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((= Nbconvert input/output cell hiding custom style =))
((*- extends 'base.tplx' -*))
% This template won't produce a valid LaTeX file alone, use it to extend your own template.
% Collapsible Headings
((* block any_cell scoped *))
((*- if cell.metadata.hidden -*))
((*- else -*))
((( super() )))
((*- endif -*))
((* endblock any_cell *))
% Input
((* block input scoped *))
((( '\n' )))
((*- if cell.metadata.hide_input or nb.metadata.hide_input -*))
((*- else -*))
((( add_prompt(cell.source | highlight_code(strip_verbatim=True), cell, '', 'incolor') )))
((*- endif -*))
((* endblock input *))
% Output
((* block execute_result scoped *))
((( '\n' )))
((*- if cell.metadata.hide_output -*))
((*- else -*))
((( super() )))
((*- endif -*))
((* endblock execute_result *))
% Support Macros
% Name: draw_prompt
% Purpose: Renders an output/input prompt
((* macro add_prompt(text, cell, prompt, prompt_color) -*))
((*- if cell.execution_count is defined -*))
((*- set execution_count = "" ~ (cell.execution_count | replace(None, " ")) -*))
((*- else -*))
((*- set execution_count = " " -*))
((*- endif -*))
((*- set indention = " " * (execution_count | length + 4) -*))
((( text | add_prompts(first='{\color{' ~ prompt_color ~ '}' ~ prompt ~ '[{\\color{' ~ prompt_color ~ '}' ~ execution_count ~ '}]:} ', cont=indention) )))
((*- endmacro *))