x * 2
u, s, v = da.linalg.svd(y)
z = y + u
assert_eq(z, z)
def test_args_delayed():
x = da.arange(10, chunks=(5,))
y = dask.delayed(lambda: 100)()
z = da.blockwise(add, 'i', x, 'i', y, None, dtype=x.dtype)
assert_eq(z, np.arange(10) + 100)
z = da.blockwise(lambda x, y: x + y, 'i', x, 'i', y=y, dtype=x.dtype)
assert_eq(z, np.arange(10) + 100)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tup', [
(1, 2),
collections.namedtuple('foo', ['a', 'b'])(1, 2),
def test_namedtuple(tup):
A = da.random.random((20, 20), chunks=(10, 10))
def f(data, x):
return data
B = da.blockwise(
f, ("d1", "d2"),
A, ("d1", "d2"),
assert_eq(A, B)
def test_validate_top_inputs():
A = da.random.random((20, 20), chunks=(10, 10))
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as info:
da.blockwise(inc, 'jk', A, 'ij', dtype=A.dtype)
assert 'unknown dimension' in str(info.value).lower()
assert 'k' in str(info.value)
assert 'j' not in str(info.value)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as info:
da.blockwise(inc, 'ii', A, 'ij', dtype=A.dtype)
assert 'repeated' in str(info.value).lower()
assert 'i' in str(info.value)
def test_gh_4176():
from dask.sharedict import ShareDict
def foo(A):
return A[None, ...]
A = da.ones(shape=(10, 20, 4), chunks=(2, 5, 4))
name = 'D'
dsk = blockwise(
foo, name, ("nsrc", "ntime", "nbl", "npol"),, ("ntime", "nbl", "npol"),
new_axes={"nsrc": 1},
numblocks={ a.numblocks for a in (A,)}
array_dsk = ShareDict()
chunks = ((1,),) + A.chunks
D = da.Array(array_dsk, name, chunks, dtype=A.dtype)
def test_dont_merge_before_reductions():
x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,))
y = da.blockwise(inc, 'i', x, 'i', dtype=x.dtype)
z = da.blockwise(sum, '', y, 'i', dtype=y.dtype)
w = da.blockwise(sum, '', z, '', dtype=y.dtype)
dsk = optimize_blockwise(w.dask)
assert len([d for d in dsk.dicts.values() if isinstance(d, Blockwise)]) == 2
def test_atop_legacy():
x = da.ones(10, chunks=(5,))
with pytest.warns(None):
y = da.atop(inc, 'i', x, 'i', dtype=x.dtype)
z = da.blockwise(inc, 'i', x, 'i', dtype=x.dtype)
assert_eq(y, z)
assert ==