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// Copyright (c) Jupyter-Contrib Team.
// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
], function(
) {
'use strict';
var CodeCell = codecell.CodeCell;
// this wrapper function allows config & hotkeys to be per-plugin
function KernelExecOnCells(mod_name, cfg) {
this.mod_name = mod_name;
this.mod_log_prefix = '[' + this.mod_name + ']';
this.mod_edit_shortcuts = {};
this.mod_cmd_shortcuts = {};
this.default_kernel_config = {
library: '',
prefix: '',
postfix: '',
replacements_json_to_kernel: [],
trim_formatted_text: true
// gives default settings
var default_cfg = {
add_toolbar_button: true,
hotkeys: {
process_selected: 'Ctrl-L',
process_all: 'Ctrl-Shift-L',
register_hotkey: true,
show_alerts_for_errors: true,
button_icon: 'fa-legal',
button_label: mod_name,
kbd_shortcut_text: mod_name,
kernel_config_map: {},
actions: null, // to be filled by register_actions
// extend a new object, to avoid interference with other nbextensions
// derived from the same base class
this.cfg = $.extend(true, {}, cfg, default_cfg);
// set default json string, will later be updated from config
// before it is parsed into an object
this.cfg.kernel_config_map_json = JSON.stringify(this.cfg.kernel_config_map);
} // end per-plugin wrapper define_plugin_functions
// Prototypes
// ----------
* return a Promise which will resolve/reject based on the kernel message
* type.
* The returned promise will be
* - resolved if the message was not an error
* - rejected using the message's error text if msg.msg_type is "error"
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.convert_error_msg_to_broken_promise = function(msg) {
var that = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (msg.msg_type == 'error') {
return reject(that.mod_log_prefix + '\n Error: ' + msg.content.ename + '\n' + msg.content.evalue);
return resolve(msg);
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.convert_loading_library_error_msg_to_broken_promise = function(msg) {
var that = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (msg.msg_type == 'error') {
return reject(that.mod_log_prefix + '\n Error loading library for ' +
Jupyter.notebook.metadata.kernelspec.language + ':\n' +
msg.content.ename + msg.content.evalue +
'\n\nCheck that the appropriate library/module is correctly installed (read ' +
that.mod_name + '\'s documentation for details)');
return resolve(msg);
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.get_kernel_config = function() {
var kernelLanguage = Jupyter.notebook.metadata.kernelspec.language.toLowerCase();
var kernel_config = this.cfg.kernel_config_map[kernelLanguage];
// true => deep
return $.extend(true, {}, this.default_kernel_config, kernel_config);
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.transform_json_string_to_kernel_string = function(str, kernel_config) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < kernel_config.replacements_json_to_kernel.length; ii++) {
var from = kernel_config.replacements_json_to_kernel[ii][0];
var to = kernel_config.replacements_json_to_kernel[ii][1];
str = str.replace(from, to);
return str;
* construct functions as callbacks for the autoformat cell promise. This
* is necessary because javascript lacks loop scoping, so if we don't use
* this IIFE pattern, cell_index & cell are passed by reference, and every
* callback ends up using the same value
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.construct_cell_callbacks = function(cell_index, cell) {
var that = this;
var on_success = function(formatted_text) {
var on_failure = function(reason) {
'error processing cell', cell_index + ':\n',
if (that.cfg.show_alerts_for_errors) {
return [on_success, on_failure];
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.autoformat_cells = function(indices) {
if (indices === undefined) {
indices = Jupyter.notebook.get_selected_cells_indices();
var kernel_config = this.get_kernel_config();
for (var ii = 0; ii < indices.length; ii++) {
var cell_index = indices[ii];
var cell = Jupyter.notebook.get_cell(cell_index);
if (!(cell instanceof CodeCell)) {
// IIFE because otherwise cell_index & cell are passed by reference
var callbacks = this.construct_cell_callbacks(cell_index, cell);
this.autoformat_text(cell.get_text(), kernel_config).then(callbacks[0], callbacks[1]);
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.autoformat_text = function(text, kernel_config) {
var that = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
kernel_config = kernel_config || that.get_kernel_config();
var kernel_str = that.transform_json_string_to_kernel_string(
JSON.stringify(text), kernel_config);
kernel_config.prefix + kernel_str + kernel_config.postfix, {
iopub: {
output: function(msg) {
return resolve(that.convert_error_msg_to_broken_promise(msg).then(
function on_success(msg) {
// print goes to stream text => msg.content.text
// but for some kernels (eg nodejs) can be called as result of exec
if (msg.content.text !== undefined) {
var formatted_text;
try {
formatted_text = String(JSON.parse(msg.content.text));
catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
if (kernel_config.trim_formatted_text) {
formatted_text = formatted_text.trim();
return formatted_text;
}, { silent: false }
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.add_toolbar_button = function() {
if ($('#' + this.mod_name + '_button').length < 1) {
var button_group_id = this.mod_name + '_button';
var that = this;
label: ' ', //space otherwise add_buttons fails -- This label is inserted as a button description AND bubble help
icon: this.cfg.button_icon,
callback: function(evt) {
evt.shiftKey ? Jupyter.notebook.get_cells().map(function (cell, idx) { return idx; }) : undefined
}], button_group_id);
// Correct add_buttons_group default
// Change title --> inserts bubble help
// redefine icon to remove spurious space
var w = $('#'+ button_group_id +' > .btn')[0];
w.title = this.cfg.kbd_shortcut_text + ' selected cell(s) (add shift for all cells)'
w.innerHTML = '<i class="' + this.cfg.button_icon + ' fa"></i>'
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.add_keyboard_shortcuts = function() {
var new_shortcuts = {};
new_shortcuts[this.cfg.hotkeys.process_selected] =;
new_shortcuts[this.cfg.hotkeys.process_all] =;
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.register_actions = function() {
* it's important that the actions created by registering keyboard
* shortcuts get different names, as otherwise a default action is
* created, whose name is a string representation of the handler
* function.
* Since this library uses the same handler function for all plugins,
* just with different contexts (different values of cfg), their
* string representations are the same, and the last one to be
* registered overwrites all previous versions.
* This is essentially an issue with notebook, but it encourages us to
* use actions, which is where notebook is going anyway.
var actions = this.cfg.actions = {};
var that = this;
actions.process_selected = {
help: that.cfg.kbd_shortcut_text + ' selected cell(s)',
help_index: 'yf',
icon: that.cfg.button_icon,
handler: function(evt) { that.autoformat_cells(); },
actions.process_all = {
help: that.cfg.kbd_shortcut_text + " the whole notebook",
help_index: 'yf',
icon: that.cfg.button_icon,
handler: function(evt) {
that.autoformat_cells(Jupyter.notebook.get_cells().map(function (cell, idx) { return idx; }));
}; = Jupyter.keyboard_manager.actions.register(
actions.process_selected, 'process_selected_cells', that.mod_name); = Jupyter.keyboard_manager.actions.register(
actions.process_all, 'process_all_cells', that.mod_name);
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.setup_for_new_kernel = function() {
var that = this;
var kernelLanguage = Jupyter.notebook.metadata.kernelspec.language.toLowerCase();
var kernel_config = this.cfg.kernel_config_map[kernelLanguage];
if (kernel_config === undefined) {
$('#' + this.mod_name + '_button').remove();
alert(this.mod_log_prefix + " Sorry, can't use kernel language " + kernelLanguage + ".\n" +
"Configurations are currently only defined for the following languages:\n" +
Object.keys(this.cfg.kernel_config_map).join(', ') + "\n" +
"See readme for more details.");
// also remove keyboard shortcuts
if (this.cfg.register_hotkey) {
try {
} catch (err) {}
} else { // kernel language is supported
if (this.cfg.add_toolbar_button) {
if (this.cfg.register_hotkey) {
kernel_config.library, {
iopub: {
output: function(msg) {
return that.convert_loading_library_error_msg_to_broken_promise(msg)
function on_failure(err) {
if (that.cfg.show_alerts_for_errors) {
else {
}, { silent: false }
KernelExecOnCells.prototype.initialize_plugin = function() {
var that = this;
// first, load config
// now update default config with that loaded from server
.then(function on_success() {
$.extend(true, that.cfg,[that.mod_name]);
}, function on_error(err) {
console.warn(that.mod_log_prefix, 'error loading config:', err);
// next parse json config values
.then(function on_success() {
var parsed_kernel_cfg = JSON.parse(that.cfg.kernel_config_map_json);
$.extend(that.cfg.kernel_config_map, parsed_kernel_cfg);
// if we failed to parse the json values in the config
// using catch pattern, we attempt to continue anyway using defaults
.catch(function on_error(err) {
that.mod_log_prefix, 'error parsing config variable',
that.mod_name + '.kernel_config_map_json to a json object:',
// now do things which required the config to be loaded
.then(function on_success() {
that.register_actions(); // register actions
// kernel may already have been loaded before we get here, in which
// case we've missed the kernel_ready.Kernel event, so try ctx
if (typeof Jupyter.notebook.kernel !== "undefined" && Jupyter.notebook.kernel !== null) {
// on kernel_ready.Kernel, a new kernel has been started
events.on("kernel_ready.Kernel", function(evt, data) {
console.log(that.mod_log_prefix, 'restarting for new kernel_ready.Kernel event');
}).catch(function on_error(err) {
console.error(that.mod_log_prefix, 'error loading:', err);
return {define_plugin: KernelExecOnCells};