You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

160 lines
4.8 KiB

# -*-mode: tcl; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: SHList2.tcl,v 1.4 2001/12/09 05:31:07 idiscovery Exp $
# Tix Demostration Program
# This sample program is structured in such a way so that it can be
# executed from the Tix demo program "widget": it must have a
# procedure called "RunSample". It should also have the "if" statment
# at the end of this file so that it can be run as a standalone
# program using tixwish.
# This file demonstrates how to use multiple columns and multiple styles
# in the tixHList widget
# In a tixHList widget, you can have one ore more columns.
proc RunSample {w} {
# We create the frame and the ScrolledHList widget
# at the top of the dialog box
frame $ -relief raised -bd 1
# Put a simple hierachy into the HList (two levels). Use colors and
# separator widgets (frames) to make the list look fancy
tixScrolledHList $ -options {
hlist.columns 3
hlist.header true
pack $ -expand yes -fill both -padx 10 -pady 10 -side left
set hlist [$ subwidget hlist]
# Create the title for the HList widget
# >> Notice that we have set the hlist.header subwidget option to true
# so that the header is displayed
# First some styles for the headers
set style(header) [tixDisplayStyle text -refwindow $hlist \
-fg black -anchor c \
-padx 8 -pady 2\
-font [tix option get bold_font ]]
$hlist header create 0 -itemtype text -text Name \
-style $style(header)
$hlist header create 1 -itemtype text -text Position \
-style $style(header)
# Notice that we use 3 columns in the hlist widget. This way when the user
# expands the windows wide, the right side of the header doesn't look
# chopped off. The following line ensures that the 3 column header is
# not shown unless the hlist window is wider than its contents.
$hlist column width 2 0
# This is our little relational database
set boss {doe "John Doe" Director}
set managers {
{jeff "Jeff Waxman" Manager}
{john "John Lee" Manager}
{peter "Peter Kenson" Manager}
set employees {
{alex john "Alex Kellman" Clerk}
{alan john "Alan Adams" Clerk}
{andy peter "Andreas Crawford" Salesman}
{doug jeff "Douglas Bloom" Clerk}
{jon peter "Jon Baraki" Salesman}
{chris jeff "Chris Geoffrey" Clerk}
{chuck jeff "Chuck McLean" Cleaner}
set style(mgr_name) [tixDisplayStyle text -refwindow $hlist \
-font [tix option get bold_font ]]
set style(mgr_posn) [tixDisplayStyle text -refwindow $hlist \
-padx 8]
set style(empl_name) [tixDisplayStyle text -refwindow $hlist \
-font [tix option get bold_font ]]
set style(empl_posn) [tixDisplayStyle text -refwindow $hlist \
-padx 8 ]
# Let configure the appearance of the HList subwidget
$hlist config -separator "." -width 25 -drawbranch 0 -indent 10
$hlist column width 0 -char 20
# Create the boss
$hlist add . -itemtype text -text [lindex $boss 1] \
-style $style(mgr_name)
$hlist item create . 1 -itemtype text -text [lindex $boss 2] \
-style $style(mgr_posn)
# Create the managers
set index 0
foreach line $managers {
set row [$hlist add .[lindex $line 0] -itemtype text \
-text [lindex $line 1] -style $style(mgr_name)]
$hlist item create $row 1 -itemtype text -text [lindex $line 2] \
-style $style(mgr_posn)
incr index
foreach line $employees {
# "." is the separator character we chose above
set entrypath .[lindex $line 1].[lindex $line 0]
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# parent entryPath / child's name
set row [$hlist add $entrypath -text [lindex $line 2] \
-style $style(empl_name)]
$hlist item create $row 1 -itemtype text -text [lindex $line 3] \
-style $style(empl_posn)
# [Hint] Make sure the .[lindex $line 1].[lindex $line 0] you choose
# are unique names. If you cannot be sure of this (because of
# the structure of your database, e.g.) you can use the
# "addchild" widget command instead:
# $hlist addchild [lindex $line 1] -text [lindex $line 2]
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# parent entryPath
# Use a ButtonBox to hold the buttons.
tixButtonBox $ -orientation horizontal
$ add ok -text Ok -underline 0 -command "destroy $w" \
-width 6
$ add cancel -text Cancel -underline 0 -command "destroy $w" \
-width 6
pack $ -side bottom -fill x
pack $ -side top -fill both -expand yes
# This "if" statement makes it possible to run this script file inside or
# outside of the main demo program "widget".
if {![info exists tix_demo_running]} {
wm withdraw .
set w .demo
toplevel $w; wm transient $w ""
RunSample $w
bind .demo <Destroy> exit