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"""A basic kernel monitor with autorestarting.
This watches a kernel's state using KernelManager.is_alive and auto
restarts the kernel if it dies.
It is an incomplete base class, and must be subclassed.
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
from traitlets.config.configurable import LoggingConfigurable
from traitlets import (
Instance, Float, Dict, Bool, Integer,
class KernelRestarter(LoggingConfigurable):
"""Monitor and autorestart a kernel."""
kernel_manager = Instance('jupyter_client.KernelManager')
debug = Bool(False, config=True,
help="""Whether to include every poll event in debugging output.
Has to be set explicitly, because there will be *a lot* of output.
time_to_dead = Float(3.0, config=True,
help="""Kernel heartbeat interval in seconds."""
restart_limit = Integer(5, config=True,
help="""The number of consecutive autorestarts before the kernel is presumed dead."""
random_ports_until_alive = Bool(True, config=True,
help="""Whether to choose new random ports when restarting before the kernel is alive."""
_restarting = Bool(False)
_restart_count = Integer(0)
_initial_startup = Bool(True)
callbacks = Dict()
def _callbacks_default(self):
return dict(restart=[], dead=[])
def start(self):
"""Start the polling of the kernel."""
raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in a subclass")
def stop(self):
"""Stop the kernel polling."""
raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in a subclass")
def add_callback(self, f, event='restart'):
"""register a callback to fire on a particular event
Possible values for event:
'restart' (default): kernel has died, and will be restarted.
'dead': restart has failed, kernel will be left dead.
def remove_callback(self, f, event='restart'):
"""unregister a callback to fire on a particular event
Possible values for event:
'restart' (default): kernel has died, and will be restarted.
'dead': restart has failed, kernel will be left dead.
except ValueError:
def _fire_callbacks(self, event):
"""fire our callbacks for a particular event"""
for callback in self.callbacks[event]:
except Exception as e:
self.log.error("KernelRestarter: %s callback %r failed", event, callback, exc_info=True)
def poll(self):
if self.debug:
self.log.debug('Polling kernel...')
if not self.kernel_manager.is_alive():
if self._restarting:
self._restart_count += 1
self._restart_count = 1
if self._restart_count >= self.restart_limit:
self.log.warning("KernelRestarter: restart failed")
self._restarting = False
self._restart_count = 0
newports = self.random_ports_until_alive and self._initial_startup'KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (%i/%i), %s random ports',
'new' if newports else 'keep'
self.kernel_manager.restart_kernel(now=True, newports=newports)
self._restarting = True
if self._initial_startup:
self._initial_startup = False
if self._restarting:
self.log.debug("KernelRestarter: restart apparently succeeded")
self._restarting = False