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859 B

from typing import List, Optional, Any
from numpy import ndarray, _OrderCF
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, DTypeLike
__all__: List[str]
def fliplr(m): ...
def flipud(m): ...
def eye(
N: int,
M: Optional[int] = ...,
k: int = ...,
dtype: DTypeLike = ...,
order: _OrderCF = ...,
like: Optional[ArrayLike] = ...
) -> ndarray[Any, Any]: ...
def diag(v, k=...): ...
def diagflat(v, k=...): ...
def tri(N, M=..., k=..., dtype = ..., *, like=...): ...
def tril(m, k=...): ...
def triu(m, k=...): ...
def vander(x, N=..., increasing=...): ...
def histogram2d(x, y, bins=..., range=..., normed=..., weights=..., density=...): ...
def mask_indices(n, mask_func, k=...): ...
def tril_indices(n, k=..., m=...): ...
def tril_indices_from(arr, k=...): ...
def triu_indices(n, k=..., m=...): ...
def triu_indices_from(arr, k=...): ...