You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

202 lines
6.0 KiB

], function (
) {
'use strict';
// parameters (potentially) stored in config. This object gets updated on config load.
var params = {
enable_on_load : true,
add_toolbar_button : true,
lang_code : 'en_US',
dic_url : '',
aff_url : '',
// Initialize data globally to reduce memory consumption
var log_prefix = '[spellchecker]';
var dict_load_promise;
var typo_dict;
* Load the dictionaries from the param-specified urls
* @return {Promise} - a promise which fulfils when the dictionaries have
* been ajax-loaded
function load_dictionary () {
if (dict_load_promise === undefined) {
dict_load_promise = Promise.all([
params.aff_url ? $.ajax({
url: requirejs.toUrl(params.aff_url),
dataType: 'text'
}) : Promise.resolve(''),
params.dic_url ? $.ajax({
url: requirejs.toUrl(params.dic_url),
dataType: 'text'
}) : Promise.resolve('')
]).then(function (values) {
if (typo_dict === undefined) {
typo_dict = new Typo(params.lang_code, values[0], values[1], {
platform: 'any'
return typo_dict;
return dict_load_promise;
* rx_word_char defines characters in words,
* rx_non_word_char defines the opposite.
* Defining both allows a simplified mode token function.
* The single quote can be in words, as an apostrophe for contractions like
* "isn't", so it's treated as a word character, then stripped from the
* start & finish before checking the word against the dictionary.
var rx_word_char = /[^-\[\]{}():\/!;&@$£%§<>"*+=?.,~\\^|_`#±\s\t]/;
var rx_non_word_char = /[-\[\]{}():\/!;&@$£%§<>"*+=?.,~\\^|_`#±\s\t]/;
function define_mode (original_mode_spec) {
if (original_mode_spec.indexOf('spellcheck_') === 0) {
return original_mode_spec;
var new_mode_spec = 'spellcheck_' + original_mode_spec;
CodeMirror.defineMode(new_mode_spec, function (config) {
var spellchecker_overlay = {
name: new_mode_spec,
token: function (stream, state) {
if (stream.eatWhile(rx_word_char)) {
// strip leading and trailing single quotes
var word = stream.current().replace(/(^')|('$)/g, '');
// we don't consider a set of digits as a word to spellcheck
if (!word.match(/^\d+$/) && (typo_dict !== undefined) && !typo_dict.check(word)) {
return 'spell-error';
return null;
return CodeMirror.overlayMode(
CodeMirror.getMode(config, original_mode_spec), spellchecker_overlay, true);
return new_mode_spec;
* Given a codemirror mode specification string, return the corresponding
* string with spellcheck enabled/disabled by adding/removing 'spellcheck_'
* from the beginning where necessary
* @param {String} mode - a CodeMirror mode specification string
* @param {Boolean} spellcheck_on - whether a spellcheck mode should be returned
* @return {String} - the appropriate CodeMirror mode string
function toggle_mode (mode, spellcheck_on) {
var new_mode = mode.substr(Boolean(mode.match('^spellcheck_')) ? 11 : 0);
if (spellcheck_on) {
return define_mode(new_mode);
else {
return new_mode;
* Toggle spelling checking overlay usage for all text cells
* @param {Boolean} set_on - whether spellcheck mode should be toggled on.
* If undefined, it's just toggled from current state
* @return {Boolean} - whether the mode was set on
function toggle_spellcheck (set_on) {
set_on = (set_on !== undefined) ? set_on : (params.enable_on_load = !params.enable_on_load);
// Change defaults for new cells:
textcell.MarkdownCell.options_default.cm_config.mode = toggle_mode(
textcell.MarkdownCell.options_default.cm_config.mode, set_on
// And change any existing cells:
Jupyter.notebook.get_cells().forEach(function (cell, idx, array) {
if (cell instanceof textcell.TextCell) {
var new_mode = toggle_mode(cell.code_mirror.getOption('mode'), set_on);
cell.code_mirror.setOption('mode', new_mode);
// update button class
$('#spellchecker_btn').toggleClass('active', set_on);
console.log(log_prefix, 'toggled ' + (set_on ? 'on' : 'off'));
return set_on;
* Add a button to the jupyter toolbar for toggling spellcheck overlay
function add_toolbar_buttons () {
return $(Jupyter.toolbar.add_buttons_group([
Jupyter.keyboard_manager.actions.register ({
help : 'Toggle spell checking on markdown cells',
icon : 'fa-check',
handler: function (evt) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
}, 'toggle-spellchecking', 'spellchecker')
])).find('.btn').attr('id', 'spellchecker_btn');
* Add a <link> for a css file to the document head
* @param {String} url - the url of the css file, which will be passed
* through requirejs.toUrl, to enable relative urls
* @return {jQuery} - a jQuery object containing the link which was added
function add_css (url) {
return $('<link/>').attr({
type : 'text/css',
rel : 'stylesheet',
href : requirejs.toUrl(url)
* Initializes the extension
function load_jupyter_extension () {
return Jupyter.notebook.config.loaded
.then(function () {
$.extend(true, params,; // update params
if (params.add_toolbar_button) {
return {
load_jupyter_extension : load_jupyter_extension,
load_ipython_extension : load_jupyter_extension,