You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ... import delayed
from ...compatibility import string_types
from .io import from_delayed, from_pandas
def read_sql_table(table, uri, index_col, divisions=None, npartitions=None,
limits=None, columns=None, bytes_per_chunk=256 * 2**20,
head_rows=5, schema=None, meta=None, engine_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
Create dataframe from an SQL table.
If neither divisions or npartitions is given, the memory footprint of the
first few rows will be determined, and partitions of size ~256MB will
be used.
table : string or sqlalchemy expression
Select columns from here.
uri : string
Full sqlalchemy URI for the database connection
index_col : string
Column which becomes the index, and defines the partitioning. Should
be a indexed column in the SQL server, and any orderable type. If the
type is number or time, then partition boundaries can be inferred from
npartitions or bytes_per_chunk; otherwide must supply explicit
``index_col`` could be a function to return a value, e.g.,
Labeling columns created by functions or arithmetic operations is
divisions: sequence
Values of the index column to split the table by. If given, this will
override npartitions and bytes_per_chunk. The divisions are the value
boundaries of the index column used to define the partitions. For
example, ``divisions=list('acegikmoqsuwz')`` could be used to partition
a string column lexographically into 12 partitions, with the implicit
assumption that each partition contains similar numbers of records.
npartitions : int
Number of partitions, if divisions is not given. Will split the values
of the index column linearly between limits, if given, or the column
max/min. The index column must be numeric or time for this to work
limits: 2-tuple or None
Manually give upper and lower range of values for use with npartitions;
if None, first fetches max/min from the DB. Upper limit, if
given, is inclusive.
columns : list of strings or None
Which columns to select; if None, gets all; can include sqlalchemy
functions, e.g.,
Labeling columns created by functions or arithmetic operations is
bytes_per_chunk : int
If both divisions and npartitions is None, this is the target size of
each partition, in bytes
head_rows : int
How many rows to load for inferring the data-types, unless passing meta
meta : empty DataFrame or None
If provided, do not attempt to infer dtypes, but use these, coercing
all chunks on load
schema : str or None
If using a table name, pass this to sqlalchemy to select which DB
schema to use within the URI connection
engine_kwargs : dict or None
Specific db engine parameters for sqlalchemy
kwargs : dict
Additional parameters to pass to `pd.read_sql()`
>>> df = dd.read_sql_table('accounts', 'sqlite:///path/to/bank.db',
... npartitions=10, index_col='id') # doctest: +SKIP
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import sql
from sqlalchemy.sql import elements
if index_col is None:
raise ValueError("Must specify index column to partition on")
engine_kwargs = {} if engine_kwargs is None else engine_kwargs
engine = sa.create_engine(uri, **engine_kwargs)
m = sa.MetaData()
if isinstance(table, string_types):
table = sa.Table(table, m, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine,
index = (table.columns[index_col] if isinstance(index_col, string_types)
else index_col)
if not isinstance(index_col, string_types + (elements.Label,)):
raise ValueError('Use label when passing an SQLAlchemy instance'
' as the index (%s)' % index)
if divisions and npartitions:
raise TypeError('Must supply either divisions or npartitions, not both')
columns = ([(table.columns[c] if isinstance(c, string_types) else c)
for c in columns]
if columns else list(table.columns))
if index_col not in columns:
if isinstance(index_col, string_types)
else index_col)
if isinstance(index_col, string_types):
kwargs['index_col'] = index_col
# function names get pandas auto-named
kwargs['index_col'] =
if meta is None:
# derrive metadata from first few rows
q =
head = pd.read_sql(q, engine, **kwargs)
if head.empty:
# no results at all
name =
schema = table.schema
head = pd.read_sql_table(name, uri, schema=schema, index_col=index_col)
return from_pandas(head, npartitions=1)
bytes_per_row = (head.memory_usage(deep=True, index=True)).sum() / 5
meta = head[:0]
if divisions is None and npartitions is None:
raise ValueError('Must provide divisions or npartitions when'
'using explicit meta.')
if divisions is None:
if limits is None:
# calculate max and min for given index
q =[sql.func.max(index), sql.func.min(index)]
minmax = pd.read_sql(q, engine)
maxi, mini = minmax.iloc[0]
dtype = minmax.dtypes['max_1']
mini, maxi = limits
dtype = pd.Series(limits).dtype
if npartitions is None:
q =[sql.func.count(index)]).select_from(table)
count = pd.read_sql(q, engine)['count_1'][0]
npartitions = round(count * bytes_per_row / bytes_per_chunk) or 1
if dtype.kind == "M":
divisions = pd.date_range(
start=mini, end=maxi, freq='%iS' % (
(maxi - mini).total_seconds() / npartitions)).tolist()
divisions[0] = mini
divisions[-1] = maxi
elif dtype.kind in ['i', 'u', 'f']:
divisions = np.linspace(mini, maxi, npartitions + 1).tolist()
raise TypeError('Provided index column is of type "{}". If divisions is not provided the '
'index column type must be numeric or datetime.'.format(dtype))
parts = []
lowers, uppers = divisions[:-1], divisions[1:]
for i, (lower, upper) in enumerate(zip(lowers, uppers)):
cond = index <= upper if i == len(lowers) - 1 else index < upper
q = >= lower, cond)
parts.append(delayed(_read_sql_chunk)(q, uri, meta, **kwargs))
return from_delayed(parts, meta, divisions=divisions)
def _read_sql_chunk(q, uri, meta, **kwargs):
df = pd.read_sql(q, uri, **kwargs)
if df.empty:
return meta
return df.astype(meta.dtypes.to_dict(), copy=False)