You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

416 lines
14 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import gzip
import os
from time import sleep
import sys
import pytest
from toolz import concat, valmap, partial
from dask import compute
from dask.compatibility import FileNotFoundError, unicode
from dask.utils import filetexts
from dask.bytes import compression
from dask.bytes.local import LocalFileSystem
from dask.bytes.core import (read_bytes, open_files, get_pyarrow_filesystem,
logical_size, get_fs_token_paths)
compute = partial(compute, scheduler='sync')
files = {'.test.accounts.1.json': (b'{"amount": 100, "name": "Alice"}\n'
b'{"amount": 200, "name": "Bob"}\n'
b'{"amount": 300, "name": "Charlie"}\n'
b'{"amount": 400, "name": "Dennis"}\n'),
'.test.accounts.2.json': (b'{"amount": 500, "name": "Alice"}\n'
b'{"amount": 600, "name": "Bob"}\n'
b'{"amount": 700, "name": "Charlie"}\n'
b'{"amount": 800, "name": "Dennis"}\n')}
csv_files = {'.test.fakedata.1.csv': (b'a,b\n'
'.test.fakedata.2.csv': (b'a,b\n'
# used only in test_with_urls - may be more generally useful
import pathlib
def to_uri(path):
return pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(path)).as_uri()
except (ImportError, NameError):
import urlparse, urllib
def to_uri(path):
return urlparse.urljoin(
'file:', urllib.pathname2url(os.path.abspath(path)))
def test_urlpath_inference_strips_protocol(tmpdir):
tmpdir = str(tmpdir)
paths = [os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.%02d.csv' % i) for i in range(20)]
for path in paths:
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
f.write(b'1,2,3\n' * 10)
# globstring
protocol = 'file:///' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'file://'
urlpath = protocol + os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.*.csv')
_, _, paths2 = get_fs_token_paths(urlpath)
assert paths2 == paths
# list of paths
_, _, paths2 = get_fs_token_paths([protocol + p for p in paths])
assert paths2 == paths
def test_urlpath_inference_errors():
# Empty list
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
assert 'empty' in str(err)
# Protocols differ
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
get_fs_token_paths(['s3://test/path.csv', '/other/path.csv'])
assert 'same protocol and options' in str(err)
# Options differ
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
assert 'same protocol and options' in str(err)
# Unknown type
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
get_fs_token_paths({'sets/are.csv', 'unordered/so/they.csv',
'should/not/be.csv' 'allowed.csv'})
def test_urlpath_expand_read():
"""Make sure * is expanded in file paths when reading."""
# when reading, globs should be expanded to read files by mask
with filetexts(csv_files, mode='b'):
_, _, paths = get_fs_token_paths('.*.csv')
assert len(paths) == 2
_, _, paths = get_fs_token_paths(['.*.csv'])
assert len(paths) == 2
def test_urlpath_expand_write():
"""Make sure * is expanded in file paths when writing."""
_, _, paths = get_fs_token_paths('prefix-*.csv', mode='wb', num=2)
assert paths == ['prefix-0.csv', 'prefix-1.csv']
_, _, paths = get_fs_token_paths(['prefix-*.csv'], mode='wb', num=2)
assert paths == ['prefix-0.csv', 'prefix-1.csv']
# we can read with multiple masks, but not write
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
_, _, paths = get_fs_token_paths(['prefix1-*.csv', 'prefix2-*.csv'], mode='wb', num=2)
def test_read_bytes():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
sample, values = read_bytes('.test.accounts.*')
assert isinstance(sample, bytes)
assert sample[:5] == files[sorted(files)[0]][:5]
assert sample.endswith(b'\n')
assert isinstance(values, (list, tuple))
assert isinstance(values[0], (list, tuple))
assert hasattr(values[0][0], 'dask')
assert sum(map(len, values)) >= len(files)
results = compute(*concat(values))
assert set(results) == set(files.values())
def test_read_bytes_sample_delimiter():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
sample, values = read_bytes('.test.accounts.*',
sample=80, delimiter=b'\n')
assert sample.endswith(b'\n')
sample, values = read_bytes('.test.accounts.1.json',
sample=80, delimiter=b'\n')
assert sample.endswith(b'\n')
sample, values = read_bytes('.test.accounts.1.json',
sample=2, delimiter=b'\n')
assert sample.endswith(b'\n')
def test_read_bytes_blocksize_none():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
sample, values = read_bytes('.test.accounts.*', blocksize=None)
assert sum(map(len, values)) == len(files)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('blocksize', [5.0, '5 B'])
def test_read_bytes_blocksize_types(blocksize):
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
sample, vals = read_bytes('.test.account*', blocksize=blocksize)
results = compute(*concat(vals))
ourlines = b"".join(results).split(b'\n')
testlines = b"".join(files.values()).split(b'\n')
assert set(ourlines) == set(testlines)
def test_read_bytes_blocksize_float_errs():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
read_bytes('.test.account*', blocksize=5.5)
def test_read_bytes_include_path():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
_, _, paths = read_bytes('.test.accounts.*', include_path=True)
assert {os.path.split(path)[1] for path in paths} == set(files.keys())
def test_with_urls():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
# OS-independent file:// URI with glob *
url = to_uri('.test.accounts.') + '*'
sample, values = read_bytes(url, blocksize=None)
assert sum(map(len, values)) == len(files)
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32',
reason="pathlib and moto clash on windows")
def test_with_paths():
pathlib = pytest.importorskip('pathlib')
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
url = pathlib.Path('./.test.accounts.*')
sample, values = read_bytes(url, blocksize=None)
assert sum(map(len, values)) == len(files)
with pytest.raises(OSError):
# relative path doesn't work
url = pathlib.Path('file://.test.accounts.*')
read_bytes(url, blocksize=None)
def test_read_bytes_block():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
for bs in [5, 15, 45, 1500]:
sample, vals = read_bytes('.test.account*', blocksize=bs)
assert (list(map(len, vals)) ==
[(len(v) // bs + 1) for v in files.values()])
results = compute(*concat(vals))
assert (sum(len(r) for r in results) ==
sum(len(v) for v in files.values()))
ourlines = b"".join(results).split(b'\n')
testlines = b"".join(files.values()).split(b'\n')
assert set(ourlines) == set(testlines)
def test_read_bytes_delimited():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
for bs in [5, 15, 45, '1.5 kB']:
_, values = read_bytes('.test.accounts*',
blocksize=bs, delimiter=b'\n')
_, values2 = read_bytes('.test.accounts*',
blocksize=bs, delimiter=b'foo')
assert ([a.key for a in concat(values)] !=
[b.key for b in concat(values2)])
results = compute(*concat(values))
res = [r for r in results if r]
assert all(r.endswith(b'\n') for r in res)
ourlines = b''.join(res).split(b'\n')
testlines = b"".join(files[k] for k in sorted(files)).split(b'\n')
assert ourlines == testlines
# delimiter not at the end
d = b'}'
_, values = read_bytes('.test.accounts*', blocksize=bs, delimiter=d)
results = compute(*concat(values))
res = [r for r in results if r]
# All should end in } except EOF
assert sum(r.endswith(b'}') for r in res) == len(res) - 2
ours = b"".join(res)
test = b"".join(files[v] for v in sorted(files))
assert ours == test
fmt_bs = ([(fmt, None) for fmt in compression.files] +
[(fmt, 10) for fmt in compression.seekable_files])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('fmt,blocksize', fmt_bs)
def test_compression(fmt, blocksize):
compress = compression.compress[fmt]
files2 = valmap(compress, files)
with filetexts(files2, mode='b'):
sample, values = read_bytes('.test.accounts.*.json',
blocksize=blocksize, delimiter=b'\n',
assert sample[:5] == files[sorted(files)[0]][:5]
assert sample.endswith(b'\n')
results = compute(*concat(values))
assert (b''.join(results) ==
b''.join([files[k] for k in sorted(files)]))
def test_open_files():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
myfiles = open_files('.test.accounts.*')
assert len(myfiles) == len(files)
for lazy_file, data_file in zip(myfiles, sorted(files)):
with lazy_file as f:
x =
assert x == files[data_file]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('encoding', ['utf-8', 'ascii'])
def test_open_files_text_mode(encoding):
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
myfiles = open_files('.test.accounts.*', mode='rt', encoding=encoding)
assert len(myfiles) == len(files)
data = []
for file in myfiles:
with file as f:
assert list(data) == [files[k].decode(encoding)
for k in sorted(files)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['rt', 'rb'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('fmt', list(compression.files))
def test_open_files_compression(mode, fmt):
files2 = valmap(compression.compress[fmt], files)
with filetexts(files2, mode='b'):
myfiles = open_files('.test.accounts.*', mode=mode, compression=fmt)
data = []
for file in myfiles:
with file as f:
sol = [files[k] for k in sorted(files)]
if mode == 'rt':
sol = [b.decode() for b in sol]
assert list(data) == sol
@pytest.mark.parametrize('fmt', list(compression.seekable_files))
def test_getsize(fmt):
compress = compression.compress[fmt]
with filetexts({'.tmp.getsize': compress(b'1234567890')}, mode='b'):
fs = LocalFileSystem()
assert logical_size(fs, '.tmp.getsize', fmt) == 10
def test_bad_compression():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
for func in [read_bytes, open_files]:
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
sample, values = func('.test.accounts.*',
def test_not_found():
fn = 'not-a-file'
with pytest.raises((FileNotFoundError, OSError)) as e:
assert fn in str(e)
def test_names():
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
_, a = read_bytes('.test.accounts.*')
_, b = read_bytes('.test.accounts.*')
a = list(concat(a))
b = list(concat(b))
assert [aa._key for aa in a] == [bb._key for bb in b]
for fn in files:
with open(fn, 'ab') as f:
_, c = read_bytes('.test.accounts.*')
c = list(concat(c))
assert [aa._key for aa in a] != [cc._key for cc in c]
[(None, open), ('gzip',])
def test_open_files_write(tmpdir, compression_opener):
compression, opener = compression_opener
tmpdir = str(tmpdir)
files = open_files(tmpdir, num=2, mode='wb', compression=compression)
assert len(files) == 2
assert {f.mode for f in files} == {'wb'}
for fil in files:
with fil as f:
files = sorted(os.listdir(tmpdir))
assert files == ['0.part', '1.part']
with opener(os.path.join(tmpdir, files[0]), 'rb') as f:
d =
assert d == b'000'
def test_pickability_of_lazy_files(tmpdir):
tmpdir = str(tmpdir)
cloudpickle = pytest.importorskip('cloudpickle')
with filetexts(files, mode='b'):
myfiles = open_files('.test.accounts.*')
myfiles2 = cloudpickle.loads(cloudpickle.dumps(myfiles))
for f, f2 in zip(myfiles, myfiles2):
assert f.path == f2.path
assert type(f.fs) == type(f2.fs)
with f as f_open, f2 as f2_open:
assert ==
def test_py2_local_bytes(tmpdir):
fn = str(tmpdir / 'myfile.txt.gz')
with, mode='wb') as f:
files = open_files(fn, compression='gzip', mode='rt')
with files[0] as f:
assert all(isinstance(line, unicode) for line in f)
def test_abs_paths(tmpdir):
tmpdir = str(tmpdir)
here = os.getcwd()
with open('tmp', 'w') as f:
out = LocalFileSystem().glob('*')
assert len(out) == 1
assert os.sep in out[0]
assert tmpdir in out[0] and 'tmp' in out[0]
fs = LocalFileSystem()
with'tmp', 'r') as f:
res =
assert res == 'hi'
class UnknownFileSystem(object):
def test_get_pyarrow_filesystem():
pa = pytest.importorskip('pyarrow')
fs = LocalFileSystem()
assert isinstance(get_pyarrow_filesystem(fs), pa.filesystem.LocalFileSystem)
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):