You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from .utils import _get_pyarrow_dtypes, _meta_from_dtypes
from ..core import DataFrame
from ...base import tokenize
from ...bytes.core import get_fs_token_paths
from ...utils import import_required
__all__ = ('read_orc',)
def _read_orc_stripe(fs, path, stripe, columns=None):
"""Pull out specific data from specific part of ORC file"""
orc = import_required('pyarrow.orc', 'Please install pyarrow >= 0.9.0')
import pyarrow as pa
with, 'rb') as f:
o = orc.ORCFile(f)
table = o.read_stripe(stripe, columns)
if pa.__version__ < LooseVersion('0.11.0'):
return table.to_pandas()
return table.to_pandas(date_as_object=False)
def read_orc(path, columns=None, storage_options=None):
"""Read dataframe from ORC file(s)
path: str or list(str)
Location of file(s), which can be a full URL with protocol specifier,
and may include glob character if a single string.
columns: None or list(str)
Columns to load. If None, loads all.
storage_options: None or dict
Further parameters to pass to the bytes backend.
Dask.DataFrame (even if there is only one column)
>>> df = dd.read_orc(''
... 'master/examples/demo-11-zlib.orc') # doctest: +SKIP
orc = import_required('pyarrow.orc', 'Please install pyarrow >= 0.9.0')
import pyarrow as pa
if LooseVersion(pa.__version__) == '0.10.0':
raise RuntimeError("Due to a bug in pyarrow 0.10.0, the ORC reader is "
"unavailable. Please either downgrade pyarrow to "
"0.9.0, or use the pyarrow master branch (in which "
"this issue is fixed).\n\n"
"For more information see: "
storage_options = storage_options or {}
fs, fs_token, paths = get_fs_token_paths(path, mode='rb',
schema = None
nstripes_per_file = []
for path in paths:
with, 'rb') as f:
o = orc.ORCFile(f)
if schema is None:
schema = o.schema
elif schema != o.schema:
raise ValueError("Incompatible schemas while parsing ORC files")
schema = _get_pyarrow_dtypes(schema, categories=None)
if columns is not None:
ex = set(columns) - set(schema)
if ex:
raise ValueError("Requested columns (%s) not in schema (%s)" % (
ex, set(schema)
columns = list(schema)
meta = _meta_from_dtypes(columns, schema, [], [])
name = 'read-orc-' + tokenize(fs_token, path, columns)
dsk = {}
N = 0
for path, n in zip(paths, nstripes_per_file):
for stripe in range(n):
dsk[(name, N)] = (_read_orc_stripe, fs, path, stripe, columns)
N += 1
return DataFrame(dsk, name, meta, [None] * (len(dsk) + 1))