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Contexts are the "values" that Python would return. However Contexts are at the
same time also the "contexts" that a user is currently sitting in.
A ContextSet is typically used to specify the return of a function or any other
static analysis operation. In jedi there are always multiple returns and not
just one.
from parso.python.tree import ExprStmt, CompFor
from jedi import debug
from jedi._compatibility import Python3Method, zip_longest, unicode
from jedi.parser_utils import clean_scope_docstring, get_doc_with_call_signature
from jedi.common import BaseContextSet, BaseContext
from jedi.evaluate.helpers import EvaluatorIndexError, EvaluatorTypeError, \
class Context(BaseContext):
Should be defined, otherwise the API returns empty types.
predefined_names = {}
tree_node = None
To be defined by subclasses.
def api_type(self):
# By default just lower name of the class. Can and should be
# overwritten.
return self.__class__.__name__.lower()
def execute(self, arguments):
In contrast to py__call__ this function is always available.
`hasattr(x, py__call__)` can also be checked to see if a context is
if self.evaluator.is_analysis:
debug.dbg('execute: %s %s', self, arguments)
from jedi.evaluate import stdlib
# Some stdlib functions like super(), namedtuple(), etc. have been
# hard-coded in Jedi to support them.
return stdlib.execute(self.evaluator, self, arguments)
except stdlib.NotInStdLib:
func = self.py__call__
except AttributeError:
debug.warning("no execution possible %s", self)
context_set = func(arguments)
debug.dbg('execute result: %s in %s', context_set, self)
return context_set
return self.evaluator.execute(self, arguments)
def execute_evaluated(self, *value_list):
Execute a function with already executed arguments.
from jedi.evaluate.arguments import ValuesArguments
arguments = ValuesArguments([ContextSet(value) for value in value_list])
return self.execute(arguments)
def iterate(self, contextualized_node=None, is_async=False):
debug.dbg('iterate %s', self)
if is_async:
iter_method = self.py__aiter__
iter_method = self.py__iter__
except AttributeError:
if contextualized_node is not None:
from jedi.evaluate import analysis
message="TypeError: '%s' object is not iterable" % self)
return iter([])
return iter_method()
def get_item(self, index_contexts, contextualized_node):
from jedi.evaluate.compiled import CompiledObject
from jedi.evaluate.context.iterable import Slice, Sequence
result = ContextSet()
for index in index_contexts:
if isinstance(index, Slice):
index = index.obj
if isinstance(index, CompiledObject):
index = index.get_safe_value()
except ValueError:
if type(index) not in (float, int, str, unicode, slice, bytes):
# If the index is not clearly defined, we have to get all the
# possiblities.
if isinstance(self, Sequence) and self.array_type == 'dict':
result |= self.dict_values()
result |= iterate_contexts(ContextSet(self))
# The actual getitem call.
getitem = self.py__getitem__
except AttributeError:
from jedi.evaluate import analysis
# TODO this context is probably not right.
message="TypeError: '%s' object is not subscriptable" % self
result |= getitem(index)
except EvaluatorIndexError:
result |= iterate_contexts(ContextSet(self))
except EvaluatorKeyError:
# Must be a dict. Lists don't raise KeyErrors.
result |= self.dict_values()
except EvaluatorTypeError:
# The type is wrong and therefore it makes no sense to do
# anything anymore.
result = NO_CONTEXTS
return result
def eval_node(self, node):
return self.evaluator.eval_element(self, node)
def py__getattribute__(self, name_or_str, name_context=None, position=None,
search_global=False, is_goto=False,
:param position: Position of the last statement -> tuple of line, column
if name_context is None:
name_context = self
from jedi.evaluate import finder
f = finder.NameFinder(self.evaluator, self, name_context, name_or_str,
position, analysis_errors=analysis_errors)
filters = f.get_filters(search_global)
if is_goto:
return f.filter_name(filters)
return f.find(filters, attribute_lookup=not search_global)
def create_context(self, node, node_is_context=False, node_is_object=False):
return self.evaluator.create_context(self, node, node_is_context, node_is_object)
def is_class(self):
return False
def py__bool__(self):
Since Wrapper is a super class for classes, functions and modules,
the return value will always be true.
return True
def py__doc__(self, include_call_signature=False):
except AttributeError:
return ''
if include_call_signature:
return get_doc_with_call_signature(self.tree_node)
return clean_scope_docstring(self.tree_node)
return None
def iterate_contexts(contexts, contextualized_node=None, is_async=False):
Calls `iterate`, on all contexts but ignores the ordering and just returns
all contexts that the iterate functions yield.
return ContextSet.from_sets(
for lazy_context in contexts.iterate(contextualized_node, is_async=is_async)
class TreeContext(Context):
def __init__(self, evaluator, parent_context, tree_node):
super(TreeContext, self).__init__(evaluator, parent_context)
self.predefined_names = {}
self.tree_node = tree_node
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.tree_node)
class ContextualizedNode(object):
def __init__(self, context, node):
self.context = context
self.node = node
def get_root_context(self):
return self.context.get_root_context()
def infer(self):
return self.context.eval_node(self.node)
class ContextualizedName(ContextualizedNode):
# TODO merge with TreeNameDefinition?!
def name(self):
return self.node
def assignment_indexes(self):
Returns an array of tuple(int, node) of the indexes that are used in
tuple assignments.
For example if the name is ``y`` in the following code::
x, (y, z) = 2, ''
would result in ``[(1, xyz_node), (0, yz_node)]``.
indexes = []
node = self.node.parent
compare = self.node
while node is not None:
if node.type in ('testlist', 'testlist_comp', 'testlist_star_expr', 'exprlist'):
for i, child in enumerate(node.children):
if child == compare:
indexes.insert(0, (int(i / 2), node))
raise LookupError("Couldn't find the assignment.")
elif isinstance(node, (ExprStmt, CompFor)):
compare = node
node = node.parent
return indexes
class ContextSet(BaseContextSet):
def py__class__(self):
return ContextSet.from_iterable(c.py__class__() for c in self._set)
def iterate(self, contextualized_node=None, is_async=False):
from jedi.evaluate.lazy_context import get_merged_lazy_context
type_iters = [c.iterate(contextualized_node, is_async=is_async) for c in self._set]
for lazy_contexts in zip_longest(*type_iters):
yield get_merged_lazy_context(
[l for l in lazy_contexts if l is not None]
NO_CONTEXTS = ContextSet()
def iterator_to_context_set(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return ContextSet.from_iterable(func(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper