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// Copyright (c) IPython-Contrib Team.
// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
// Hide or display solutions in a notebook
December 6, 2017 @jcb91: use bootstrap 'hidden' class to play nicely with collapsible_headings
December 30, 2015: update to 4.1
Update december 22, 2015:
Added the metadata solution_first to mark the beginning of an exercise. It is now possible to have several consecutive exercises.
Update october 21-27,2015:
1- the extension now works with the multicell API, that is
- several cells can be selected either via the rubberband extension
- or via Shift-J (select next) or Shift-K (select previous) keyboard shortcuts
(probably Shit-up and down will work in a near future)
Note: previously, the extension required the selected cells to be marked with a "selected" key in metadata. This is no more necessary with the new API.
Then clicking on the toolbar button transforms these cells into a "solution" which is hidden by default
** Do not forget to keep the Shift key pressed down while clicking on the menu button
(otherwise selected cells will be lost)**
2- the "state" of solutions, hidden or shown, is saved and restored at reload/restart. We use the "solution" metadata to store the current state.
3- A small issue (infinite loop when a solution was defined at the bottom edge of the notebook have been corrected)
4- Added a keyboard shortcut (Alt-S) [S for solution]
], function(IPython, $, requirejs, events) {
"use strict";
var cfg = {
add_button: true,
use_hotkey: true,
hotkey: 'Alt-S',
* handle click event
* @method click_solution_lock
* @param evt {Event} jquery event
function click_solution_lock(evt) {
var cell = IPython.notebook.get_selected_cell();
var is_locked = cell.metadata.solution === 'hidden';
cell.metadata.solution = is_locked ? 'shown' : 'hidden';
element_set_locked(cell, !is_locked);
cell = IPython.notebook.get_next_cell(cell);
while (cell !== null && cell.metadata.solution !== undefined && !cell.metadata.solution_first) {
cell.element.toggleClass('hidden', !is_locked);
cell.metadata.solution = is_locked ? 'shown' : 'hidden';
cell = IPython.notebook.get_next_cell(cell);
* Create or Remove an exercise in selected cells
* @method create_remove_exercise
function create_remove_exercise() {
var lcells = IPython.notebook.get_selected_cells();
// It is possible that no cell is selected
if (lcells.length < 1) {
alert("Exercise extension: \nPlease select some cells...");
var cell = lcells[0];
if (cell.metadata.solution_first) {
delete cell.metadata.solution_first;
while (cell !== null && cell.metadata.solution !== undefined && !cell.metadata.solution_first) {
delete cell.metadata.solution;
cell = IPython.notebook.get_next_cell(cell);
else {
cell.metadata.solution_first = true;
cell.metadata.solution = 'hidden';
for (var k = 1; k < lcells.length; k++) {
cell = lcells[k];
cell.metadata.solution = 'hidden';
* Add a lock control to the given cell
function add_element(cell) {
var ctrl = cell.element.find('.exercise');
if (ctrl.length > 0) return ctrl;
var locked = cell.metadata.solution === 'hidden';
ctrl = $('<div class="exercise fa">')
.on('click', click_solution_lock);
element_set_locked(cell, locked);
return ctrl;
function remove_element(cell) {
function element_set_locked(cell, locked) {
return cell.element.find('.exercise')
.toggleClass('fa-plus-square-o', locked)
.toggleClass('fa-minus-square-o', !locked);
function refresh_exercises() {
var in_exercise = false;
IPython.notebook.get_cells().forEach(function(cell) {
if (in_exercise && cell.metadata.solution !== undefined && !cell.metadata.solution_first) {
cell.element.toggleClass('hidden', cell.metadata.solution === 'hidden');
} else {
in_exercise = false;
if (!in_exercise && cell.metadata.solution !== undefined) {
in_exercise = true;
function load_ipython_extension() {
// add css
$('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">')
.attr('href', requirejs.toUrl('./main.css'))
// Hide/display existing solutions at startup
events.on('notebook_loaded.Notebook', refresh_exercises);
if (IPython.notebook._fully_loaded) refresh_exercises();
var action_name = IPython.keyboard_manager.actions.register({
help : 'Exercise: Create/Remove exercise',
help_index: 'ht',
icon : 'fa-mortar-board',
handler : create_remove_exercise
}, 'create_remove_exercise', 'exercise');
IPython.notebook.config.loaded.then(function() {
$.extend(true, cfg,;
if (cfg.add_button) {
if (cfg.use_hotkey && cfg.hotkey) {
var cmd_shrts = {};
cmd_shrts[cfg.hotkey] = action_name;
}).catch(function(err) {
console.warn('[exercise] error:', err);
return {
load_ipython_extension: load_ipython_extension,