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17 lines
710 B

var_dic_list = function(){
ll = ls(.GlobalEnv, all.names = FALSE)
iter = 1
for (k in ll){
if (class(get(k))!='function'){
class = class(get(k)); rk = capture.output(str(get(k))); size = object.size(get(k)); sk = substr(get(k),0, 200);
# [{'varName':v, 'varType': type(eval(v)).__name__, 'varSize': _getsizeof(eval(v)), 'varContent': str(eval(v))[:200]}
l = list(varName = k, varType = class, varSize = size, varContent = sk)
varList[[iter]] = l
# print(l)
iter = iter + 1}
return(toJSON(varList, simplifyVector = FALSE, force=TRUE))