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The composit types for Sphinx.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import sys
import typing
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Inliner
if sys.version_info > (3, 7):
from typing import ForwardRef
from typing import _ForwardRef # type: ignore
class ForwardRef:
"""A pseudo ForwardRef class for py35 and py36."""
def __init__(self, arg: Any, is_argument: bool = True) -> None:
self.arg = arg
def _evaluate(self, globalns: Dict, localns: Dict) -> Any:
ref = _ForwardRef(self.arg)
return ref._eval_type(globalns, localns)
if False:
# For type annotation
from typing import Type # NOQA # for python3.5.1
# An entry of Directive.option_spec
DirectiveOption = Callable[[str], Any]
# Text like nodes which are initialized with text and rawsource
TextlikeNode = Union[nodes.Text, nodes.TextElement]
# type of None
NoneType = type(None)
# path matcher
PathMatcher = Callable[[str], bool]
# common role functions
RoleFunction = Callable[[str, str, str, int, Inliner, Dict[str, Any], List[str]],
Tuple[List[nodes.Node], List[nodes.system_message]]]
# title getter functions for enumerable nodes (see
TitleGetter = Callable[[nodes.Node], str]
# inventory data on memory
Inventory = Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]]
def get_type_hints(obj: Any, globalns: Dict = None, localns: Dict = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return a dictionary containing type hints for a function, method, module or class object.
This is a simple wrapper of `typing.get_type_hints()` that does not raise an error on
from sphinx.util.inspect import safe_getattr # lazy loading
return typing.get_type_hints(obj, globalns, localns)
except NameError:
# Failed to evaluate ForwardRef (maybe TYPE_CHECKING)
return safe_getattr(obj, '__annotations__', {})
except TypeError:
return {}
except KeyError:
# a broken class found (refs:
return {}
except AttributeError:
# AttributeError is raised on 3.5.2 (fixed by 3.5.3)
return {}
def is_system_TypeVar(typ: Any) -> bool:
"""Check *typ* is system defined TypeVar."""
modname = getattr(typ, '__module__', '')
return modname == 'typing' and isinstance(typ, TypeVar)
def restify(cls: Optional["Type"]) -> str:
"""Convert python class to a reST reference."""
from sphinx.util import inspect # lazy loading
if cls is None or cls is NoneType:
return ':obj:`None`'
elif cls is Ellipsis:
return '...'
elif inspect.isNewType(cls):
return ':class:`%s`' % cls.__name__
elif cls.__module__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins'):
return ':class:`%s`' % cls.__name__
if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): # py37+
return _restify_py37(cls)
return _restify_py36(cls)
def _restify_py37(cls: Optional["Type"]) -> str:
"""Convert python class to a reST reference."""
from sphinx.util import inspect # lazy loading
if (inspect.isgenericalias(cls) and
cls.__module__ == 'typing' and cls.__origin__ is Union):
# Union
if len(cls.__args__) > 1 and cls.__args__[-1] is NoneType:
if len(cls.__args__) > 2:
args = ', '.join(restify(a) for a in cls.__args__[:-1])
return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [:obj:`Union`\\ [%s]]' % args
return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [%s]' % restify(cls.__args__[0])
args = ', '.join(restify(a) for a in cls.__args__)
return ':obj:`Union`\\ [%s]' % args
elif inspect.isgenericalias(cls):
if getattr(cls, '_name', None):
if cls.__module__ == 'typing':
text = ':class:`%s`' % cls._name
text = ':class:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls._name)
text = restify(cls.__origin__)
if not hasattr(cls, '__args__'):
elif all(is_system_TypeVar(a) for a in cls.__args__):
# Suppress arguments if all system defined TypeVars (ex. Dict[KT, VT])
elif cls.__module__ == 'typing' and cls._name == 'Callable':
args = ', '.join(restify(a) for a in cls.__args__[:-1])
text += r"\ [[%s], %s]" % (args, restify(cls.__args__[-1]))
elif cls.__args__:
text += r"\ [%s]" % ", ".join(restify(a) for a in cls.__args__)
return text
elif hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'):
if cls.__module__ == 'typing':
return ':class:`%s`' % cls.__qualname__
return ':class:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls.__qualname__)
elif hasattr(cls, '_name'):
# SpecialForm
if cls.__module__ == 'typing':
return ':obj:`%s`' % cls._name
return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls._name)
# not a class (ex. TypeVar)
return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
def _restify_py36(cls: Optional["Type"]) -> str:
module = getattr(cls, '__module__', None)
if module == 'typing':
if getattr(cls, '_name', None):
qualname = cls._name
elif getattr(cls, '__qualname__', None):
qualname = cls.__qualname__
elif getattr(cls, '__forward_arg__', None):
qualname = cls.__forward_arg__
elif getattr(cls, '__origin__', None):
qualname = stringify(cls.__origin__) # ex. Union
qualname = repr(cls).replace('typing.', '')
elif hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'):
qualname = '%s.%s' % (module, cls.__qualname__)
qualname = repr(cls)
if (isinstance(cls, typing.TupleMeta) and # type: ignore
not hasattr(cls, '__tuple_params__')): # for Python 3.6
params = cls.__args__
if params:
param_str = ', '.join(restify(p) for p in params)
return ':class:`%s`\\ [%s]' % (qualname, param_str)
return ':class:`%s`' % qualname
elif isinstance(cls, typing.GenericMeta):
params = None
if hasattr(cls, '__args__'):
# for Python 3.5.2+
if cls.__args__ is None or len(cls.__args__) <= 2: # type: ignore # NOQA
params = cls.__args__ # type: ignore
elif cls.__origin__ == Generator: # type: ignore
params = cls.__args__ # type: ignore
else: # typing.Callable
args = ', '.join(restify(arg) for arg in cls.__args__[:-1]) # type: ignore
result = restify(cls.__args__[-1]) # type: ignore
return ':class:`%s`\\ [[%s], %s]' % (qualname, args, result)
elif hasattr(cls, '__parameters__'):
# for Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1
params = cls.__parameters__ # type: ignore
if params:
param_str = ', '.join(restify(p) for p in params)
return ':class:`%s`\\ [%s]' % (qualname, param_str)
return ':class:`%s`' % qualname
elif (hasattr(typing, 'UnionMeta') and
isinstance(cls, typing.UnionMeta) and # type: ignore
hasattr(cls, '__union_params__')): # for Python 3.5
params = cls.__union_params__
if params is not None:
if len(params) == 2 and params[1] is NoneType:
return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [%s]' % restify(params[0])
param_str = ', '.join(restify(p) for p in params)
return ':obj:`%s`\\ [%s]' % (qualname, param_str)
return ':obj:`%s`' % qualname
elif (hasattr(cls, '__origin__') and
cls.__origin__ is typing.Union): # for Python 3.5.2+
params = cls.__args__
if params is not None:
if len(params) > 1 and params[-1] is NoneType:
if len(params) > 2:
param_str = ", ".join(restify(p) for p in params[:-1])
return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [:obj:`Union`\\ [%s]]' % param_str
return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [%s]' % restify(params[0])
param_str = ', '.join(restify(p) for p in params)
return ':obj:`Union`\\ [%s]' % param_str
return ':obj:`Union`'
elif (isinstance(cls, typing.CallableMeta) and # type: ignore
getattr(cls, '__args__', None) is not None and
hasattr(cls, '__result__')): # for Python 3.5
# Skipped in the case of plain typing.Callable
args = cls.__args__
if args is None:
return qualname
elif args is Ellipsis:
args_str = '...'
formatted_args = (restify(a) for a in args) # type: ignore
args_str = '[%s]' % ', '.join(formatted_args)
return ':class:`%s`\\ [%s, %s]' % (qualname, args_str, stringify(cls.__result__))
elif (isinstance(cls, typing.TupleMeta) and # type: ignore
hasattr(cls, '__tuple_params__') and
hasattr(cls, '__tuple_use_ellipsis__')): # for Python 3.5
params = cls.__tuple_params__
if params is not None:
param_strings = [restify(p) for p in params]
if cls.__tuple_use_ellipsis__:
return ':class:`%s`\\ [%s]' % (qualname, ', '.join(param_strings))
return ':class:`%s`' % qualname
elif hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'):
if cls.__module__ == 'typing':
return ':class:`%s`' % cls.__qualname__
return ':class:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls.__qualname__)
elif hasattr(cls, '_name'):
# SpecialForm
if cls.__module__ == 'typing':
return ':obj:`%s`' % cls._name
return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls._name)
elif hasattr(cls, '__name__'):
# not a class (ex. TypeVar)
return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
# others (ex. Any)
if cls.__module__ == 'typing':
return ':obj:`%s`' % qualname
return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, qualname)
def stringify(annotation: Any) -> str:
"""Stringify type annotation object."""
from sphinx.util import inspect # lazy loading
if isinstance(annotation, str):
if annotation.startswith("'") and annotation.endswith("'"):
# might be a double Forward-ref'ed type. Go unquoting.
return annotation[1:-1]
return annotation
elif isinstance(annotation, TypeVar):
return annotation.__name__
elif inspect.isNewType(annotation):
# Could not get the module where it defiend
return annotation.__name__
elif not annotation:
return repr(annotation)
elif annotation is NoneType:
return 'None'
elif (getattr(annotation, '__module__', None) == 'builtins' and
hasattr(annotation, '__qualname__')):
return annotation.__qualname__
elif annotation is Ellipsis:
return '...'
if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): # py37+
return _stringify_py37(annotation)
return _stringify_py36(annotation)
def _stringify_py37(annotation: Any) -> str:
"""stringify() for py37+."""
module = getattr(annotation, '__module__', None)
if module == 'typing':
if getattr(annotation, '_name', None):
qualname = annotation._name
elif getattr(annotation, '__qualname__', None):
qualname = annotation.__qualname__
elif getattr(annotation, '__forward_arg__', None):
qualname = annotation.__forward_arg__
qualname = stringify(annotation.__origin__) # ex. Union
elif hasattr(annotation, '__qualname__'):
qualname = '%s.%s' % (module, annotation.__qualname__)
elif hasattr(annotation, '__origin__'):
# instantiated generic provided by a user
qualname = stringify(annotation.__origin__)
# we weren't able to extract the base type, appending arguments would
# only make them appear twice
return repr(annotation)
if getattr(annotation, '__args__', None):
if not isinstance(annotation.__args__, (list, tuple)):
# broken __args__ found
elif qualname == 'Union':
if len(annotation.__args__) > 1 and annotation.__args__[-1] is NoneType:
if len(annotation.__args__) > 2:
args = ', '.join(stringify(a) for a in annotation.__args__[:-1])
return 'Optional[Union[%s]]' % args
return 'Optional[%s]' % stringify(annotation.__args__[0])
args = ', '.join(stringify(a) for a in annotation.__args__)
return 'Union[%s]' % args
elif qualname == 'Callable':
args = ', '.join(stringify(a) for a in annotation.__args__[:-1])
returns = stringify(annotation.__args__[-1])
return '%s[[%s], %s]' % (qualname, args, returns)
elif str(annotation).startswith('typing.Annotated'): # for py39+
return stringify(annotation.__args__[0])
elif all(is_system_TypeVar(a) for a in annotation.__args__):
# Suppress arguments if all system defined TypeVars (ex. Dict[KT, VT])
return qualname
args = ', '.join(stringify(a) for a in annotation.__args__)
return '%s[%s]' % (qualname, args)
return qualname
def _stringify_py36(annotation: Any) -> str:
"""stringify() for py35 and py36."""
module = getattr(annotation, '__module__', None)
if module == 'typing':
if getattr(annotation, '_name', None):
qualname = annotation._name
elif getattr(annotation, '__qualname__', None):
qualname = annotation.__qualname__
elif getattr(annotation, '__forward_arg__', None):
qualname = annotation.__forward_arg__
elif getattr(annotation, '__origin__', None):
qualname = stringify(annotation.__origin__) # ex. Union
qualname = repr(annotation).replace('typing.', '')
elif hasattr(annotation, '__qualname__'):
qualname = '%s.%s' % (module, annotation.__qualname__)
qualname = repr(annotation)
if (isinstance(annotation, typing.TupleMeta) and # type: ignore
not hasattr(annotation, '__tuple_params__')): # for Python 3.6
params = annotation.__args__
if params:
param_str = ', '.join(stringify(p) for p in params)
return '%s[%s]' % (qualname, param_str)
return qualname
elif isinstance(annotation, typing.GenericMeta):
params = None
if hasattr(annotation, '__args__'):
# for Python 3.5.2+
if annotation.__args__ is None or len(annotation.__args__) <= 2: # type: ignore # NOQA
params = annotation.__args__ # type: ignore
elif annotation.__origin__ == Generator: # type: ignore
params = annotation.__args__ # type: ignore
else: # typing.Callable
args = ', '.join(stringify(arg) for arg
in annotation.__args__[:-1]) # type: ignore
result = stringify(annotation.__args__[-1]) # type: ignore
return '%s[[%s], %s]' % (qualname, args, result)
elif hasattr(annotation, '__parameters__'):
# for Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1
params = annotation.__parameters__ # type: ignore
if params is not None:
param_str = ', '.join(stringify(p) for p in params)
return '%s[%s]' % (qualname, param_str)
elif (hasattr(typing, 'UnionMeta') and
isinstance(annotation, typing.UnionMeta) and # type: ignore
hasattr(annotation, '__union_params__')): # for Python 3.5
params = annotation.__union_params__
if params is not None:
if len(params) == 2 and params[1] is NoneType:
return 'Optional[%s]' % stringify(params[0])
param_str = ', '.join(stringify(p) for p in params)
return '%s[%s]' % (qualname, param_str)
elif (hasattr(annotation, '__origin__') and
annotation.__origin__ is typing.Union): # for Python 3.5.2+
params = annotation.__args__
if params is not None:
if len(params) > 1 and params[-1] is NoneType:
if len(params) > 2:
param_str = ", ".join(stringify(p) for p in params[:-1])
return 'Optional[Union[%s]]' % param_str
return 'Optional[%s]' % stringify(params[0])
param_str = ', '.join(stringify(p) for p in params)
return 'Union[%s]' % param_str
elif (isinstance(annotation, typing.CallableMeta) and # type: ignore
getattr(annotation, '__args__', None) is not None and
hasattr(annotation, '__result__')): # for Python 3.5
# Skipped in the case of plain typing.Callable
args = annotation.__args__
if args is None:
return qualname
elif args is Ellipsis:
args_str = '...'
formatted_args = (stringify(a) for a in args)
args_str = '[%s]' % ', '.join(formatted_args)
return '%s[%s, %s]' % (qualname,
elif (isinstance(annotation, typing.TupleMeta) and # type: ignore
hasattr(annotation, '__tuple_params__') and
hasattr(annotation, '__tuple_use_ellipsis__')): # for Python 3.5
params = annotation.__tuple_params__
if params is not None:
param_strings = [stringify(p) for p in params]
if annotation.__tuple_use_ellipsis__:
return '%s[%s]' % (qualname,
', '.join(param_strings))
return qualname