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# coding: utf-8
"""Test installation of JupyterLab extensions"""
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import subprocess
import shutil
import pathlib
import platform
from os.path import join as pjoin
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
from notebook.notebookapp import NotebookApp
from jupyter_core import paths
from jupyterlab import commands
from jupyterlab.extension import load_jupyter_server_extension
from jupyterlab.commands import (
install_extension, uninstall_extension, list_extensions,
build, link_package, unlink_package, build_check,
disable_extension, enable_extension, get_app_info,
check_extension, _test_overlap, _compare_ranges, update_extension,
from jupyterlab.coreconfig import CoreConfig, _get_default_core_data
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def touch(file, mtime=None):
"""ensure a file exists, and set its modification time
returns the modification time of the file
dirname = os.path.dirname(file)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
open(file, 'a').close()
# set explicit mtime
if mtime:
atime = os.stat(file).st_atime
os.utime(file, (atime, mtime))
return os.stat(file).st_mtime
class AppHandlerTest(TestCase):
def tempdir(self):
td = TemporaryDirectory()
def setUp(self):
# Any TemporaryDirectory objects appended to this list will be cleaned
# up at the end of the test run.
self.tempdirs = []
self.devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w')
def cleanup_tempdirs():
for d in self.tempdirs:
self.test_dir = self.tempdir()
self.data_dir = pjoin(self.test_dir, 'data')
self.config_dir = pjoin(self.test_dir, 'config')
self.pkg_names = dict()
# Copy in the mock packages.
for name in ['extension', 'incompat', 'package', 'mimeextension']:
src = pjoin(here, 'mock_packages', name)
def ignore(dname, files):
if 'node_modules' in dname:
files = []
if 'node_modules' in files:
return dname, files
dest = pjoin(self.test_dir, name)
shutil.copytree(src, dest, ignore=ignore)
# Make a node modules folder so npm install is not called.
os.makedirs(pjoin(dest, 'node_modules'))
setattr(self, 'mock_' + name, dest)
with open(pjoin(dest, 'package.json')) as fid:
data = json.load(fid)
self.pkg_names[name] = data['name']
self.patches = []
p = patch.dict('os.environ', {
'JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR': self.config_dir,
'JUPYTER_DATA_DIR': self.data_dir,
'JUPYTERLAB_DIR': pjoin(self.data_dir, 'lab')
for mod in [paths]:
if hasattr(mod, 'ENV_JUPYTER_PATH'):
p = patch.object(mod, 'ENV_JUPYTER_PATH', [self.data_dir])
if hasattr(mod, 'ENV_CONFIG_PATH'):
p = patch.object(mod, 'ENV_CONFIG_PATH', [self.config_dir])
if hasattr(mod, 'CONFIG_PATH'):
p = patch.object(mod, 'CONFIG_PATH', self.config_dir)
if hasattr(mod, 'BUILD_PATH'):
p = patch.object(mod, 'BUILD_PATH', self.data_dir)
for p in self.patches:
# verify our patches
self.assertEqual(paths.ENV_CONFIG_PATH, [self.config_dir])
self.assertEqual(paths.ENV_JUPYTER_PATH, [self.data_dir])
os.path.realpath(pjoin(self.data_dir, 'lab'))
self.app_dir = commands.get_app_dir()
# Set pinned extension names
self.pinned_packages = ['jupyterlab-test-extension@1.0', 'jupyterlab-test-extension@2.0']
class TestExtension(AppHandlerTest):
def test_install_extension(self):
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
path = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'extensions', '*.tgz')
assert glob.glob(path)
extensions = get_app_info()['extensions']
name = self.pkg_names['extension']
assert name in extensions
assert check_extension(name)
def test_install_twice(self):
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
path = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'extensions', '*.tgz')
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
assert glob.glob(path)
extensions = get_app_info()['extensions']
name = self.pkg_names['extension']
assert name in extensions
assert check_extension(name)
def test_install_mime_renderer(self):
name = self.pkg_names['mimeextension']
assert name in get_app_info()['extensions']
assert check_extension(name)
assert uninstall_extension(name) is True
assert name not in get_app_info()['extensions']
assert not check_extension(name)
def test_install_incompatible(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
assert 'Conflicting Dependencies' in str(excinfo.value)
assert not check_extension(self.pkg_names["incompat"])
def test_install_failed(self):
path = self.mock_package
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with open(pjoin(path, 'package.json')) as fid:
data = json.load(fid)
extensions = get_app_info()['extensions']
name = data['name']
assert name not in extensions
assert not check_extension(name)
def test_validation(self):
path = self.mock_extension
os.remove(pjoin(path, 'index.js'))
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert not check_extension(self.pkg_names["extension"])
path = self.mock_mimeextension
os.remove(pjoin(path, 'index.js'))
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert not check_extension(self.pkg_names["mimeextension"])
def test_uninstall_extension(self):
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
name = self.pkg_names['extension']
assert check_extension(name)
assert uninstall_extension(self.pkg_names['extension']) is True
path = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'extensions', '*.tgz')
assert not glob.glob(path)
extensions = get_app_info()['extensions']
assert name not in extensions
assert not check_extension(name)
def test_uninstall_all_extensions(self):
ext_name = self.pkg_names['extension']
mime_ext_name = self.pkg_names['mimeextension']
assert check_extension(ext_name) is True
assert check_extension(mime_ext_name) is True
assert uninstall_extension(all_=True) is True
extensions = get_app_info()['extensions']
assert ext_name not in extensions
assert mime_ext_name not in extensions
def test_uninstall_core_extension(self):
assert uninstall_extension('@jupyterlab/console-extension') is True
app_dir = self.app_dir
with open(pjoin(app_dir, 'staging', 'package.json')) as fid:
data = json.load(fid)
extensions = data['jupyterlab']['extensions']
assert '@jupyterlab/console-extension' not in extensions
assert not check_extension('@jupyterlab/console-extension')
assert install_extension('@jupyterlab/console-extension') is True
with open(pjoin(app_dir, 'staging', 'package.json')) as fid:
data = json.load(fid)
extensions = data['jupyterlab']['extensions']
assert '@jupyterlab/console-extension' in extensions
assert check_extension('@jupyterlab/console-extension')
def test_install_and_uninstall_pinned(self):
You should be able to install different versions of the same extension with different
pinned names and uninstall them with those names.
NAMES = ['test-1', 'test-2']
assert install_extension(self.pinned_packages[0], pin=NAMES[0])
assert install_extension(self.pinned_packages[1], pin=NAMES[1])
extensions = get_app_info()['extensions']
assert NAMES[0] in extensions
assert NAMES[1] in extensions
assert check_extension(NAMES[0])
assert check_extension(NAMES[1])
# Uninstall
assert uninstall_extension(NAMES[0])
assert uninstall_extension(NAMES[1])
extensions = get_app_info()['extensions']
assert NAMES[0] not in extensions
assert NAMES[1] not in extensions
assert not check_extension(NAMES[0])
assert not check_extension(NAMES[1])
@pytest.mark.skipif(platform.system() == 'Windows', reason='running npm pack fails on windows CI')
def test_install_and_uninstall_pinned_folder(self):
Same as above test, but installs from a local folder instead of from npm.
# Download each version of the package from NPM:
base_dir = pathlib.Path(self.tempdir())
# The archive file names are printed to stdout when run `npm pack`
packages = [
['npm', 'pack', name],
for name in self.pinned_packages
shutil.unpack_archive(str(base_dir / packages[0]), str(base_dir / '1'))
shutil.unpack_archive(str(base_dir / packages[1]), str(base_dir / '2'))
# Change pinned packages to be these directories now, so we install from these folders
self.pinned_packages = [str(base_dir / '1' / 'package'), str(base_dir / '2' / 'package')]
def test_link_extension(self):
path = self.mock_extension
name = self.pkg_names['extension']
linked = get_app_info()['linked_packages']
assert name not in linked
assert name in get_app_info()['extensions']
assert check_extension(name)
assert unlink_package(path) is True
linked = get_app_info()['linked_packages']
assert name not in linked
assert name not in get_app_info()['extensions']
assert not check_extension(name)
def test_link_package(self):
path = self.mock_package
name = self.pkg_names['package']
assert link_package(path) is True
linked = get_app_info()['linked_packages']
assert name in linked
assert name not in get_app_info()['extensions']
assert check_extension(name)
assert unlink_package(path)
linked = get_app_info()['linked_packages']
assert name not in linked
assert not check_extension(name)
def test_unlink_package(self):
target = self.mock_package
assert link_package(target) is True
assert unlink_package(target) is True
linked = get_app_info()['linked_packages']
name = self.pkg_names['package']
assert name not in linked
assert not check_extension(name)
def test_list_extensions(self):
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
def test_app_dir(self):
app_dir = self.tempdir()
options = AppOptions(app_dir=app_dir)
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension, app_options=options) is True
path = pjoin(app_dir, 'extensions', '*.tgz')
assert glob.glob(path)
extensions = get_app_info(app_options=options)['extensions']
ext_name = self.pkg_names['extension']
assert ext_name in extensions
assert check_extension(ext_name, app_options=options)
assert uninstall_extension(self.pkg_names['extension'], app_options=options) is True
path = pjoin(app_dir, 'extensions', '*.tgz')
assert not glob.glob(path)
extensions = get_app_info(app_options=options)['extensions']
assert ext_name not in extensions
assert not check_extension(ext_name, app_options=options)
assert link_package(self.mock_package, app_options=options) is True
linked = get_app_info(app_options=options)['linked_packages']
pkg_name = self.pkg_names['package']
assert pkg_name in linked
assert check_extension(pkg_name, app_options=options)
assert unlink_package(self.mock_package, app_options=options) is True
linked = get_app_info(app_options=options)['linked_packages']
assert pkg_name not in linked
assert not check_extension(pkg_name, app_options=options)
def test_app_dir_use_sys_prefix(self):
app_dir = self.tempdir()
options = AppOptions(app_dir=app_dir)
if os.path.exists(self.app_dir):
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
path = pjoin(app_dir, 'extensions', '*.tgz')
assert not glob.glob(path)
extensions = get_app_info(app_options=options)['extensions']
ext_name = self.pkg_names['extension']
assert ext_name in extensions
assert check_extension(ext_name, app_options=options)
def test_app_dir_disable_sys_prefix(self):
app_dir = self.tempdir()
options = AppOptions(app_dir=app_dir, use_sys_dir=False)
if os.path.exists(self.app_dir):
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
path = pjoin(app_dir, 'extensions', '*.tgz')
assert not glob.glob(path)
extensions = get_app_info(app_options=options)['extensions']
ext_name = self.pkg_names['extension']
assert ext_name not in extensions
assert not check_extension(ext_name, app_options=options)
def test_app_dir_shadowing(self):
app_dir = self.tempdir()
sys_dir = self.app_dir
app_options = AppOptions(app_dir=app_dir)
if os.path.exists(sys_dir):
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
sys_path = pjoin(sys_dir, 'extensions', '*.tgz')
assert glob.glob(sys_path)
app_path = pjoin(app_dir, 'extensions', '*.tgz')
assert not glob.glob(app_path)
extensions = get_app_info(app_options=app_options)['extensions']
ext_name = self.pkg_names['extension']
assert ext_name in extensions
assert check_extension(ext_name, app_options=app_options)
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension, app_options=app_options) is True
assert glob.glob(app_path)
extensions = get_app_info(app_options=app_options)['extensions']
assert ext_name in extensions
assert check_extension(ext_name, app_options=app_options)
assert uninstall_extension(self.pkg_names['extension'], app_options=app_options) is True
assert not glob.glob(app_path)
assert glob.glob(sys_path)
extensions = get_app_info(app_options=app_options)['extensions']
assert ext_name in extensions
assert check_extension(ext_name, app_options=app_options)
assert uninstall_extension(self.pkg_names['extension'], app_options=app_options) is True
assert not glob.glob(app_path)
assert not glob.glob(sys_path)
extensions = get_app_info(app_options=app_options)['extensions']
assert ext_name not in extensions
assert not check_extension(ext_name, app_options=app_options)
def test_build(self):
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
# check staging directory.
entry = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'staging', 'build', 'index.out.js')
with open(entry) as fid:
data =
assert self.pkg_names['extension'] in data
# check static directory.
entry = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'static', 'index.out.js')
with open(entry) as fid:
data =
assert self.pkg_names['extension'] in data
def test_build_custom(self):
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
build(name='foo', version='1.0', static_url='bar')
# check static directory.
entry = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'static', 'index.out.js')
with open(entry) as fid:
data =
assert self.pkg_names['extension'] in data
pkg = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'static', 'package.json')
with open(pkg) as fid:
data = json.load(fid)
assert data['jupyterlab']['name'] == 'foo'
assert data['jupyterlab']['version'] == '1.0'
assert data['jupyterlab']['staticUrl'] == 'bar'
def test_build_custom_minimal_core_config(self):
default_config = CoreConfig()
core_config = CoreConfig()
logger = logging.getLogger('jupyterlab_test_logger')
app_dir = self.tempdir()
options = AppOptions(
extensions = (
singletons = (
for name in extensions:
semver = default_config.extensions[name]
core_config.add(name, semver, extension=True)
for name in singletons:
semver = default_config.singletons[name]
core_config.add(name, semver)
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension, app_options=options) is True
# check static directory.
entry = pjoin(app_dir, 'static', 'index.out.js')
with open(entry) as fid:
data =
assert self.pkg_names['extension'] in data
pkg = pjoin(app_dir, 'static', 'package.json')
with open(pkg) as fid:
data = json.load(fid)
assert sorted(data['jupyterlab']['extensions'].keys()) == [
assert data['jupyterlab']['mimeExtensions'] == {}
for pkg in data['jupyterlab']['singletonPackages']:
if pkg.startswith('@jupyterlab/'):
assert pkg in singletons
def test_load_extension(self):
app = NotebookApp()
stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stderr = self.devnull
sys.stderr = stderr
def test_disable_extension(self):
options = AppOptions(app_dir=self.tempdir())
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension, app_options=options) is True
assert disable_extension(self.pkg_names['extension'], app_options=options) is True
info = get_app_info(app_options=options)
name = self.pkg_names['extension']
assert name in info['disabled']
assert not check_extension(name, app_options=options)
assert check_extension(name, installed=True, app_options=options)
assert disable_extension('@jupyterlab/notebook-extension', app_options=options) is True
info = get_app_info(app_options=options)
assert '@jupyterlab/notebook-extension' in info['disabled']
assert not check_extension('@jupyterlab/notebook-extension', app_options=options)
assert check_extension('@jupyterlab/notebook-extension', installed=True, app_options=options)
assert name in info['disabled']
assert not check_extension(name, app_options=options)
assert check_extension(name, installed=True, app_options=options)
def test_enable_extension(self):
options = AppOptions(app_dir=self.tempdir())
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension, app_options=options) is True
assert disable_extension(self.pkg_names['extension'], app_options=options) is True
assert enable_extension(self.pkg_names['extension'], app_options=options) is True
info = get_app_info(app_options=options)
name = self.pkg_names['extension']
assert name not in info['disabled']
assert check_extension(name, app_options=options)
assert disable_extension('@jupyterlab/notebook-extension', app_options=options) is True
assert name not in info['disabled']
assert check_extension(name, app_options=options)
assert '@jupyterlab/notebook-extension' not in info['disabled']
assert not check_extension('@jupyterlab/notebook-extension', app_options=options)
def test_build_check(self):
# Do the initial build.
assert build_check()
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
assert link_package(self.mock_package) is True
assert not build_check()
# Check installed extensions.
assert install_extension(self.mock_mimeextension) is True
assert build_check()
assert uninstall_extension(self.pkg_names['mimeextension']) is True
assert not build_check()
# Check local extensions.
pkg_path = pjoin(self.mock_extension, 'package.json')
with open(pkg_path) as fid:
data = json.load(fid)
with open(pkg_path, 'rb') as fid:
orig =
data['foo'] = 'bar'
with open(pkg_path, 'w') as fid:
json.dump(data, fid)
assert build_check()
assert build_check()
with open(pkg_path, 'wb') as fid:
assert not build_check()
# Check linked packages.
pkg_path = pjoin(self.mock_package, 'index.js')
with open(pkg_path, 'rb') as fid:
orig =
with open(pkg_path, 'wb') as fid:
fid.write(orig + b'\nconsole.log("hello");')
assert build_check()
assert build_check()
with open(pkg_path, 'wb') as fid:
assert not build_check()
def test_compatibility(self):
assert _test_overlap('^0.6.0', '^0.6.1')
assert _test_overlap('>0.1', '0.6')
assert _test_overlap('~0.5.0', '~0.5.2')
assert _test_overlap('0.5.2', '^0.5.0')
assert not _test_overlap('^0.5.0', '^0.6.0')
assert not _test_overlap('~1.5.0', '^1.6.0')
assert _test_overlap('*', '0.6') is None
assert _test_overlap('<0.6', '0.1') is None
assert _test_overlap('^1 || ^2', '^1')
assert _test_overlap('^1 || ^2', '^2')
assert _test_overlap('^1', '^1 || ^2')
assert _test_overlap('^2', '^1 || ^2')
assert _test_overlap('^1 || ^2', '^2 || ^3')
assert not _test_overlap('^1 || ^2', '^3 || ^4')
assert not _test_overlap('^2', '^1 || ^3')
def test_compare_ranges(self):
assert _compare_ranges('^1 || ^2', '^1') == 0
assert _compare_ranges('^1 || ^2', '^2 || ^3') == 0
assert _compare_ranges('^1 || ^2', '^3 || ^4') == 1
assert _compare_ranges('^3 || ^4', '^1 || ^2') == -1
assert _compare_ranges('^2 || ^3', '^1 || ^4') is None
def test_install_compatible(self):
core_data = _get_default_core_data()
current_app_dep = core_data['dependencies']['@jupyterlab/application']
def _gen_dep(ver):
return { "dependencies": {
'@jupyterlab/application': ver
def _mock_metadata(registry, name, logger):
assert name == 'mockextension'
return {
"name": name,
"versions": {
"0.9.0": _gen_dep(current_app_dep),
"1.0.0": _gen_dep(current_app_dep),
"1.1.0": _gen_dep(current_app_dep),
"2.0.0": _gen_dep('^2000.0.0'),
"2.0.0-b0": _gen_dep(current_app_dep),
"2.1.0-b0": _gen_dep('^2000.0.0'),
"2.1.0": _gen_dep('^2000.0.0'),
def _mock_extract(self, source, tempdir, *args, **kwargs):
data = dict(
name=source, version='2.1.0',
info = dict(
source=source, is_dir=False, data=data,
name=source, version=data['version'],
path=pjoin(tempdir, 'mockextension.tgz'),
return info
class Success(Exception):
def _mock_install(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
assert name in ('mockextension', 'mockextension@1.1.0')
if name == 'mockextension@1.1.0':
raise Success()
return orig_install(self, name, *args, **kwargs)
p1 = patch.object(
p2 = patch.object(
p3 = patch.object(
with p1, p2:
orig_install = commands._AppHandler._install_extension
with p3, pytest.raises(Success):
assert install_extension('mockextension') is True
def test_update_single(self):
installed = []
def _mock_install(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
installed.append(name[0] + name[1:].split('@')[0])
return dict(name=name, is_dir=False, path='foo/bar/' + name)
def _mock_latest(self, name):
return '10000.0.0'
p1 = patch.object(
p2 = patch.object(
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
assert install_extension(self.mock_mimeextension) is True
with p1, p2:
assert update_extension(self.pkg_names['extension']) is True
assert installed == [self.pkg_names['extension']]
def test_update_missing_extension(self):
assert False == update_extension('foo')
def test_update_multiple(self):
installed = []
def _mock_install(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
installed.append(name[0] + name[1:].split('@')[0])
return dict(name=name, is_dir=False, path='foo/bar/' + name)
def _mock_latest(self, name):
return '10000.0.0'
p1 = patch.object(
p2 = patch.object(
with p1, p2:
assert update_extension(self.pkg_names['extension']) is True
assert update_extension(self.pkg_names['mimeextension']) is True
assert installed == [self.pkg_names['extension'], self.pkg_names['mimeextension']]
def test_update_all(self):
updated = []
def _mock_update(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
updated.append(name[0] + name[1:].split('@')[0])
return True
original_app_info = commands._AppHandler._get_app_info
def _mock_app_info(self):
info = original_app_info(self)
info['local_extensions'] = []
return info
assert install_extension(self.mock_extension) is True
assert install_extension(self.mock_mimeextension) is True
p1 = patch.object(
# local packages are not updated, so mock them as non-local:
p2 = patch.object(
with p1, p2:
assert update_extension(None, all_=True) is True
assert sorted(updated) == [self.pkg_names['extension'], self.pkg_names['mimeextension']]