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from operator import add, mul
import os
from time import sleep
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from dask.diagnostics import Profiler, ResourceProfiler, CacheProfiler
from dask.threaded import get
from dask.utils import ignoring, tmpfile
from dask.compatibility import apply
import pytest
import bokeh
except ImportError:
bokeh = None
import psutil
except ImportError:
psutil = None
prof = Profiler()
dsk = {'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'c': (add, 'a', 'b'),
'd': (mul, 'a', 'b'),
'e': (mul, 'c', 'd')}
dsk2 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': (lambda a, b: sleep(0.1) or (a + b), 'a', 'b')}
def test_profiler():
with prof:
out = get(dsk, 'e')
assert out == 6
prof_data = sorted(prof.results, key=lambda d: d.key)
keys = [i.key for i in prof_data]
assert keys == ['c', 'd', 'e']
tasks = [i.task for i in prof_data]
assert tasks == [(add, 'a', 'b'), (mul, 'a', 'b'), (mul, 'c', 'd')]
assert prof.results == []
def test_profiler_works_under_error():
div = lambda x, y: x / y
dsk = {'x': (div, 1, 1), 'y': (div, 'x', 2), 'z': (div, 'y', 0)}
with ignoring(ZeroDivisionError):
with prof:
get(dsk, 'z')
assert all(len(v) == 5 for v in prof.results)
assert len(prof.results) == 2
def test_two_gets():
with prof:
get(dsk, 'e')
n = len(prof.results)
dsk2 = {'x': (add, 1, 2), 'y': (add, 'x', 'x')}
with prof:
get(dsk2, 'y')
m = len(prof.results)
with prof:
get(dsk, 'e')
get(dsk2, 'y')
get(dsk, 'e')
assert len(prof.results) == n + m + n
@pytest.mark.skipif("not psutil")
def test_resource_profiler():
with ResourceProfiler(dt=0.01) as rprof:
get(dsk2, 'c')
results = rprof.results
assert len(results) > 0
assert all(isinstance(i, tuple) and len(i) == 3 for i in results)
# Tracker stopped on exit
assert not rprof._is_running()
assert rprof.results == []
# Close is idempotent
assert not rprof._is_running()
# Restarts tracker if already closed
with rprof:
get(dsk2, 'c')
assert len(rprof.results) > 0
@pytest.mark.skipif("not psutil")
def test_resource_profiler_multiple_gets():
with ResourceProfiler(dt=0.01) as rprof:
get(dsk2, 'c')
assert len(rprof.results) == 0
get(dsk2, 'c')
results = rprof.results
assert all(isinstance(i, tuple) and len(i) == 3 for i in results)
get(dsk2, 'c')
assert len(rprof.results) > 0
get(dsk2, 'c')
results = rprof.results
assert all(isinstance(i, tuple) and len(i) == 3 for i in results)
assert not rprof._is_running()
def test_cache_profiler():
with CacheProfiler() as cprof:
get(dsk2, 'c')
results = cprof.results
assert all(isinstance(i, tuple) and len(i) == 5 for i in results)
assert cprof.results == []
tics = [0]
def nbytes(res):
tics[0] += 1
return tics[0]
with CacheProfiler(nbytes) as cprof:
get(dsk2, 'c')
results = cprof.results
assert tics[-1] == len(results)
assert tics[-1] == results[-1].metric
assert cprof._metric_name == 'nbytes'
assert CacheProfiler(metric=nbytes, metric_name='foo')._metric_name == 'foo'
pytest.param(lambda: ResourceProfiler(dt=0.01),
marks=pytest.mark.skipif("not psutil")),
def test_register(profiler):
prof = profiler()
get(dsk2, 'c')
n = len(prof.results)
assert n > 0
get(dsk2, 'c')
assert len(prof.results) > n
@pytest.mark.skipif("not bokeh")
def test_unquote():
from dask.diagnostics.profile_visualize import unquote
from dask.delayed import to_task_dask
f = lambda x: to_task_dask(x)[0]
t = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
assert unquote(f(t)) == t
t = {'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
assert unquote(f(t)) == t
t = [1, 2, 3]
assert unquote(f(t)) == t
@pytest.mark.skipif("not bokeh")
def test_pprint_task():
from dask.diagnostics.profile_visualize import pprint_task
keys = set(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
assert pprint_task((add, 'a', 1), keys) == 'add(_, *)'
assert pprint_task((add, (add, 'a', 1)), keys) == 'add(add(_, *))'
res = 'sum([*, _, add(_, *)])'
assert pprint_task((sum, [1, 'b', (add, 'a', 1)]), keys) == res
assert pprint_task((sum, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)), keys) == 'sum(*)'
assert len(pprint_task((sum, list(keys) * 100), keys)) < 100
assert pprint_task((sum, list(keys) * 100), keys) == 'sum([_, _, _, ...])'
assert (pprint_task((sum, [1, 2, (sum, ['a', 4]), 5, 6] * 100), keys) ==
'sum([*, *, sum([_, *]), ...])')
assert pprint_task((sum, [1, 2, (sum, ['a', (sum, [1, 2, 3])]), 5, 6]),
keys) == 'sum([*, *, sum([_, sum(...)]), ...])'
# With kwargs
def foo(w, x, y=(), z=3):
return w + x + sum(y) + z
task = (apply, foo, (tuple, ['a', 'b']),
(dict, [['y', ['a', 'b']], ['z', 'c']]))
assert pprint_task(task, keys) == 'foo(_, _, y=[_, _], z=_)'
task = (apply, foo, (tuple, ['a', 'b']),
(dict, [['y', ['a', 1]], ['z', 1]]))
assert pprint_task(task, keys) == 'foo(_, _, y=[_, *], z=*)'
def check_title(p, title):
# bokeh 0.12 changed the title attribute to not a string
return getattr(p.title, 'text', p.title) == title
@pytest.mark.skipif("not bokeh")
def test_profiler_plot():
with prof:
get(dsk, 'e')
p = prof.visualize(plot_width=500,
title="Not the default",
show=False, save=False)
assert p.plot_width == 500
assert p.plot_height == 300
assert len( == 1
assert isinstance([0], bokeh.models.HoverTool)
assert check_title(p, "Not the default")
# Test empty, checking for errors
with pytest.warns(None) as record:
prof.visualize(show=False, save=False)
assert len(record) == 0
@pytest.mark.skipif("not bokeh")
@pytest.mark.skipif("not psutil")
def test_resource_profiler_plot():
with ResourceProfiler(dt=0.01) as rprof:
get(dsk2, 'c')
p = rprof.visualize(plot_width=500,
title="Not the default",
show=False, save=False)
assert p.plot_width == 500
assert p.plot_height == 300
assert len( == 1
assert isinstance([0], bokeh.models.HoverTool)
assert check_title(p, "Not the default")
# Test with empty and one point, checking for errors
for results in [[], [(1.0, 0, 0)]]:
rprof.results = results
with pytest.warns(None) as record:
p = rprof.visualize(show=False, save=False)
assert len(record) == 0
# Check bounds are valid
assert p.x_range.start == 0
assert p.x_range.end == 1
assert p.y_range.start == 0
assert p.y_range.end == 100
assert p.extra_y_ranges['memory'].start == 0
assert p.extra_y_ranges['memory'].end == 100
@pytest.mark.skipif("not bokeh")
def test_cache_profiler_plot():
with CacheProfiler(metric_name='non-standard') as cprof:
get(dsk, 'e')
p = cprof.visualize(plot_width=500,
title="Not the default",
show=False, save=False)
assert p.plot_width == 500
assert p.plot_height == 300
assert len( == 1
assert isinstance([0], bokeh.models.HoverTool)
assert check_title(p, "Not the default")
assert p.axis[1].axis_label == 'Cache Size (non-standard)'
# Test empty, checking for errors
with pytest.warns(None) as record:
cprof.visualize(show=False, save=False)
assert len(record) == 0
@pytest.mark.skipif("not bokeh")
@pytest.mark.skipif("not psutil")
def test_plot_multiple():
from dask.diagnostics.profile_visualize import visualize
with ResourceProfiler(dt=0.01) as rprof:
with prof:
get(dsk2, 'c')
p = visualize([prof, rprof], label_size=50,
title="Not the default", show=False, save=False)
if LooseVersion(bokeh.__version__) >= '0.12.0':
figures = [r.children[0] for r in p.children[1].children]
figures = [r[0] for r in p.children]
assert len(figures) == 2
assert check_title(figures[0], "Not the default")
assert figures[0].xaxis[0].axis_label is None
assert figures[1].title is None
assert figures[1].xaxis[0].axis_label == 'Time (s)'
# Test empty, checking for errors
visualize([prof, rprof], show=False, save=False)
@pytest.mark.skipif("not bokeh")
def test_saves_file():
with tmpfile('html') as fn:
with prof:
get(dsk, 'e')
# Run just to see that it doesn't error
prof.visualize(show=False, file_path=fn)
assert os.path.exists(fn)
with open(fn) as f:
assert 'html' in
@pytest.mark.skipif("not bokeh")
def test_get_colors():
from dask.diagnostics.profile_visualize import get_colors
from bokeh.palettes import Blues9, Blues5, Viridis
from itertools import cycle
funcs = list(range(11))
cmap = get_colors('Blues', funcs)
lk = dict(zip(funcs, cycle(Blues9)))
assert cmap == [lk[i] for i in funcs]
funcs = list(range(5))
cmap = get_colors('Blues', funcs)
lk = dict(zip(funcs, Blues5))
assert cmap == [lk[i] for i in funcs]
funcs = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
cmap = get_colors('BrBG', funcs)
assert len(set(cmap)) == 2
funcs = list(range(100))
cmap = get_colors('Viridis', funcs)
assert len(set(cmap)) == 100
funcs = list(range(300))
cmap = get_colors('Viridis', funcs)
assert len(set(cmap)) == len(set(Viridis[256]))