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// Copyright (c) Jupyter-Contrib Team.
// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
// Authors: @EWouters, @jfbercher and @jcb91
// Based on: and
define(['./kernel_exec_on_cell'], function(kernel_exec_on_cell) {
'use strict';
var mod_name = '2to3';
// gives default settings
var cfg = {
add_toolbar_button: true,
hotkeys: {
process_selected: 'Ctrl-M',
process_all: 'Ctrl-Shift-M',
register_hotkey: true,
show_alerts_for_errors: true,
button_icon: 'fa-space-shuttle',
button_label: 'Convert Python 2 to 3',
kbd_shortcut_text: 'Convert Python 2 to 3 in' // ' current cell(s)'
cfg.kernel_config_map = { // map of parameters for supported kernels
"python": {
"library": [
"import lib2to3.refactor, json",
"_2to3_refactoring_tool = lib2to3.refactor.RefactoringTool(",
" set(lib2to3.refactor.get_fixers_from_package('lib2to3.fixes')))",
"def _2to3_refactor_cell(src):",
" try:",
" tree = _2to3_refactoring_tool.refactor_string(src+'\\n', '<dummy_name>')",
" except (lib2to3.pgen2.parse.ParseError, lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize.TokenError):",
" return src ",
" else:",
" return str(tree)[:-1]",
"prefix": "print(json.dumps(_2to3_refactor_cell(u",
"postfix": ")))"
var converter = new kernel_exec_on_cell.define_plugin(mod_name, cfg);
converter.load_ipython_extension = converter.initialize_plugin;
return converter;