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# PyGetWindow
# A cross-platform module to find information about the windows on the screen.
# Work in progress
# Useful info:
win32 api and ctypes on Windows
cocoa api and pyobjc on Mac
Xlib on linux
Possible Future Features:
get/click menu (win32: GetMenuItemCount, GetMenuItemInfo, GetMenuItemID, GetMenu, GetMenuItemRect)
__version__ = '0.0.5'
import sys
import collections
class PyGetWindowException(Exception):
def pointInRect(x, y, left, top, width, height):
return left < x < left + width and top < y < top + height
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
raise NotImplementedError('PyGetWindow currently does not support macOS. If you have Appkit/Cocoa knowledge, please contribute!') # TODO - implement mac
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
from ._pygetwindow_win import Win32Window, getActiveWindow, getWindowsAt, getWindowsWithTitle, getAllWindows, getAllTitles
Window = Win32Window
raise NotImplementedError('PyGetWindow currently does not support Linux. If you have Xlib knowledge, please contribute!')
# NOTE: `Rect` is a named tuple for use in Python, while structs.RECT represents
# the win32 RECT struct. PyRect's Rect class is used for handling changing
# geometry of rectangular areas.
Rect = collections.namedtuple('Rect', 'left top right bottom')
Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
Size = collections.namedtuple('Size', 'width height')