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Helpers for inspecting Python modules.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import builtins
import contextlib
import enum
import inspect
import re
import sys
import types
import typing
import warnings
from functools import partial, partialmethod
from inspect import Parameter, isclass, ismethod, ismethoddescriptor, ismodule # NOQA
from io import StringIO
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, cast
from sphinx.deprecation import RemovedInSphinx40Warning, RemovedInSphinx50Warning
from sphinx.pycode.ast import ast # for py35-37
from sphinx.pycode.ast import unparse as ast_unparse
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.typing import ForwardRef
from sphinx.util.typing import stringify as stringify_annotation
if sys.version_info > (3, 7):
from types import ClassMethodDescriptorType, MethodDescriptorType, WrapperDescriptorType
ClassMethodDescriptorType = type(object.__init__)
MethodDescriptorType = type(str.join)
WrapperDescriptorType = type(dict.__dict__['fromkeys'])
if False:
# For type annotation
from typing import Type # NOQA
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
memory_address_re = re.compile(r' at 0x[0-9a-f]{8,16}(?=>)', re.IGNORECASE)
# Copied from the definition of inspect.getfullargspec from Python master,
# and modified to remove the use of special flags that break decorated
# callables and bound methods in the name of backwards compatibility. Used
# under the terms of PSF license v2, which requires the above statement
# and the following:
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
# 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Python Software
# Foundation; All Rights Reserved
def getargspec(func: Callable) -> Any:
"""Like inspect.getfullargspec but supports bound methods, and wrapped
warnings.warn('sphinx.ext.inspect.getargspec() is deprecated',
RemovedInSphinx50Warning, stacklevel=2)
sig = inspect.signature(func)
args = []
varargs = None
varkw = None
kwonlyargs = []
defaults = ()
annotations = {}
defaults = ()
kwdefaults = {}
if sig.return_annotation is not sig.empty:
annotations['return'] = sig.return_annotation
for param in sig.parameters.values():
kind = param.kind
name =
if kind is Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
elif kind is Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
if param.default is not param.empty:
defaults += (param.default,) # type: ignore
elif kind is Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
varargs = name
elif kind is Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
if param.default is not param.empty:
kwdefaults[name] = param.default
elif kind is Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD:
varkw = name
if param.annotation is not param.empty:
annotations[name] = param.annotation
if not kwdefaults:
# compatibility with 'func.__kwdefaults__'
kwdefaults = None
if not defaults:
# compatibility with 'func.__defaults__'
defaults = None
return inspect.FullArgSpec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults,
kwonlyargs, kwdefaults, annotations)
def unwrap(obj: Any) -> Any:
"""Get an original object from wrapped object (wrapped functions)."""
if hasattr(obj, '__sphinx_mock__'):
# Skip unwrapping mock object to avoid RecursionError
return obj
return inspect.unwrap(obj)
except ValueError:
# might be a mock object
return obj
def unwrap_all(obj: Any, *, stop: Callable = None) -> Any:
Get an original object from wrapped object (unwrapping partials, wrapped
functions, and other decorators).
while True:
if stop and stop(obj):
return obj
elif ispartial(obj):
obj = obj.func
elif inspect.isroutine(obj) and hasattr(obj, '__wrapped__'):
obj = obj.__wrapped__
elif isclassmethod(obj):
obj = obj.__func__
elif isstaticmethod(obj):
obj = obj.__func__
return obj
def getall(obj: Any) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]:
"""Get __all__ attribute of the module as dict.
Return None if given *obj* does not have __all__.
Raises AttributeError if given *obj* raises an error on accessing __all__.
Raises ValueError if given *obj* have invalid __all__.
__all__ = safe_getattr(obj, '__all__', None)
if __all__ is None:
return None
if (isinstance(__all__, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(e, str) for e in __all__)):
return __all__
raise ValueError(__all__)
def getannotations(obj: Any) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
"""Get __annotations__ from given *obj* safely.
Raises AttributeError if given *obj* raises an error on accessing __attribute__.
__annotations__ = safe_getattr(obj, '__annotations__', None)
if isinstance(__annotations__, Mapping):
return __annotations__
return {}
def getmro(obj: Any) -> Tuple["Type", ...]:
"""Get __mro__ from given *obj* safely.
Raises AttributeError if given *obj* raises an error on accessing __mro__.
__mro__ = safe_getattr(obj, '__mro__', None)
if isinstance(__mro__, tuple):
return __mro__
return tuple()
def getslots(obj: Any) -> Optional[Dict]:
"""Get __slots__ attribute of the class as dict.
Return None if gienv *obj* does not have __slots__.
Raises AttributeError if given *obj* raises an error on accessing __slots__.
Raises ValueError if given *obj* have invalid __slots__.
if not inspect.isclass(obj):
raise TypeError
__slots__ = safe_getattr(obj, '__slots__', None)
if __slots__ is None:
return None
elif isinstance(__slots__, dict):
return __slots__
elif isinstance(__slots__, str):
return {__slots__: None}
elif isinstance(__slots__, (list, tuple)):
return {e: None for e in __slots__}
raise ValueError
def isNewType(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check the if object is a kind of NewType."""
__module__ = safe_getattr(obj, '__module__', None)
__qualname__ = safe_getattr(obj, '__qualname__', None)
if __module__ == 'typing' and __qualname__ == 'NewType.<locals>.new_type':
return True
return False
def isenumclass(x: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is subclass of enum."""
return inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, enum.Enum)
def isenumattribute(x: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is attribute of enum."""
return isinstance(x, enum.Enum)
def unpartial(obj: Any) -> Any:
"""Get an original object from partial object.
This returns given object itself if not partial.
while ispartial(obj):
obj = obj.func
return obj
def ispartial(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is partial."""
return isinstance(obj, (partial, partialmethod))
def isclassmethod(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is classmethod."""
if isinstance(obj, classmethod):
return True
elif inspect.ismethod(obj) and obj.__self__ is not None and isclass(obj.__self__):
return True
return False
def isstaticmethod(obj: Any, cls: Any = None, name: str = None) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is staticmethod."""
if isinstance(obj, staticmethod):
return True
elif cls and name:
# trace __mro__ if the method is defined in parent class
# .. note:: This only works well with new style classes.
for basecls in getattr(cls, '__mro__', [cls]):
meth = basecls.__dict__.get(name)
if meth:
if isinstance(meth, staticmethod):
return True
return False
return False
def isdescriptor(x: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is some kind of descriptor."""
for item in '__get__', '__set__', '__delete__':
if hasattr(safe_getattr(x, item, None), '__call__'):
return True
return False
def isabstractmethod(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is an abstractmethod."""
return safe_getattr(obj, '__isabstractmethod__', False) is True
def is_cython_function_or_method(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is a function or method in cython."""
return obj.__class__.__name__ == 'cython_function_or_method'
except AttributeError:
return False
def isattributedescriptor(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is an attribute like descriptor."""
if inspect.isdatadescriptor(obj):
# data descriptor is kind of attribute
return True
elif isdescriptor(obj):
# non data descriptor
unwrapped = unwrap(obj)
if isfunction(unwrapped) or isbuiltin(unwrapped) or inspect.ismethod(unwrapped):
# attribute must not be either function, builtin and method
return False
elif is_cython_function_or_method(unwrapped):
# attribute must not be either function and method (for cython)
return False
elif inspect.isclass(unwrapped):
# attribute must not be a class
return False
elif isinstance(unwrapped, (ClassMethodDescriptorType,
# attribute must not be a method descriptor
return False
elif type(unwrapped).__name__ == "instancemethod":
# attribute must not be an instancemethod (C-API)
return False
return True
return False
def is_singledispatch_function(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is singledispatch function."""
if (inspect.isfunction(obj) and
hasattr(obj, 'dispatch') and
hasattr(obj, 'register') and
obj.dispatch.__module__ == 'functools'):
return True
return False
def is_singledispatch_method(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is singledispatch method."""
from functools import singledispatchmethod # type: ignore
return isinstance(obj, singledispatchmethod)
except ImportError: # py35-37
return False
def isfunction(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is function."""
return inspect.isfunction(unwrap_all(obj))
def isbuiltin(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is builtin."""
return inspect.isbuiltin(unwrap_all(obj))
def isroutine(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check is any kind of function or method."""
return inspect.isroutine(unwrap_all(obj))
def iscoroutinefunction(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is coroutine-function."""
# unwrap staticmethod, classmethod and partial (except wrappers)
obj = unwrap_all(obj, stop=lambda o: hasattr(o, '__wrapped__'))
if hasattr(obj, '__code__') and inspect.iscoroutinefunction(obj):
# check obj.__code__ because iscoroutinefunction() crashes for custom method-like
# objects (see
return True
return False
def isproperty(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is property."""
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
from functools import cached_property # cached_property is available since py3.8
if isinstance(obj, cached_property):
return True
return isinstance(obj, property)
def isgenericalias(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the object is GenericAlias."""
if (hasattr(typing, '_GenericAlias') and # only for py37+
isinstance(obj, typing._GenericAlias)): # type: ignore
return True
elif (hasattr(types, 'GenericAlias') and # only for py39+
isinstance(obj, types.GenericAlias)): # type: ignore
return True
elif (hasattr(typing, '_SpecialGenericAlias') and # for py39+
isinstance(obj, typing._SpecialGenericAlias)): # type: ignore
return True
return False
def safe_getattr(obj: Any, name: str, *defargs: Any) -> Any:
"""A getattr() that turns all exceptions into AttributeErrors."""
return getattr(obj, name, *defargs)
except Exception as exc:
# sometimes accessing a property raises an exception (e.g.
# NotImplementedError), so let's try to read the attribute directly
# In case the object does weird things with attribute access
# such that accessing `obj.__dict__` may raise an exception
return obj.__dict__[name]
except Exception:
# this is a catch-all for all the weird things that some modules do
# with attribute access
if defargs:
return defargs[0]
raise AttributeError(name) from exc
def safe_getmembers(object: Any, predicate: Callable[[str], bool] = None,
attr_getter: Callable = safe_getattr) -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]:
"""A version of inspect.getmembers() that uses safe_getattr()."""
warnings.warn('safe_getmembers() is deprecated', RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2)
results = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, Any]]
for key in dir(object):
value = attr_getter(object, key, None)
except AttributeError:
if not predicate or predicate(value):
results.append((key, value))
return results
def object_description(object: Any) -> str:
"""A repr() implementation that returns text safe to use in reST context."""
if isinstance(object, dict):
sorted_keys = sorted(object)
except Exception:
pass # Cannot sort dict keys, fall back to generic repr
items = ("%s: %s" %
(object_description(key), object_description(object[key]))
for key in sorted_keys)
return "{%s}" % ", ".join(items)
if isinstance(object, set):
sorted_values = sorted(object)
except TypeError:
pass # Cannot sort set values, fall back to generic repr
return "{%s}" % ", ".join(object_description(x) for x in sorted_values)
if isinstance(object, frozenset):
sorted_values = sorted(object)
except TypeError:
pass # Cannot sort frozenset values, fall back to generic repr
return "frozenset({%s})" % ", ".join(object_description(x)
for x in sorted_values)
s = repr(object)
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError from exc
# Strip non-deterministic memory addresses such as
# ``<__main__.A at 0x7f68cb685710>``
s = memory_address_re.sub('', s)
return s.replace('\n', ' ')
def is_builtin_class_method(obj: Any, attr_name: str) -> bool:
"""If attr_name is implemented at builtin class, return True.
>>> is_builtin_class_method(int, '__init__')
Why this function needed? CPython implements int.__init__ by Descriptor
but PyPy implements it by pure Python code.
mro = inspect.getmro(obj)
except AttributeError:
# no __mro__, assume the object has no methods as we know them
return False
cls = next(c for c in mro if attr_name in safe_getattr(c, '__dict__', {}))
except StopIteration:
return False
name = safe_getattr(cls, '__name__')
except AttributeError:
return False
return getattr(builtins, name, None) is cls
def _should_unwrap(subject: Callable) -> bool:
"""Check the function should be unwrapped on getting signature."""
if (safe_getattr(subject, '__globals__', None) and
subject.__globals__.get('__name__') == 'contextlib' and # type: ignore
subject.__globals__.get('__file__') == contextlib.__file__): # type: ignore
# contextmanger should be unwrapped
return True
return False
def signature(subject: Callable, bound_method: bool = False, follow_wrapped: bool = None,
type_aliases: Dict = {}) -> inspect.Signature:
"""Return a Signature object for the given *subject*.
:param bound_method: Specify *subject* is a bound method or not
:param follow_wrapped: Same as ``inspect.signature()``.
if follow_wrapped is None:
follow_wrapped = True
warnings.warn('The follow_wrapped argument of sphinx.util.inspect.signature() is '
'deprecated', RemovedInSphinx50Warning, stacklevel=2)
if _should_unwrap(subject):
signature = inspect.signature(subject)
signature = inspect.signature(subject, follow_wrapped=follow_wrapped)
except ValueError:
# follow built-in wrappers up (ex. functools.lru_cache)
signature = inspect.signature(subject)
parameters = list(signature.parameters.values())
return_annotation = signature.return_annotation
except IndexError:
# Until python 3.6.4, cpython has been crashed on inspection for
# partialmethods not having any arguments.
if hasattr(subject, '_partialmethod'):
parameters = []
return_annotation = Parameter.empty
# Resolve annotations using ``get_type_hints()`` and type_aliases.
annotations = typing.get_type_hints(subject, None, type_aliases)
for i, param in enumerate(parameters):
if in annotations:
parameters[i] = param.replace(annotation=annotations[])
if 'return' in annotations:
return_annotation = annotations['return']
except Exception:
# ``get_type_hints()`` does not support some kind of objects like partial,
# ForwardRef and so on.
if bound_method:
if inspect.ismethod(subject):
# ``inspect.signature()`` considers the subject is a bound method and removes
# first argument from signature. Therefore no skips are needed here.
if len(parameters) > 0:
# To allow to create signature object correctly for pure python functions,
# pass an internal parameter __validate_parameters__=False to Signature
# For example, this helps a function having a default value `inspect._empty`.
# refs:
return inspect.Signature(parameters, return_annotation=return_annotation, # type: ignore
def evaluate_signature(sig: inspect.Signature, globalns: Dict = None, localns: Dict = None
) -> inspect.Signature:
"""Evaluate unresolved type annotations in a signature object."""
def evaluate_forwardref(ref: ForwardRef, globalns: Dict, localns: Dict) -> Any:
"""Evaluate a forward reference."""
if sys.version_info > (3, 9):
return ref._evaluate(globalns, localns, frozenset())
return ref._evaluate(globalns, localns)
def evaluate(annotation: Any, globalns: Dict, localns: Dict) -> Any:
"""Evaluate unresolved type annotation."""
if isinstance(annotation, str):
ref = ForwardRef(annotation, True)
annotation = evaluate_forwardref(ref, globalns, localns)
if isinstance(annotation, ForwardRef):
annotation = evaluate_forwardref(ref, globalns, localns)
elif isinstance(annotation, str):
# might be a ForwardRef'ed annotation in overloaded functions
ref = ForwardRef(annotation, True)
annotation = evaluate_forwardref(ref, globalns, localns)
except (NameError, TypeError):
# failed to evaluate type. skipped.
return annotation
if globalns is None:
globalns = {}
if localns is None:
localns = globalns
parameters = list(sig.parameters.values())
for i, param in enumerate(parameters):
if param.annotation:
annotation = evaluate(param.annotation, globalns, localns)
parameters[i] = param.replace(annotation=annotation)
return_annotation = sig.return_annotation
if return_annotation:
return_annotation = evaluate(return_annotation, globalns, localns)
return sig.replace(parameters=parameters, return_annotation=return_annotation)
def stringify_signature(sig: inspect.Signature, show_annotation: bool = True,
show_return_annotation: bool = True) -> str:
"""Stringify a Signature object.
:param show_annotation: Show annotation in result
args = []
last_kind = None
for param in sig.parameters.values():
if param.kind != param.POSITIONAL_ONLY and last_kind == param.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
# PEP-570: Separator for Positional Only Parameter: /
if param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY and last_kind in (param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
# PEP-3102: Separator for Keyword Only Parameter: *
arg = StringIO()
if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
arg.write('*' +
elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
arg.write('**' +
if show_annotation and param.annotation is not param.empty:
arg.write(': ')
if param.default is not param.empty:
if show_annotation and param.annotation is not param.empty:
arg.write(' = ')
last_kind = param.kind
if last_kind == Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY:
# PEP-570: Separator for Positional Only Parameter: /
if (sig.return_annotation is Parameter.empty or
show_annotation is False or
show_return_annotation is False):
return '(%s)' % ', '.join(args)
annotation = stringify_annotation(sig.return_annotation)
return '(%s) -> %s' % (', '.join(args), annotation)
def signature_from_str(signature: str) -> inspect.Signature:
"""Create a Signature object from string."""
code = 'def func' + signature + ': pass'
module = ast.parse(code)
function = cast(ast.FunctionDef, module.body[0]) # type: ignore
return signature_from_ast(function, code)
def signature_from_ast(node: ast.FunctionDef, code: str = '') -> inspect.Signature:
"""Create a Signature object from AST *node*."""
args = node.args
defaults = list(args.defaults)
params = []
if hasattr(args, "posonlyargs"):
posonlyargs = len(args.posonlyargs) # type: ignore
positionals = posonlyargs + len(args.args)
posonlyargs = 0
positionals = len(args.args)
for _ in range(len(defaults), positionals):
defaults.insert(0, Parameter.empty)
if hasattr(args, "posonlyargs"):
for i, arg in enumerate(args.posonlyargs): # type: ignore
if defaults[i] is Parameter.empty:
default = Parameter.empty
default = ast_unparse(defaults[i], code)
annotation = ast_unparse(arg.annotation, code) or Parameter.empty
params.append(Parameter(arg.arg, Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY,
default=default, annotation=annotation))
for i, arg in enumerate(args.args):
if defaults[i + posonlyargs] is Parameter.empty:
default = Parameter.empty
default = ast_unparse(defaults[i + posonlyargs], code)
annotation = ast_unparse(arg.annotation, code) or Parameter.empty
params.append(Parameter(arg.arg, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
default=default, annotation=annotation))
if args.vararg:
annotation = ast_unparse(args.vararg.annotation, code) or Parameter.empty
params.append(Parameter(args.vararg.arg, Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL,
for i, arg in enumerate(args.kwonlyargs):
default = ast_unparse(args.kw_defaults[i], code) or Parameter.empty
annotation = ast_unparse(arg.annotation, code) or Parameter.empty
params.append(Parameter(arg.arg, Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=default,
if args.kwarg:
annotation = ast_unparse(args.kwarg.annotation, code) or Parameter.empty
params.append(Parameter(args.kwarg.arg, Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD,
return_annotation = ast_unparse(node.returns, code) or Parameter.empty
return inspect.Signature(params, return_annotation=return_annotation)
class Signature:
"""The Signature object represents the call signature of a callable object and
its return annotation.
empty = inspect.Signature.empty
def __init__(self, subject: Callable, bound_method: bool = False,
has_retval: bool = True) -> None:
warnings.warn('sphinx.util.inspect.Signature() is deprecated',
RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2)
# check subject is not a built-in class (ex. int, str)
if (isinstance(subject, type) and
is_builtin_class_method(subject, "__new__") and
is_builtin_class_method(subject, "__init__")):
raise TypeError("can't compute signature for built-in type {}".format(subject))
self.subject = subject
self.has_retval = has_retval
self.partialmethod_with_noargs = False
self.signature = inspect.signature(subject) # type: Optional[inspect.Signature]
except IndexError:
# Until python 3.6.4, cpython has been crashed on inspection for
# partialmethods not having any arguments.
if hasattr(subject, '_partialmethod'):
self.signature = None
self.partialmethod_with_noargs = True
self.annotations = typing.get_type_hints(subject)
except Exception:
# get_type_hints() does not support some kind of objects like partial,
# ForwardRef and so on. For them, it raises an exception. In that case,
# we try to build annotations from argspec.
self.annotations = {}
if bound_method:
# client gives a hint that the subject is a bound method
if inspect.ismethod(subject):
# inspect.signature already considers the subject is bound method.
# So it is not need to skip first argument.
self.skip_first_argument = False
self.skip_first_argument = True
# inspect.signature recognizes type of method properly without any hints
self.skip_first_argument = False
def parameters(self) -> Mapping:
if self.partialmethod_with_noargs:
return {}
return self.signature.parameters
def return_annotation(self) -> Any:
if self.signature:
if self.has_retval:
return self.signature.return_annotation
return Parameter.empty
return None
def format_args(self, show_annotation: bool = True) -> str:
def get_annotation(param: Parameter) -> Any:
if isinstance(param.annotation, str) and in self.annotations:
return self.annotations[]
return param.annotation
args = []
last_kind = None
for i, param in enumerate(self.parameters.values()):
# skip first argument if subject is bound method
if self.skip_first_argument and i == 0:
arg = StringIO()
# insert '*' between POSITIONAL args and KEYWORD_ONLY args::
# func(a, b, *, c, d):
if param.kind == param.KEYWORD_ONLY and last_kind in (param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
if param.kind in (param.POSITIONAL_ONLY,
if show_annotation and param.annotation is not param.empty:
arg.write(': ')
if param.default is not param.empty:
if param.annotation is param.empty or show_annotation is False:
arg.write(' = ')
elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
if show_annotation and param.annotation is not param.empty:
arg.write(': ')
elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
if show_annotation and param.annotation is not param.empty:
arg.write(': ')
last_kind = param.kind
if self.return_annotation is Parameter.empty or show_annotation is False:
return '(%s)' % ', '.join(args)
if 'return' in self.annotations:
annotation = stringify_annotation(self.annotations['return'])
annotation = stringify_annotation(self.return_annotation)
return '(%s) -> %s' % (', '.join(args), annotation)
def format_annotation(self, annotation: Any) -> str:
"""Return formatted representation of a type annotation."""
return stringify_annotation(annotation)
def format_annotation_new(self, annotation: Any) -> str:
"""format_annotation() for py37+"""
return stringify_annotation(annotation)
def format_annotation_old(self, annotation: Any) -> str:
"""format_annotation() for py36 or below"""
return stringify_annotation(annotation)
def getdoc(obj: Any, attrgetter: Callable = safe_getattr,
allow_inherited: bool = False, cls: Any = None, name: str = None) -> str:
"""Get the docstring for the object.
This tries to obtain the docstring for some kind of objects additionally:
* partial functions
* inherited docstring
* inherited decorated methods
doc = attrgetter(obj, '__doc__', None)
if ispartial(obj) and doc == obj.__class__.__doc__:
return getdoc(obj.func)
elif doc is None and allow_inherited:
doc = inspect.getdoc(obj)
if doc is None and cls:
# inspect.getdoc() does not support some kind of inherited and decorated methods.
# This tries to obtain the docstring from super classes.
for basecls in getattr(cls, '__mro__', []):
meth = safe_getattr(basecls, name, None)
if meth is not None:
doc = inspect.getdoc(meth)
if doc:
return doc