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2. Defs



| OSCMD(inCMDStr[, inRunAsyncBool, …])

| Execute CMD on the Agent daemonic process

| | OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrCreate(…[, …])

| Create binary file by the base64 string (safe for JSON transmition)

| | ProcessWOExeUpperUserListGet()

      | Return the process list only for the current user (where Agent is running) without .EXE in upper case.


pyOpenRPA.Agent.Agent.OSCMD(inCMDStr, inRunAsyncBool=True, inGSettings=None, inSendOutputToOrchestratorLogsBool=True, inCMDEncodingStr='cp1251')

Execute CMD on the Agent daemonic process

  • Parameters

    • inCMDStr command to execute on the Agent session

    • inRunAsyncBool True - Agent processor dont wait execution; False - Agent processor wait cmd execution

    • inGSettings Agent global settings dict

    • inSendOutputToOrchestratorLogsBool True - catch cmd execution output and send it to the Orchestrator logs; Flase - else case; Default True

    • inCMDEncodingStr Set the encoding of the DOS window on the Agent server session. Windows is beautiful :) . Default is “cp1251” early was “cp866” - need test

  • Returns

pyOpenRPA.Agent.Agent.OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrCreate(inFilePathStr, inFileDataBase64Str, inGSettings=None)

Create binary file by the base64 string (safe for JSON transmition)


Return the process list only for the current user (where Agent is running) without .EXE in upper case. Can use in ActivityItem from Orchestrator to Agent

  • Parameters


  • Returns

    list of the agent user process in upper case without .EXE. Example [“NOTEPAD”,”…”],

