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:copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import builtins
import os
import shutil
import sys
import warnings
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, List
from sphinx.deprecation import RemovedInSphinx50Warning
FILESYSTEMENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
class path(str):
Represents a path which behaves like a string.
def parent(self) -> "path":
The name of the directory the file or directory is in.
return self.__class__(os.path.dirname(self))
def basename(self) -> str:
return os.path.basename(self)
def abspath(self) -> "path":
Returns the absolute path.
return self.__class__(os.path.abspath(self))
def isabs(self) -> bool:
Returns ``True`` if the path is absolute.
return os.path.isabs(self)
def isdir(self) -> bool:
Returns ``True`` if the path is a directory.
return os.path.isdir(self)
def isfile(self) -> bool:
Returns ``True`` if the path is a file.
return os.path.isfile(self)
def islink(self) -> bool:
Returns ``True`` if the path is a symbolic link.
return os.path.islink(self)
def ismount(self) -> bool:
Returns ``True`` if the path is a mount point.
return os.path.ismount(self)
def rmtree(self, ignore_errors: bool = False, onerror: Callable = None) -> None:
Removes the file or directory and any files or directories it may
:param ignore_errors:
If ``True`` errors are silently ignored, otherwise an exception
is raised in case an error occurs.
:param onerror:
A callback which gets called with the arguments `func`, `path` and
`exc_info`. `func` is one of :func:`os.listdir`, :func:`os.remove`
or :func:`os.rmdir`. `path` is the argument to the function which
caused it to fail and `exc_info` is a tuple as returned by
shutil.rmtree(self, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, onerror=onerror)
def copytree(self, destination: str, symlinks: bool = False) -> None:
Recursively copy a directory to the given `destination`. If the given
`destination` does not exist it will be created.
:param symlinks:
If ``True`` symbolic links in the source tree result in symbolic
links in the destination tree otherwise the contents of the files
pointed to by the symbolic links are copied.
shutil.copytree(self, destination, symlinks=symlinks)
def movetree(self, destination: str) -> None:
Recursively move the file or directory to the given `destination`
similar to the Unix "mv" command.
If the `destination` is a file it may be overwritten depending on the
:func:`os.rename` semantics.
shutil.move(self, destination)
move = movetree
def unlink(self) -> None:
Removes a file.
def stat(self) -> Any:
Returns a stat of the file.
return os.stat(self)
def utime(self, arg: Any) -> None:
os.utime(self, arg)
def open(self, mode: str = 'r', **kwargs: Any) -> IO:
return open(self, mode, **kwargs)
def write_text(self, text: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Writes the given `text` to the file.
with open(self, 'w', encoding=encoding, **kwargs) as f:
def text(self, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs: Any) -> str:
Returns the text in the file.
warnings.warn('Path.text() is deprecated. Please use read_text() instead.',
RemovedInSphinx50Warning, stacklevel=2)
return self.read_text(encoding, **kwargs)
def read_text(self, encoding: str = 'utf-8', **kwargs: Any) -> str:
Returns the text in the file.
with open(self, encoding=encoding, **kwargs) as f:
def bytes(self) -> builtins.bytes:
Returns the bytes in the file.
warnings.warn('Path.bytes() is deprecated. Please use read_bytes() instead.',
RemovedInSphinx50Warning, stacklevel=2)
return self.read_bytes()
def read_bytes(self) -> builtins.bytes:
Returns the bytes in the file.
with open(self, mode='rb') as f:
def write_bytes(self, bytes: str, append: bool = False) -> None:
Writes the given `bytes` to the file.
:param append:
If ``True`` given `bytes` are added at the end of the file.
if append:
mode = 'ab'
mode = 'wb'
with open(self, mode=mode) as f:
def exists(self) -> bool:
Returns ``True`` if the path exist.
return os.path.exists(self)
def lexists(self) -> bool:
Returns ``True`` if the path exists unless it is a broken symbolic
return os.path.lexists(self)
def makedirs(self, mode: int = 0o777, exist_ok: bool = False) -> None:
Recursively create directories.
os.makedirs(self, mode, exist_ok=exist_ok)
def joinpath(self, *args: Any) -> "path":
Joins the path with the argument given and returns the result.
return self.__class__(os.path.join(self, *map(self.__class__, args)))
def listdir(self) -> List[str]:
return os.listdir(self)
__div__ = __truediv__ = joinpath
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, super().__repr__())