You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"locale": "ca",
"messages": {
"%(filename)s — %(docstitle)s": "",
"&#169; <a href=\"%(path)s\">Copyright</a> %(copyright)s.": "",
"&#169; Copyright %(copyright)s.": "",
", in ": "",
"About these documents": "Quant a aquests documents",
"Automatically generated list of changes in version %(version)s": "Llista de canvis de la versi\u00f3 %(version)s generada autom\u00e0ticament",
"C API changes": "Canvis a la API de C",
"Changes in Version %(version)s &#8212; %(docstitle)s": "",
"Collapse sidebar": "",
"Complete Table of Contents": "Taula de Contingut Completa",
"Contents": "",
"Copyright": "Copyright",
"Created using <a href=\"\">Sphinx</a> %(sphinx_version)s.": "Creat amb <a href=\"\">Sphinx</a> %(sphinx_version)s.",
"Expand sidebar": "",
"Full index on one page": "\u00cdndex complet en una p\u00e0gina",
"General Index": "\u00cdndex General",
"Global Module Index": "\u00cdndex Global de M\u00f2duls",
"Go": "Ves a",
"Hide Search Matches": "Oculta Resultats de Cerca",
"Index": "\u00cdndex",
"Index &ndash; %(key)s": "\u00cdndes &ndash; %(key)s",
"Index pages by letter": "P\u00e0gines d'\u00edndex per lletra",
"Indices and tables:": "\u00cdndexs i taules:",
"Last updated on %(last_updated)s.": "\u00daltima actualitzaci\u00f3 el %(last_updated)s.",
"Library changes": "Canvis a la llibreria",
"Navigation": "Navegaci\u00f3",
"Next topic": "Tema seg\u00fcent",
"Other changes": "Altres canvis",
"Overview": "Resum",
"Permalink to this definition": "Link permanent a aquesta definici\u00f3",
"Permalink to this headline": "Link permanent a aquest t\u00edtol",
"Please activate JavaScript to enable the search\n functionality.": "Activa JavaScript per utilitzar la funcionalitat\nde cerca.",
"Preparing search...": "",
"Previous topic": "Tema anterior",
"Quick search": "Cerca r\u00e0pida",
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"Search Page": "P\u00e0gina de Cerca",
"Search Results": "Resultats de la Cerca",
"Search finished, found %s page(s) matching the search query.": "",
"Search within %(docstitle)s": "Cerca dins de %(docstitle)s",
"Searching": "",
"Searching for multiple words only shows matches that contain\n all words.": "",
"Show Source": "Mostra Codi Font",
"Table of Contents": "",
"This Page": "Aquesta P\u00e0gina",
"Welcome! This is": "",
"Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you've selected enough categories.": "",
"all functions, classes, terms": "totes les funcions, classes, termes",
"can be huge": "pot ser gegant",
"last updated": "",
"lists all sections and subsections": "llista totes les seccions i subseccions",
"next chapter": "cap\u00edtol seg\u00fcent",
"previous chapter": "cap\u00edtol anterior",
"quick access to all modules": "acc\u00e9s r\u00e0pid a tots els m\u00f2duls",
"search": "cerca",
"search this documentation": "cerca aquesta documentaci\u00f3",
"the documentation for": ""
"plural_expr": "(n != 1)"